People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 171 It’s weird if Tang San wins, but it’s normal if he loses!

Therefore, Oscar and Ma Hongjun casually sprinkled a handful of salt on Tang San's wounds to disinfect them.

Then I stuffed a ball of gauze and left it alone.

The heartbreaking pain almost made Tang San faint without any pain.

There were also undisguised sneers from the surrounding stands.

"Is this the genius fighting Shrek?"

"It's too much!"

"This kid was beaten so hard by Senior Shi Mo that he couldn't fight back. I think he just gained a reputation in vain!"

Hearing this voice, everyone in Shrek disapproved.

Because they themselves know it.

It's weird that Tang San can win.

It's normal to lose.

This result is not surprising at all.

At this moment, Qin Ming said calmly,

"The results of the second one-on-one draw!"

"Emperor Team Yu Tianheng vs. Shrek Team"

"Huo Feng!"

After hearing this, the two came to the stage at the same time.

Then a dazzling blue light suddenly lit up from the center of Yu Tianheng's eyebrows.

Then the blue light spread instantly, falling from the center of his eyebrows to his whole body.

Strips of blue-purple electric electricity burst out like small snakes and swam around his body.

On the surface, Yu Tianheng's changes are not big.

Except for the addition of a blue lightning logo on his forehead.

However, there were two changes in the entire body due to the possession of the martial spirit.

What changed was his left and right arms.

The original sleeves on both sides burst into ashes due to the expansion of the arms.

The length of the arms increased by more than half a foot.

The entire arm is extremely thick and covered with blue-purple scales.

The hands turned into claws, covered in the same scales.

Every joint in the hand has become extremely thick.

The blue-purple snake electricity swirling around his body continued to condense or flow on his arms.

The four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, are not hovering around the body like other soul masters.

Instead, they hovered over these two specially mutated arms.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex is the top martial spirit.

There are some differences from other martial arts spirits.

First of all, as a Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master.

The spirit ring that can be obtained must be a sub-dragon spirit beast.

Similar to the Oscar-winning phoenix-tailed crested snake.

Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Soul starts from level 30.

Every time you get a soul ring, you will have one more part of your body that is more like a dragon when you use the martial soul.

Yu Tianheng's arms like this are his current physical changes.

When I met the Shrek team in the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena before.

He has not yet broken through to level 30.

Therefore, only his right arm had changed in Yu Xiaogang's body.

Now after successfully breaking through to level 40 Soul Sect, a left arm has been added.

Now the left and right arms have completely transformed into thick dragon arms.

The combat effectiveness is greatly improved.

When he reaches level 70, the Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon Soul Master can truly transform into a dragon.

As a result, extremely terrifying power broke out.

Known as the most terrifying attack-type soul master in the same level.

To put it simply, if Yu Tianheng and Zhao Wuji are both at level seventy.

Then, the incarnation of Zhao Wuji's martial soul, the powerful Vajra Bear, is by no means a match for the incarnation of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Although both are beast martial souls.

Then Zao Wou-Ki's powerful King Kong Bear is equally powerful.

But in the face of absolute martial arts suppression.

There is indeed a gap that cannot be bridged.

Therefore, Yu Tianheng's current arms no longer belong to the category of human beings at all.

It completely turned into two dragon arms.

Dragon scales were attached to it, and its hands turned into dragon claws.


At the same time, Huo Feng also released his martial spirit.

The dark blue Thunder Sword appeared in his hand.

The same four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, rose from beneath his feet.

Then it circled upward.

At this moment, a blue figure appeared in front of Huo Feng.

The thick dragon arms shine with a dazzling blue light.

Before anyone arrived, blue thunder and lightning had already condensed into claw shapes in mid-air.

Then he went straight to Huo Feng and slapped him on the chest.

The speed of lightning was so fast that Huo Feng saw the figure of Yu Tianheng almost at the same time.

The blue-purple electric claw had already reached his chest.

"The first soul skill - Sword-Breaking Slash!"

Yu Tianheng's thunder and lightning is really good.

But the first form of Huo Feng's Dugu Nine Swords is also of thunder attribute.

In this case, let's see whose thunder is more powerful.

Huo Feng's thunder sword swung violently.

A sword wind flashing with terrifying electric arcs appeared instantly.

Then he greeted him.



The moment the two came into contact, there was an explosion in the air.

Although they are both thunder and lightning, their essential attributes are different.

resulting in incompatibility with each other.

After a few seconds of entanglement, it disappeared.

Yu Tianheng watched as his thunder dragon claws and Huo Feng's sword energy canceled each other out.

After a brief moment of sluggishness, he stepped on the ground and his body suddenly accelerated.

Then he rushed towards Huo Feng again.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex waved its arm again, and there was another Thunder Dragon Claw.


The result is the same as before.

A burst of thunder exploded and roared in the air, and smoke and dust flew in all directions after the lightning and thunder.

"Fire sets a prairie fire!"

The next second, the thunder sword in Huo Feng's hand instantly transformed into a blazing sword.

The blazing fire and sword energy are everywhere.

Releasing the terrifying high temperature, it blasted toward Yu Tianheng.

Under dangerous oppression, all of Yu Tianheng's potential exploded at the same time.

The second and third soul rings shone brightly.

At this moment, it was impossible for him to hold anything back.

The third soul skill - Thunder's Fury!

Effect: Within a certain period of time, the Blue Lightning Dragon Soul Master will be in a state of rage.

The power of thunder and lightning is increased by 100%, and the soul power is increased by 50%!

If he doesn't actively stop the skill, it will be until his soul power is exhausted.

And every time the rage of thunder is activated, a large amount of soul power will be consumed.

It puts a considerable load on the body.

So if it weren't for being in crisis.

Yu Tianheng would never release his third soul skill so easily.

He was forced to this point by Huo Feng's second soul skill.

Yu Tianheng obviously realized the gap between himself and Huo Feng.

But at the same time as the fury of thunder broke out, red flames suddenly bombarded Yu Tianheng's chest.

Although he was very fast, he was able to dodge a flaming sword.

But there is a second way.

Yu Tianheng roared loudly.

After his body resisted once, his 1= body was forcibly twisted in the air,

Then he faced the moment and Huo Feng who was rushing towards him.


The countless snake electricity coiled around his body amplified at the same time.

The next moment, it turned into countless thunder and lightning arrows flashing out in all directions.

Excluding the fourth soul skill that has not yet been released.

This was Yu Tianheng's real full blow.

With the 100% increase in thunder and lightning power from Thunder Fury.

His second soul skill, Thunderbolt, explodes with unparalleled attack power.

The third blazing sword energy was forcefully exploded immediately.

And most of the thunder and lightning arrows formed by the thunderous thunder flew towards Huo Feng. (End of chapter)

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