People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 142 Dai Mubai: Dashi cleans the college toilets, I will make up the remaining money!


"Let us donate to Tang San?"

"It seems we don't have this obligation, right?"

"The famous 'Master' can't even raise the three hundred gold soul coins for his apprentice's surgery?"

Everyone's expressions were very reluctant.

Especially Dai Mubai, whose face was filled with disdain.

And he spoke in a very loud voice, for fear that Yu Xiaogang wouldn't be able to hear him.

"By the way, what's going on with this 'master'?"

"You don't even have three hundred gold soul coins?"

"Or is it that the threshold for becoming a master is already so low now?"

He didn't care at all about Tang San's life or death.

If he were Tang San, he wouldn't even be considered a complete man now.

He was killed directly.

That would be such a boring life.

Hearing Dai Mubai's unconcealed words, Yu Xiaogang's face suddenly turned green and black.

However, in order to collect enough donations, he had no choice but to endure the attack.

"Dean, what if we don't want to donate?"

At this moment, Ning Rongrong's light voice sounded among the Shrek crowd.

Ninety percent of the people present felt very comfortable hearing this sentence.

But when it comes to Yu Xiaogang, it becomes very harsh.

Don't want to donate?

Shrek's students would actually have such thoughts?

Their siblings, relatives, and beloved friend Tang San is now in danger.

It only takes three hundred gold soul coins to complete the operation and save his life.

As a result, their fellow students didn’t want to donate?

If you don’t donate, where will I get the money from?

This is simply unreasonable.

He leaned forward slightly, as if he wanted to step forward and say a few words.

However, in the next second, Flender's elbow blocked Yu Xiaogang's way.

The latter's face was full of reluctance, but he saw Flanders speaking.

"Everyone, please be patient."

Hearing these words, Yuxiao felt much better just now.

It seemed that he had wrongly blamed Flanders, according to his thinking.

Flender is planning to mobilize donations for Shrek's teachers and students.

So that they can let down their guard.

Put the money into his hands willingly.

However, as soon as Flanders said his next words, Yu Xiaogang was immediately stunned.

Flanders looked at the teachers and students of Shrek Academy with a smile on his face, and slowly said,

"Today's donation is just my appeal as a humanitarian idea."

"There is no mandatory requirement, whether to donate or how much to donate."

"The choice is all in your own hands. Neither Vice Dean Zhao Wuji nor I, including Da Shi, will force you to do anything."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was immediately relieved.

After all, whose money is not money.

Whether you have more money or less is your own business.

How you want to spend it is your own business.

I pay the beggar willingly.

But you Yu Xiaogang and Tang San want to use moral kidnapping to steal money from labor and management?

Still calling it a donation?

It's better to stop daydreaming now.

But when it was Yu Xiaogang's turn, he felt bad.

Flanders' words almost sentenced him to death.

What do you mean it's not mandatory for me?

Labor and management want to talk, did you let me do it?

Yu Xiaogang's face was very gloomy.

The classic shit-eating livid color seemed to be tattooed on his face.

"I think what the dean said is very reasonable, don't you think so, Dashan?"

At this moment, Zhao Wuji directly took over Flanders' words.

And at the end of the words, the problem was thrown to Yu Xiaogang.

The latter immediately stepped on the horse and was stunned.

Yu Xiaogang, whose face was ashen, could only lower his head and nod repeatedly.

It was too late for him to admit it now.

Although I wanted to have an attack, I didn't have the courage.

I'm afraid that if someone originally donated a little bit, I'd lose all of it if I don't get it right.

It's better to have a better attitude now and lie a little if you can.

If it didn't work, Yu Xiaogang thought he could only sell his belongings.

"Da Shi, this is what I, Vice Dean Zhao Wuji, and three teachers from the college have expressed. You must accept it."

"Never refuse!"

At this moment, Flender handed Yu Xiaogang a money bag with both hands.

A glint flashed in the latter's eyes, wondering in his heart that Flanders was so sensible today?

But the next second he realized something was wrong.

The donations from Flanders, Zao Wuji, and the remaining three teachers of Shrek Academy were all in this bag?

Even if this damn thing is fully loaded with gold soul coins, it can't hold much, right?


"Then I will thank you all for Tang San."

Although his heart was ups and downs, on the surface, Yu Xiaogang still pretended to accept Flanders' money bag.

Take advantage of the latter to look back.

He quickly opened the bag and did a rough count.

damn it!

Five people donated fifty gold soul coins?

There are ten co-authors! ! !

Is this ridiculous?

The dignified dean and vice-dean of Shrek Academy could only produce ten gold soul coins.

Yu Xiaogang really couldn't accept it.

Tang San's surgery fee required three hundred gold soul coins.

Originally, he thought he would keep some for himself.

Who would have thought that after all the donation, it would only be one-sixth.

After adjusting his emotions, Yu Xiaogang looked at the Shrek students expectantly.

"Everyone has a good relationship with Tang San on weekdays. You must not want to see him lying on the hospital bed all the time, right?"

Yu Xiaogang forced a stiff and ugly smile.

Everyone in Shrek felt nauseated watching this.

We don’t want to donate. Are you so disgusting when you step on a horse?

Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing really couldn't stand it anymore.

He turned his head right away.

The three people seemed to have heard nothing and all hid behind Huo Feng.

This led to putting Huo Feng, who originally wanted to pretend to be a transparent person, to the front.

He couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

These girls actually acted as a shield in front of his house?

It's really unethical.

You must know that Yu Xiaogang's disgusting level is an indiscriminate attack, and they can't stand it.

Labor and management can’t stand it!

But now that the matter has come to this, Huo Feng can't just stand like this.

I saw him quickly taking out a money bag from his body.

"Da Shi, I've been short of money recently, and I really can't afford much."

"These are ten golden soul coins. They must be handed over to Tang San personally for me!"

After saying that, he threw the money bag directly to Yu Xiaogang.

The corners of the latter's mouth twitched, and there were black lines all over his face.

Ten gold soul coins?

Strapped for money?

Yu Xiaogang believes that no one will believe that Huo Feng has no money.

This guy has never lost a single match in the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena.

Whether it's one-on-one, two-on-two, or a team fight.

Only ten gold soul coins were given?

Seeing Huo Feng take action, Ma Hongjun and Oscar randomly donated ten gold soul coins each.

But even so, there are still 220 gold soul coins short of the 300 gold soul coins Yu Xiaogang expected.

At this moment, Dai Mubai, who had been silent all this time, spoke,

"Da Shi, I see that you are very leisurely on weekdays."

"In this way, you can clean the toilets in the college during your free time, and I will make up the remaining donation!"

"What do you think?"

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