People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 160 The Man-Faced Demon Spider pierced Yu Xiaogang’s key part

This Man-Faced Spider is smaller.

It was smaller than the one he dealt with just now.

This shows that its age is many years shorter than that just now.

But even so, Tang San was still desperate now.

He never thought that a second Man-Faced Demon Spider could emerge from this place.

This extremely unlikely event happened to him.

The Clear Sky Hammer that had just been shot had automatically turned into nothingness and disappeared without the support of his soul power.

That hammer completely drained Tang San of his soul power. At this time, his soul power and physical strength were both exhausted.

Tang San's legs went weak and he couldn't hold on any longer.

He sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

He lowered his eyes and looked towards where Yu Xiaogang was.

The latter's face was pale and his lips were purple.

Beads of sweat as big as soybeans appeared on his forehead.

In addition, Yu Xiaogang's body continued to tremble.

And his hands were tightly covering the key part between his legs.

Seeing this scene, Tang San was suddenly shocked.

He briefly glanced around twice and found no wounds on Yu Xiaogang's body.

Could it be that the teacher was attacked by this man-faced demon spider and hit a key part of his body!

His heart suddenly went cold.

Having had the same experience, he knew how painful this feeling was.

At that time, he was only injured by the aftermath of Yu Tianheng's soul skill.

As a result, only one of the two is left.

The poison of the Man-Faced Demon Spider is appalling.

Doesn't that mean.

It’s very possible that the teacher won’t have any left?

Tang San quickly shook his head to calm himself down.

Now is not the time to think about these things.

Although the Man-Faced Demon Spider next to Yu Xiaogang did not continue to attack him.

However, if it is not handled properly, he and Yu Xiaogang will die directly.

At that time, it will be a question of one or two.

Apparently it doesn't matter anymore.

Even his life is gone.

One pill or two pills, what’s the difference?

Tang San noticed that the smaller Man-Faced Demon Spider was staring at the other Man-Faced Demon Spider ten meters away behind Tang San.

At this moment, the latter is still not dead.

Its delicate vegetation was instantly corroded.

Even thick trees were immediately shattered when hit by its body.

Within a radius of tens of square meters, it was a mess, and not a single plant could remain intact.

As time passes by.

The spider's writhes grew smaller and smaller.

The carapace on the body is covered with that layer of blue-purple brilliance.

Purple-black fluid continued to flow from the wounds on its eight eyes, and it looked like it was no longer alive.

The life of the Man-Faced Demon Spider is gradually passing away.

Then dots of blue-purple light began to condense above its body, and then a purple soul ring emerged.

After the death of a thousand-year soul beast, the soul ring can remain for one hour.

It can be absorbed as long as it is absorbed within an hour.

Tang San could be said to be hopeless now.

The thousand-year soul ring is around him, but he just can't absorb it.

But another small man-faced demon spider has been staring at him eagerly.

There seems to be no intention to take action.

The other side.

The students in charge of Flanders are Huo Feng and Xiao Wu.

At this time, they still had not found the soul beast.

Flanders was not in a hurry.

Especially Huo Feng, such a talented person.

Naturally, you can't just find a soul ring and do it hastily.

Of course he didn't know that Huo Feng already had his fourth soul ring.

And it’s a ten thousand year black soul ring.

Now it's just hidden using the soul ring simulator.

Therefore, Huo Fengcai has been moving forward unhurriedly.

The purpose is to find opportunities and leave Flanders.

Then when he came back, the soul ring had been absorbed.

The same is true for Xiao Wu.

She is a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast that transformed into a human being.

There is no need to absorb soul rings at all.

I'm also thinking about looking for a chance to leave for a while.


At this moment, Flanders, who was ten meters behind the two of them, suddenly stopped.

Huo Feng and Xiao Wu also stopped when they heard the noise.

Is there something going on?

At this moment, Flanders' ears moved slightly and he judged a direction.

Then he flew directly above the trees and verified his judgment again.

"You two stay nearby and don't go too far!"

After saying that, Flanders disappeared in a flash.

Just now, he felt the aura of two soul beasts that were at least a thousand years old.

Moreover, these two breaths were accompanied by a scream.

The direction from which the breath came.

It seemed to be the direction where Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were.

With the strength of these two guys, a thousand-year soul beast is still possible.

If two thousand-year-old soul beasts appeared at the same time, they would be completely powerless to fight back.

That's why he hurried over to take a look.

Although he usually hated what Yu Xiaogang and Tang San did.

But not disgusted enough to kill them.

After all, these two guys are still from his Shrek Academy.

Take them out together, whether you can get the soul ring is another matter.

At least take them back alive again.

Huo Feng and Xiao Wu looked at each other, then seemed a little confused.

But he clearly noticed the flash in Xiao Wu's eyes.

It seems that he sensed an opportunity.

Sure enough, just a minute later, Xiao Wu said that she felt the spirit beast's breath.

Then he disappeared deep into the dense forest.

Huo Feng shook his head and smiled softly.

Didn't chase it at all.

That's fine, it saves him from running away.

When Xiao Wu comes back, she can just say that she has also finished hunting a soul beast.

Although they didn't know what Flanders was doing.

But at least when the latter comes back, Huo Feng and Xiao Wu's soul rings have been absorbed.

Following the breath of the soul beast, Flanders moved forward quickly.

At this moment, the second Man-Faced Demon Spider in front of Tang San saw that the large Man-Faced Demon Spider behind it was completely dead.

Finally it started to move.

It did not continue to torture Yu Xiaogang.

Instead, he chose to crawl towards Tang San.

The latter is now heartbroken.

He is almost like a useless person now.

There is no fighting ability at all.

He watched helplessly as the Man-Faced Demon Spider crawled toward him.

But there was nothing we could do.

Tang San now felt like fish on the chopping board.

It's like letting others slaughter you.

Looking at the Man-Faced Demon Spider getting closer and closer to him, Tang San slowly closed his eyes.

Hopefully this will alleviate some of the fear and pain.

The two masters and disciples are afraid that they will have to deal with the sunset forest today.

It's a pity that Tang San has grown so big that he has never even touched a woman's hand.


The Man-Faced Demon Spider was very fast and arrived in front of Tang San in a few breaths.

Then he raised a spider leg and stabbed Tang San accurately.

The latter had already heard the sound of the spider's legs stirring the air.


At this moment, another extremely obvious sound broke through the air.


The next second, an extremely harsh sound suddenly exploded from Tang San's ears.

The breath of the Man-Faced Demon Spider also disappeared.

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