People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 162 After absorbing the spirit ring, Tang San almost died!

Raising his right hand, the blue light brought by the Blue Silver Grass Spirit slowly appeared in Tang San's palm.

Taking a deep breath, Tang San summoned the Man-Faced Demon Spider's spirit ring.

The purple-black light seemed to have finally found a vent after waiting for a long time.

As soon as they felt Tang San's martial spirit, they immediately swarmed in Tang San's direction like an ocean embracing all rivers.

Seeing the rich purple-black light, Tang San's body was instantly enveloped.

Flanders couldn't help but be secretly surprised by the strong fluctuation of soul power.

How many years of cultivation does this human-faced demon spider have?

As the person involved, Tang San felt even more clearly.

He only felt a huge flow of heat suddenly pouring into his body.

Before he could react, the heat began to burn his body like a scalding flame.

The domineering nature of the Man-Faced Demon Spider determines the violence of the soul ring it forms.

As soon as the powerful aura entered Tang San's body, it began to forcibly transform his body.

Although the energy contained in the soul ring has no consciousness.

But it was simply beyond Tang San's control.

Under the powerful fluctuations of soul power, Tang San felt as if his body was about to explode.

The severe pain caused him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Tang San, who was sitting cross-legged in the middle, could no longer see his figure.

At this time, his entire body was shrouded in a layer of light red mist.

The red color in the mist was not the light of soul power, but Tang San's blood.

Not long ago, with the violent fluctuation of soul power in his body.

Tang San's skin began to overflow with a layer of fine blood beads.

As the soul power transpired into the air, it turned into this light red mist.

Tang San frowned, his lips pursed tightly, and his body was constantly convulsing.

Coupled with the blood drops emerging from under the skin, one can imagine how severe the pain he was suffering now.

In the mist, the crackling sounds of bones could be heard from time to time.

But the third soul ring that should appear with the absorption has never appeared.

This proves that Tang San hasn't been able to completely absorb the Man-Faced Demon Spider spirit ring.

Only he himself knew the pain Tang San was suffering at this time.

In front of the energy of the Man-Faced Demon Spider's soul ring, he felt as if his whole body was being cut by countless sharp blades.

His internal organs ached everywhere, and the tyrannical energy was constantly tearing at his body.

It kept him in extreme pain.

Because the number of human-faced demon spiders is rare, even if Yu Xiaogang is awake now.

With his invincible theory, it is difficult to judge its true cultivation range.

According to his theory, the soul master's third soul ring can absorb maximum soul power for more than 1,700 years.

Only the fourth soul ring can absorb soul rings with a cultivation level of about five thousand years.

The upper limit of absorption for the fifth soul ring is about twelve thousand years.

The upper limit for the sixth soul ring to be absorbed is twenty thousand years.

The seventh soul ring ranges from thirty thousand to fifty thousand years, depending on the different attributes of different soul masters.

Only when you reach the eighth soul ring can you absorb the soul rings of soul beasts that are over 50,000 years old.

Only the final ninth spirit ring has the possibility of absorbing a hundred thousand year old spirit beast.

Of course, among the known soul masters, no one has been able to absorb a hundred thousand year old soul beast as his last soul ring.

Of the two Man-Faced Demon Spiders that Tang San killed, the true cultivation level of the first one was over two thousand years old.

Although it has just exceeded, it has already exceeded the limit that the soul master's third soul ring can absorb.

If he chooses to absorb the first Man-Faced Demon Spider soul ring, he may not be able to withstand its terrifying energy.

Although the second Man-Faced Demon Spider's cultivation level is much lower, it is still more than a thousand years old.

At about the level of one thousand one hundred to twelve hundred years.

Tang San's situation is different from that of most spirit masters, because he has a twin martial spirit.

In addition, he is practicing the Xuantian Technique recorded in Xuantian Baolu.

The physical strength is much better than that of ordinary people.

Logically speaking, although he is indeed useless now.

But that was compared to other people in Shrek, and they were also at level 30 soul power.

If it were an ordinary soul beast, it wouldn't be a big problem if his third soul ring absorbed one for about a thousand years.

After all, the physical advantages are there.

But this Man-Faced Demon Spider is no ordinary soul beast.

Its own violence and strength make the spirit ring extremely domineering.

In addition, Tang San himself was in very bad condition.

It can even be said to be weak.

This caused him to immediately fall into a huge crisis.

If Tang San's situation in front of him could be calculated.

Then, there can only be one ending for him.

That is, the body cannot withstand the energy impact of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, and the body explodes and dies.

After all, that energy was beyond what he could absorb.

The tyrannical energy fluctuations continued to rise, and the blood mist around Tang San's body became more and more obvious.

In the blood mist, there was even a faint fishy smell seeping out.

He didn't know if it was the impurities in Tang San's body or the toxins belonging to the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

At this moment, a very rich and pure energy spread quietly from Tang San's body.

Then he directly wrapped the violent energy that invaded the latter's body and successfully purified it.

Even Tang San himself didn't expect it.

At this critical moment, his body actually behaved like this.

It was actually the Six Dihun Pills he had taken before.

Not all the energy of this elixir was absorbed by his body.

Some of it remains in the body.

Who would have thought that it would actually work at this time.

If the energy of the Man-Faced Demon Spider's soul ring was conscious, it would definitely be discovered.

Its violent energy seemed to break through Tang San's body every time.

But at the last moment it will always be resisted and swallowed up.

And in every resistance and devouring.

The energy contained in the Man-Faced Demon Spider's spirit ring was also being absorbed bit by bit by Tang San's body.

Under this ebb and flow, this violent energy is also constantly weakening.

The most critical issue Tang San had to face now.

How can the absorbed soul ring energy be integrated with one's own body and Xuantian Kung.

Integrate with Wuhun Bluesilver Grass.

Although Bluesilver Grass itself is weak, it is not very resistant to external forces.

But the energy of the Man-Faced Demon Spider Soul Ring was so overbearing that even the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit was reluctant to absorb it.

It was this process of mutual strife that brought Tang San the greatest pain.

A quarter of an hour later, the bones on Tang San's body began to make intensive crackling sounds.

This sound didn't sound loud, but it gave people a frightening feeling.

It was as if Tang San's entire body might break at any moment.

A layer of faint gray gradually appeared in the blood drops that overflowed from the surface of the skin.

Along with the absorption of the spirit ring, the energy contained in the Human-Faced Demon Spider was impacting Tang San's body in an extremely tough way.

The pain involved was so severe that it was unimaginable.

The fine drops of blood no longer spilled out, and Tang San's frown also relaxed a bit.

A layer of faint blue light began to quietly overflow from his body.

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