People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 161 Tang San raised his sword and dropped it, and Yu Xiaogang became a eunuch!

He hurriedly opened his eyes, and the Man-Faced Demon Spider in front of him had already flown ten meters away.

At this moment six of the eight legs were broken.

His body was mutilated, and he died immediately without even struggling.

In front of him, stood a slender figure.

Tang San was in a daze for a moment, and finally came to his senses.

"Dean of the hospital!"

The person coming was none other than Flanders.


Tang San reacted and knelt directly towards Flanders.

Then he cried bitterly and said,

"Dean, teacher, he was injured in a key part by the Man-Faced Demon Spider."

"Please help him quickly"

Tang San's words made Flanders frown.

Naturally, he discovered that Yu Xiaogang was lying on the ground moaning in pain.

But what did Tang San mean by this key part?

Could it be?

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that Yu Xiaogang's face had begun to turn purple.

This is a symptom of severe poisoning.

And his hands were firmly holding the key part between his legs.

He immediately understood the meaning of what Tang San just said.

Could it be that Yu Xiaogang was injured by the Man-Faced Demon Spider in this position?

The poison of the Man-Faced Demon Spider is notoriously potent.

If it gets even a little bit, this place will be ruined.

Not to mention that the key parts are so fragile.

Yu Xiaogang is afraid that he will die.

Thinking of this, Flanders did not dare to delay any longer.

He immediately took out a dagger and cut open Yu Xiaogang's clothes.

After the clothes were opened, he could clearly see that part of Yu Xiaogang's body had turned purple-black.

He was stunned for a moment.

This situation is basically unsafe.

But Yu Xiaogang's life can still be saved.

That is to cut off and chop off all the key locations where the poison has been deeply poisoned.

Then force out all the remaining poison that entered the body.

Although this method can still cause serious damage to a person's vitality.

But it's better than losing your life.

Flanders hesitated again and again, and then said softly,

"Tang San, your teacher's life is in danger and he needs your help now."

Hearing the sound, Tang San immediately crawled over,

"Dean, if you need help with anything, just ask!"

"As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it!"

Flanders shook his head slightly and said,

"No, no, no, this is not your help, but my help."

"You have been the master's disciple for so many years. Once you are a teacher, you will always be a father."

"I think you two have already been as close as father and son."

"Therefore, something so important to the master can only be done by you yourself."

After saying that, Flanders directly handed the dagger in his hand to Tang San.

Then he took two steps back.

Yu Xiaogang's condition was instantly exposed before Tang San's eyes.

He looked shocked and horrified.

Is the situation of teachers already that bad?

After Tang San was stunned for a moment, he understood what Flanders meant.

The latter naturally did not want to do such an unprecedented thing to Yu Xiaogang.

Although his purpose was to save Yu Xiaogang.

But it’s really time to settle old scores later.

With Yu Xiaogang's character, he would definitely not just let it go with him.

That's why he came up with such a method.

Let Tang San do it, and the problem will be solved instantly.

"Tang San, the poison of the Man-Faced Demon Spider spreads very quickly."

"If we don't take action, I'm afraid we will miss our last chance."

Tang San was sweating profusely now.

But Flanders’ warning voice immediately reached his ears.


He swallowed, trying to calm down.

Tang San couldn't think of it.

This trip to the Sunset Forest, the teacher unexpectedly failed because of this.

And in the future, Yu Xiaogang may not be considered a man.

I can still count it as half.

After all, he still has one.

Once he chooses to take action, Yu Xiaogang will end up with nothing.

In that case, he is no longer a man at all.

"Teacher, you have no children. From today on, I, Tang San, am your son!"


Tang San roared angrily, then held the dagger tightly.

Stab hard at the poisoned location.


He raised the knife in his hand and cut the poisoned area directly.

Black and purple blood gurgled out.

Tang San suddenly panicked and was at a loss.

At this moment, Flanders came up from behind.

He put his hand on Yu Xiaogang's pulse, and then pure soul power poured into the back body.

The soul power of the seventy-eighth level soul saint roams freely in the body of Yu Xiaogang, a great soul master.

In just tens of seconds, all the remaining toxins in his body were forced out.

But along with the poison, there is also blood.

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang's face was no longer black and purple.

But due to excessive blood loss, his face was very pale.

Flender quickly took out medicine and bandaged Yu Xiaogang to stop the bleeding.

He even took out one of his precious pills and put it into the latter's mouth.

After a quarter of an hour, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although still unconscious.

But Yu Xiaogang's life was saved.

But his life as a man.

That can be considered the end of it.

After all, Flanders has strong mental endurance and can keep himself calm.

But Tang San couldn't.

He had never seen such a scene.

Moreover, he had to cut off Yu Xiaogang himself.

Tang San was already vomiting beside him just now.

Although he is much better now, he was already weak.

Now it can be said to be even worse.

He couldn't imagine how he would explain to the teacher after he woke up.

Such a result, no matter how perfect and sufficient the reason is.

For a man, it's all pale and feeble.


"The soul rings of these two Man-Faced Demon Spiders have appeared. If you want to absorb the soul rings, it's up to you."

At this moment, Flanders' faint voice came.

Tang San was slightly startled, his physical condition at this time was really bad.

At the beginning, the cultivation level of the human-faced demon spider was probably more than two thousand years old.

He simply chose to give up.

Instead, he chose the second small Man-Faced Demon Spider.

He couldn't determine the exact cultivation level of this human-faced demon spider, but he was certain that it was definitely more than a thousand years old.

But it is at this level just after a thousand years.

The soul rings of soul beasts also have many differences.

For example, the Thousand-year-old Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb that Oscar absorbed before is one of the gentler types of soul beasts.

It is naturally not difficult to absorb its soul ring.

But the Man-Faced Demon Spider in front of me was different.

It is definitely the most evil and violent existence among soul beasts.

Relatively speaking, its soul ring can have a greater amplifying effect.

But the process of absorption is also much more dangerous.

Because the soul master who absorbs it must withstand the impact of this violent energy.

Once the body or will cannot hold on, it is likely to cause fatal consequences.

Tang San looked at the unconscious Yu Xiaogang, and his heart finally calmed down.

"Successfully absorbing the soul ring can be regarded as a small reward for the teacher."

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