People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 157 What? The three girls all want to sleep next to Huo Feng?

"As Tang San's teacher, I will go with him."

"It shouldn't be a problem, right?"

At this time, Yu Xiaogang's face was full of arrogance.

Level 30 soul power?

Tang San reached level 30 soul power?

No one among the dozen or so people around believed Yu Xiaogang's words.

And he seemed to have expected this situation.

He actually took out a set of soul power testing equipment in front of everyone.

An accurate test showed that Tang San's soul power had indeed broken through to level 30.

Although everyone, including Flanders, was puzzled.

But now this is the case.

We can only bring Tang San and Yu Xiaogang with us.

At this moment, Flanders continued to speak,

"It's actually not difficult for you to pass."

"As long as you can use your collective strength to hunt the soul beast that suits you."

"At the same time, the four of us never took action, even if you pass!"

"Ah? Isn't this difficult?"

Oscar next to him couldn't help but exclaimed.

Flanders rolled his eyes,

"What? Oscar, do you have any objections?"

"No, no. The dean is wise."

Oscar still knows Flanders' temper.

If I raise any objections, I'm afraid the graduation exam will become more difficult.

"It's okay if you don't. Let's go."

Flanders gave the order to set off, and a dozen people set foot on the road to the Sunset Forest.

It's very close from Tiandou City to Sunset Forest.

This Sunset Forest can also be said to be the place where soul masters in most cities around Tiandou City hunt soul beasts.

When everyone came to Sunset Forest again this time, they all felt that it was a strange place.

Compared with Sunset Forest and Star Dou Forest.

In addition to the large difference in size, there are many differences.

The Star Dou Forest is located in the center of the continent and is the largest soul beast forest in the center.

It is also within the tropical range, and most of the forests are dominated by tropical plants.

The Sunset Forest is located in the center of the Tiandou Empire.

Although it is not yet a frigid zone, the temperature is much lower than that of the Star Dou Forest.

This results in the plants here being more temperate plants unique to the north.

Tropical plants feel denser and moister.

Temperate plants feel refreshing.

But it is not as dense as tropical plants.

Therefore, it is much easier to move in the forest in Sunset Forest than in Star Dou Forest.

Of course, powerful soul beasts generally prefer tropical rainforests like the Star Dou Forest.

Therefore, there are many soul beasts in the Sunset Forest.

But there are not many people who can cultivate for more than ten thousand years.

Most of them stayed at the level of cultivation between a thousand and ten thousand years.

Coupled with the soul master's unrestrained hunting, the quality of the soul beasts has generally declined.

Now I want to hunt a soul beast that suits me.

Not only must you have strength, but you must also have patience.

It has been half a day since Shrek and the others entered Sunset Forest.

The number of soul beasts encountered on the road was similar to that in the Star Dou Forest.

But the quality is worse.

Although I also encountered a few thousand-year-level soul beasts, most of them were just over a thousand years old.

Obviously not what everyone wants.

Likewise, those soul beasts did not come to provoke these large troops.

"Take a rest and look for us tomorrow."

Flanders looked at the darkening sky and called out to the Shrek people who were looking around.

Thanks to the help of the soul guide, everyone was well prepared.

In a short time, the two tents had been set up.

In order to react faster in this soul beast forest.

The tent chosen by everyone was large and strong.

Two deans, Flanders and Zhao Wuji, three teachers, and Yu Xiaogang lived in one building.

Shrek's students live in another building.

The task of keeping vigil was also carried out by Shrek students.

Dinner is very simple, after dinner.

Flender simply explained to everyone in Shrek a few times, then got into the tent to rest.

Although their tent only accommodates six people.

But the size of the tent is also smaller than that of Shrek students.

Because he didn't include Yu Xiaogang originally.

Who would have thought that this guy would kill himself halfway.

In this case, you can only let it sleep on the outside.

If you are busy, there is a way.

As soon as you turn around, you can go directly outside to watch the night.

Maybe he could even meet his disciple Tang San.

As for the Shrek students, it was Tang San who was in charge of vigil in the first half of the night.

This was something he requested on his own initiative.

Because he slept in the same tent as the rest of Shrek.

It's really a bit embarrassing.

He wasn't very familiar with them before.

There is another particularly important reason.

Next to Tang San was Dai Mubai.

He really didn't have the guts to do this.

They can only pretend to be the first to go out and keep vigil.

After Tang San came out, the few remaining people moved around casually, taking away his little position.

Tang San was somewhat depressed now.

Camping in the wild is different from practicing in the academy.

In the academy, you can spend your evenings practicing meditation.

However, the biggest disadvantage of meditating is that it requires concentration.

After practicing for one night, your physical condition will become better.

But there will be a period of mental exhaustion.

This situation is not allowed when hunting soul beasts.

If you are unable to concentrate under the attack of the soul beast, it may cause irreparable losses.

Therefore, in the process of hunting soul beasts.

Rest at night Everyone must rely on sleep to restore themselves to their best condition.

But now he obviously cannot realize this extravagant wish.

On the other hand, it was a different scene in the tent of the Shrek students at this moment.

Next to Dai Mubai was Ma Hongjun.

Next to Ma Hongjun is Oscar.

And next to Oscar is Huo Feng.

On the other side of Huo Feng were Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

Lying next to Huo Feng, Xiao Wu felt a slight fever all over her body.

Although she kept telling herself to fall asleep quickly.

But the more he thought about it, the more energetic he became, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

Ning Rongrong was next to Xiao Wu on the other side. At this time, she was whispering into Xiao Wu's ear:

"Xiao Wu, why do I feel that you are so nervous?"

"What's there to be nervous about being next to Huo Feng?"

"How about I switch with you?"

Xiao Wu pinched Ning Rongrong's thigh angrily.

"I hate it, I won't change it!"

Ning Rongrong chuckled and said:

"I knew you couldn't bear it."

"Quick, don't get so close to me. It's so crowded that I can't even turn over."

While saying this, Ning Rongrong deliberately turned her back and nudged Xiao Wu with her delicate little butt.

If Xiao Wu agrees to change positions, she really wants to be next to Huo Feng.

Zhu Zhuqing on the side listened quietly to Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong's words.

I couldn't help but feel a little itchy in my heart.

Same as Ning Rongrong.

Now she is also thinking quietly in her heart.

If she were to change to Xiao Wu's position, she would sleep next to Huo Feng all night.

So what are you thinking about at this moment?

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