People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 145 Yu Xiaogang turned and lost his way, Tang and the others were dumbfounded: Is this Nan?

On the side of Tiandou Royal Academy, Shrek and the others had not taken a few steps.

The group's path was blocked by several soul masters who were about eighteen or nineteen years old.

"Stop, who are you?"

Although he didn't summon his own martial spirit.

But it can be seen from their goose-yellow uniforms that these students belong to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Flanders responded calmly,

"We are from Shrek Academy."

"I came here specifically to communicate at the invitation of your Tiandou Royal Academy."

"Lead the way."

The young man leading the other party looked at Flanders up and down, and then looked at the attire of the others.

A trace of disdain suddenly appeared on his face,

"You are just locals like you, and you still come to our academy to communicate?"

"I think you must be beggars from somewhere."

"Get out of here! Otherwise we will use force."

After traveling for several days, everyone at Shrek Academy was indeed a little tired.

But it's not as bad as he said.

Especially Huo Feng and the three girls kept things very clean and refreshing.

The leading student of Tiandou Royal Academy obviously judged people by their appearance.

Seeing that everyone in Shrek Academy is simply dressed.

In addition, Flanders' somewhat arrogant words made him unhappy, so he said these words.

There are very few people with real ability who can enter Tiandou Royal Academy.

Most of them got in through connections and noble titles.

This has always been the biggest problem of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Otherwise, how could they have the name of the First Academy of the Tiandou Empire but not have the strength of the First Academy?

Not to mention that these teachers at Shrek Academy are all arrogant people.

Otherwise, he would not give up the opportunity to join the soul master family or other forces to establish Shrek Academy.

At this time, even a few students from Shrek.

They were already furious at the other party's unkind words.

Dai Mubai just flashed and was already in front of Flanders.

Senhan's breath burst out instantly.

Ever since he was a child, no one had ever insulted him like this.

And in such a contemptuous tone.

He has never been a good-tempered person.


No one has reacted yet.

Dai Mubai directly kicked the young man who spoke and flew out.

Immediately afterwards, he activated his martial spirit without hesitation.

The sudden change caused the noble disciples of the Tiandou Royal Academy to panic.

They never expected that the other party would actually dare to take action at the gate of their college.

Except for a few people who had a little bit of brains and quickly activated their martial spirits.

Most people actually retreated quickly for fear of being affected.

And even those few students who have activated martial arts.

As soon as he saw the three shining soul rings on Dai Mubai's body, he didn't dare to step forward and take action, so he quickly backed away.

In their brains, there is no concept of the weak defeating the strong.

The soul ring is an absolute difference.

And among them, not even one person can reach level 30.

"Such a dish?"

Dai Mubai frowned.

He really didn't expect this group of soul masters to be so weak.

To say something a little insulting.

Even if Tang San is called here, it won't be a problem to hit the opponent two or three times.

Dai Mubai has rich combat experience.

Adhering to the principle of hitting first and talking later.

He didn't even give Shrek's other students a chance to do anything.

The tiger palms spread out along with the body shape.

In just two or three breaths, the few people who retreated a little slower have been beaten away.

Seeing Dai Mubai take action, Flanders and others couldn't help but frown.

Naturally, they would not be dissatisfied because of Dai Mubai's sudden move.

It's because the quality of the students at the Tiandou Royal Academy in front of them is really poor.

It doesn't matter if you are arrogant, but you must have the ability to be arrogant.

Otherwise, there is something wrong with your brain.

But in front of them, these seemingly decent young people were completely vulnerable.

You know, although their soul power is far different from Dai Mubai's.

But the number of people occupies an absolute advantage.

If they could unite to attack Dai Mubai, they would at least be able to withstand it.

But the situation before us was completely one-sided.

A dozen people were beaten by Dai Mubai until they were unable to fight back.

Throwing away his armor, he looked like a deserter on the battlefield.

Some of them were even crying for their fathers, and they didn't look like soul masters at all.

Flanders looked at Zhao Wuji beside him,

"Is this a student from Tiandou Royal Academy?"

"It's just a load of garbage."

"I'm starting to wonder if coming here was the wrong decision."

Zhao Wuji groaned bitterly,

"Don't ask me on horseback, how do I know?"

"The Imperial Fighting Team we met last time at the Soto Spirit Arena was not as good as them."

"Okay, Mubai."

Flender called Dai Mubai to stop. If he continued to fight, he might be crippled.

Only then did the latter stop, his evil pupils flickering with evil light,

"Let's see who it is."

"You, how dare you make trouble in our Tiandou Royal Academy!"

"This is a provocation to the empire!"

"You wait, you wait..."

Flanders snorted coldly,

"It's a good hat, but it's just rubbish."

"Call your college teachers to come out!"

At this moment, a vigorous voice suddenly sounded,

"What's going on? Why is it so noisy?"

I saw a figure coming quickly between the tree-lined paths on the hillside.

He was wearing a silver suit and looked about the same age as Flanders.

His face is like a silver plate, with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

With his hands behind his back, he looked a bit like a master.

"Great, Teacher Sun is here."

The young man who was the leader before seemed to have seen a life-saving straw, almost rolling and crawling to meet him.

"Teacher Sun, they dared to come to our place to cause trouble and even beat us."

"You have to make the decision for us!"

Teacher Sun looked at the student in front of him who looked like a bereaved dog and couldn't help but frown.

"Xue Beng, what do you look like?"

Is this an avalanche?

Huo Feng frowned slightly and his eyes fell on Xue Beng.

Being familiar with the plot, he naturally knew that this boy would become the new emperor of the Tiandou Empire.

It has to be said that this act of pretending to be stupid is really a bit tricky.

Can't tell at all.

In front of outsiders, Teacher Sun did not reprimand his students much.

He looked in the direction of the Shrek Academy group.

When he faced Flanders, he couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Then he hurriedly took a few steps forward, saluted slightly and said:

"My dear, Sun Buyu, why do you come to our Tiandou Academy?"

In a strange place, Tang San suddenly stopped.

"Teacher, did you just say this is south?"

Yu Xiaogang frowned when he heard this.

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

After receiving the answer, Tang San was completely stunned.

This damn thing is Dong!

Yu Xiaogang actually said it was the south?

This is not a joke!

He never imagined that Yu Xiaogang would turn and get lost.

And he refused to admit it.

What the hell is this!

If we keep going like this, we won't be able to reach Tiandou City on horseback even in the year of the monkey.

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