People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 144 Tang Sanyu and Xiaogang were exhausted. The donkeys in the production team weren't

Even Oscar and Ning Rongrong, who were auxiliary soul masters, were completely able to keep up with Flanders' pace at this time.

Of course, the rest of the people don’t need to say much.

But Tang San and Yu Xiaogang couldn't.

The former had surgery and has only been recovering for a month.

The most important thing is that Tang San is really missing one.

For him, it was a serious loss of vitality.

Even he himself found that his current body was not as good as before.

Especially these two waists, there will be pain from time to time.

Although after the previous constant soul fighting and the past two months of cultivation.

Now Tang San's soul power has successfully reached level twenty-seven.

But in terms of strength, he didn't feel much improvement.

Even with his current twenty-seventh level soul power, Xuantian Gong has not yet broken through to the second level.

Tang San almost doubted his life.

At the same time, his expectation of promoting the Tang Sect's hidden weapons has never been realized.

As for the hidden weapon itself.

Now Tang San and Yu Xiaogang can be said to be extremely poor.

I am able to survive thanks to free food and drink at Shrek Academy.

Tang San couldn't afford the expensive materials needed to make hidden weapons.

The day passed quickly.

Under Flanders' arrangement, everyone planned to stay in a passing town to rest for one night.

But it wasn't until an hour later that Tang San and Yu Xiaogang finally arrived.

The master and the apprentice were completely exhausted after a day of traveling quickly.

Tang San was already weak during this period.

Now I was sweating profusely and my back was dripping with sweat.

As for Yu Xiaogang, although he brags about his invincibility theory every day.

But he has never practiced these things himself.

As a result, Yu Xiaogang, whose soul power has not improved for a long time, has not had such a large amount of activity in recent years.

At the end of the day, I feel like my arms and legs are falling apart.

So at night, Yu Xiaogang found Flanders directly.

I want the latter to slow down a bit.

Who would have thought that Flanders didn't give him face at all and refused without hesitation.

After Yu Xiaogang left very dissatisfied, he privately decided to slow down with Tang San.

Tiandu Royal Academy is staying there anyway, and it is impossible to escape.

He and Tang San were at most half a day late.

Not so tired.

A few days passed quickly.

Except for Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, Shrek's teachers and students were already approaching Tiandou City.

As for the two masters and apprentices, they had been dumped long ago.

"Wuji, according to the map, we are about to reach Tiandou City."

"Where is the Tiandou Royal Academy in the city?"

Flanders asked Zhao Wuji while looking at the map.

There is no Tiandou Royal Academy logo on the map.

Zhao Wuji glanced at Flanders,

"You don't even know, how can I know?"

"You also know that none of us are soul masters from regular academies."

"How would you know if you are not from a noble place like the Royal Academy?"

"I have only been to Tiandou City once or twice. I don't remember the address of Tiandou Royal Academy at all."

"They're all pretty much the same."

With that said, Zhao Wuji turned his eyes to the other three teachers.

The three of them nodded in unison, indicating that there was nothing they could do.

"Dean Flanders, I know where Tiandou Royal Academy is."

At this moment, Ning Rongrong's voice came from behind.

She grew up in the Qibao Glazed Sect since she was a child.

The Qibao Glazed Sect is located near Tiandou City.

"My castle is not far from Tiandou City."

"I used to go to Tiandou City with my clan members, and I also went to Tiandou Royal Academy."

"Although the direct clan members are practicing and studying within the sect, some of the side clan members are still in the Royal Academy."

"Actually, Tiandou Royal Academy is not in Tiandou City."

"But outside the city. Just like our Shrek Academy is outside Soto City."

"So close?"

Huo Fengqing, who was next to Ning Rongrong, couldn't help but say something.

The former showed a arrogant little expression directly,

"I'll take you to the Qibao Glazed Sect when I get the chance!"

She said this in a low voice.

It was only aimed at Huo Feng and Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing beside him.

Flanders smiled proudly,

"It seems that the first dean of Tiandou Royal Academy has the same idea as me."

"It turns out that I am still very discerning."

Zhao Wuji poured cold water on the side and said:

"I don't think so. You don't put the academy in the city because you are short of money."

"This Tiandou Royal Academy places the academy outside the capital."

"First, I'm afraid that the luxury of the capital will affect the students' cultivation."

"More importantly, I'm afraid it's because Tiandou City doesn't have enough space to build an academy."

"As far as I know, the number of students in Tiandou Royal Academy is not very large."

"But all kinds of complete facilities require a large area to guarantee."

"You're riding a horse."

Flanders gave Zao Wuki a blank look.

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly!"

"Since Rongrong knows the place, how can we walk to the Royal Academy today?

After simply eating some dry food, Shrek and the others set off on the road again.

When night fell, under the leadership of Ning Rongrong.

They finally arrived at their destination.

Tiandou Royal Academy.

"Rongrong, are you sure this is where you are?"

Flanders asked in a strange voice.

Ning Rongrong nodded,

"Yeah, that's right."

"As long as Tiandou Royal Academy doesn't change places, I will definitely be here!"

"But this is a mountain!"

Flanders was immediately stunned.

Don't tell me that this entire mountain belongs to Tiandu Royal Academy?

Ning Rongrong's next introduction directly made him realize that he had indeed guessed correctly.

"This mountain belongs to Tiandou Royal Academy."

"The forest behind and the lake at the foot of the mountain on the left are all within the scope of the college's management."

"We should be entering the academy soon."

After looking at Flanders who was stunned, Zao Wuji said leisurely and contentedly,

"It is a good place with mountains and rivers."

Several other teachers also nodded in admiration.

Huo Feng also thought it was good.

As expected of the Royal Academy, it knows how to choose its place.

The scenery here is indeed beautiful.

Especially at this time, when the sun sets in the west and the sky is filled with twilight.

Against the backdrop of the red clouds in the west, whether it is the lake at the foot of the mountain.

The thousand-meter-high mountains covered with various plants all give people a sense of paradise.

This place is less than twenty kilometers away from Tiandou City, the capital of the Tiandou Empire.

And the environment is so beautiful.

Definitely a great place to stay for a long time.

At the same time, there was a fork hundreds of kilometers away.

Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang suspiciously,

"Teacher, is this really the way to go to Tiandou City?"

Yu Xiaogang nodded impatiently,

"Nonsense, I've been to Tiandou City so many times, can I still go wrong?"

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