People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 158 Tang San and Yu Xiaogang team up? Tang San felt uncertain instantly!

A normal night.

Early the next morning, Shrek and everyone started taking action.

There are two deans, Flanders and Zhao Wuji, each responsible for two students.

The remaining three teachers are each responsible for one student.

As for Tang San, Yu Xiaogang was specifically in charge.

The crowd was divided into six groups in total.

They spread out and began to search for the soul beasts.

But Flanders had already said it beforehand.

Can't go too far.

If there is danger, the others can also support each other.

The only group that is dangerous.

Maybe it was Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

This is also the only group of students whose soul power is higher than that of the teacher.

Tang San felt a little unsure, but Yu Xiaogang was inexplicably confident.

The most outrageous thing is that with Yu Xiaogang's super sense of direction.

The two of them went further and further away.

It even deviated somewhat from the originally planned route.

Suddenly, a strange sound attracted Tang San's attention.

The rustling sound sounded like someone was changing clothes.

But it was also like the sound of leaves rubbing against each other.

With the vigilance in his heart, Tang San slowly stood up.

He looked cautiously in the direction of the sound.

Then, he saw the originator of the sound.

It turned out to be a spider!

The body of the guy who suddenly appeared was black.

But compared to its own type, it is surprisingly large.

A weird giant spider with a main body diameter of over one and a half meters and eight spear-like legs over three meters long.

The whole body is black and the carapace is shiny.

The front ends of the long legs are slender, and they pierce the ground silently with every step forward, showing their sharpness.

Tang San discovered it, and it seemed to also discover Tang San.

The eight long legs moved rapidly, even bringing up a series of phantoms, arriving in front of Tang San in the blink of an eye.

Two of the front legs instantly lifted up and stabbed directly towards Tang San's head.

The lifting of the front legs inevitably drives the body upward.

At the same time, Yu Xiaogang happened to see its abdomen.

It was this glance that made Yu Xiaogang recognize its type.

"The Man-Faced Spider!"

"Mistress, be careful!"

Seeing that ferocious face, Tang San thought of many names for the spider in front of him.

The nightmare of a small soul beast, a life-devouring existence.

The object of hatred of all soul beasts, the terrifying evil killer.

These names are all used to describe the long-legged spider in front of me.

Its name is the Man-Faced Spider.

Among soul beasts, it is also a terrifying existence.

This kind of human-faced demon spider is a creature that even soul beasts are afraid of.

It has a solid carapace and extremely fast speed.

It has eight long legs with extremely strong penetrating power and poison. The most terrifying thing is its spider web.

The webs of ordinary spiders are made of silk.

But it is different. Its spider webs are spit out directly.

Not only is it extremely sticky, it's also extremely tough.

It is accompanied by a terrifying neurological poison.

Soul beasts like Tang San's first soul ring, the Mandala Snake, could only be reduced to food in front of this human-faced demon spider.

Tang San naturally heard Yu Xiaogang's reminder. .

He was instantly shocked and didn't dare to exaggerate.

Almost without hesitation, he fell to the ground and rolled out, dodging the long-legged spider's attack.

A breath of cold air suddenly came from his mouth.

I never expected to encounter it in this place.

There are some white lines on the spider's lower abdomen.

A stark contrast to its black body.

But these white lines form a vicious human face.

A total of eight small eyes shining with faint purple light were placed close to its lower abdomen.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider is one of the targets of Tang San's third soul ring guided by Yu Xiaogang.

Tang San clearly remembered what the teacher once said to him.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider is the hardest to obtain, so he must not force it.

Because when encountering the Man-Faced Demon Spider, even if there are powerful soul masters holding the battle, it is easy to encounter danger.

What's more, they are now far away from Shrek's large army.

Although it is said that when there is danger, Flanders and Zhao Wuji should be able to feel it.

But if you come here, it will take at least some time.

The webs spewed by the Man-Faced Demon Spider are not only instantaneous.

And it can cover an area ten times its own, making it almost impossible to dodge.

Even if a powerful soul master is covered by it, it will take time to break free.

And this time is enough for it to do a lot of things.

Tang San also didn't expect that he would encounter a Man-Faced Demon Spider in this situation.

Judging from its appearance, it clearly exceeds a thousand years of cultivation.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider can spit out webs three times a day.

Generally speaking, its first action when seeing prey is to spit out spider webs.

However, at this time, it relied on its long legs to attack.

Coupled with the injury under its abdomen, this made Tang San think of a possibility.

This Man-Faced Demon Spider's web has used up its breath today.

Facing a fully formed Man-Faced Demon Spider, Tang San knew that he would have no chance.

But if it's an injured Man-Faced Demon Spider, that's not necessarily the case.

After all, the key point of the Man-Faced Demon Spider is very obvious, namely its eight eyes.

If you can kill the Man-Faced Demon Spider in front of you and then absorb the soul ring formed by it.

Then this trip will be very successful.

These thoughts appeared in Tang San's mind as his body rolled out of the lightning flash.

When he turned over and stood up, the bluesilver grass entanglement skill had already been activated.

Countless long and thick blades of grass suddenly wrapped around the body of the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

Tang San knew that with the power of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, he would have no problem breaking through the blue silver grass entanglement around him.

The paralyzing toxin attached to Bluesilver Grass has no effect on it at all. It is highly poisonous in itself.

In addition to neurotoxins, the Man-Faced Demon Spider also has corrosive poisons.

That's why he is so domineering.

These are what Tang San hopes to appear on his Blue Silver Grass.

Therefore, obtaining this soul ring is extremely important to him.

Yu Xiaogang had the same idea.

But now he is hiding quietly behind a big tree.

Although his soul power was only level 29, he looked similar to Tang San.

But he is the most useless disciple in Shrek Academy.

Compared with him, it is much stronger than him.

Therefore, the only way to hunt down the Man-Faced Demon Spider in front of him was by Tang San himself.

Yu Xiaogang was not even ready to take action.

Just his two moments.

I'm afraid it will be a side effect.

After all, Luo Sanpao's attacks were indiscriminate attacks.

If it wasn't corrected, Tang San would be accidentally injured.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider's movements were faster than Tang San imagined.

The restraint of Bluesilver Grass obviously made it angry.

A layer of purple brilliance spread from it.

In Tang San's shocked eyes, the bluesilver grass attached to it melted just like that!

In other words, it is corroded.

When the Blue Silver Grass was corroded to a certain extent, the Man-Faced Demon Spider broke free without any hindrance.

The next second, he rushed towards Tang San again.

This time, its long front limbs were raised, obviously intending to kill Tang San with one blow.

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