People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 172: The beheading show of the fierce wind, Yu Tianheng is convinced

Huo Feng looked indifferent.

He even stood motionless.

"Are all Shrek's people so arrogant? They don't even hide when they see an attack?"

"Rampant? I think you are stupid!"

In the stands, some Tiandou Royal Academy students had expressions of disdain on their faces.

They were somewhat scornful of Huo Feng's actions.

Facing Yu Tianheng's attack, he didn't even hide.

And he still stood motionless.

It was as if he had been frightened out of his wits.

If Tang San hadn't appeared first.

They may be afraid to jump to conclusions.

I thought I might have encountered some master.

After all, the rumors about this Shrek team are quite evil.

But the guy who was beaten to shit by graphite just now.

He is also a master of pretending to be standing still on the stage.

As a result, he was beaten to a bloody head in the next second.

Therefore, most people attribute Huo Feng and Tang San to the same type.

On the contrary, Yu Tianheng, who was currently fighting Huo Feng on the court, felt unspeakable pressure.

He remembered it clearly.

Previously, the Imperial Fighting Team in the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena was almost wiped out by Huo Feng alone.

This is what this guy looked like at the time.


He actually swallowed nervously.

Yu Tianheng was ready to release his fourth soul skill at any time.

But that's also his trump card.

After releasing the fourth soul skill.

All his soul power will be drained away.

If you still can't defeat Huo Feng.

I can only choose to admit defeat.


At this moment, the long sword in Huo Feng's hand shook slightly.

Then it turned into a broad and bright sword in an instant.

The giant sword stood there, shining with dazzling light.

"The third soul skill - Light Wings Continuous Slash!"

Huo Feng released the third soul skill in the form of light without hesitation.

Three sword energies emitting dazzling light flashed out instantly.


The sword energy collided with the lightning arrow formed by the thunderous thunder.

The two terrifying energies instantly began to entangle with each other.

But only after two breaths.

All the thunder and lightning arrows released by Yu Tianheng disappeared into smoke.

But the three sword qi of the light wing's continuous slashes were only consumed once.

The remaining two sword energy tore through the air, pointed directly at Yu Tianheng and roared away!

The latter was instantly shocked.

Don't dare to hold anything back.


The fourth soul ring on his right arm suddenly lit up.

The age of this soul ring has exceeded five thousand years.

The power of soul skills has naturally increased greatly.

It is also Yu Tianheng's most powerful attack skill currently.

"The fourth soul skill - Blue Lightning Divine Dragon Disease!"

The moment the words fell, all the remaining soul power in Yu Tianheng's body began to condense in front of him.

The speed of condensation is very fast.

In just about five seconds, the soul power condensed into a blue electric dragon over one meter long.


Yu Tianheng roared.

The blue electric dragon roared out instantly.

The dragon's breath carries flashes of thunder and lightning.

The remaining two sword energy from Huo Fengguang's consecutive slashes were broken through one after another.

The students of Tiandou Royal Academy in the surrounding stands were already in a climax.

"I didn't expect Senior Yu Tianheng to have broken through to the forty-level Soul Sect realm. He is really too strong!"

At this moment, a student looked at Yu Tianheng on the duel stage with admiration.

"Yes, Senior Yu Tianheng should be less than eighteen years old, right?"

"You have reached the Soul Sect realm, and your future is limitless!"

At the same time, there were girls one after another staring at Yu Tianheng with infatuated faces.

The latter's appearance is very handsome.

As for him, whose martial soul is the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, his figure is also quite good.

Therefore, he is the secret crush of many girls.

"Wow, Senior Yu Tianheng is so handsome!"

"Who says it's not the case? He's so handsome that it touches my heart!"

"Looking at the situation on the field, I estimate that Senior Yu Tianheng will win this game soon."

Everyone stared at the thrilling blue electric dragon with excitement on their faces.

The electric dragon spits out.

Bolts of thunder were already shooting in the direction of Huo Feng.

At this moment, Huo Feng shook his head gently.

The next second, the fourth soul ring on his body lit up instantly.


The fourth soul ring circled upwards, releasing a bright light.

"What, he is also a level 40 soul sect?!"

The expressions of some people in the stands suddenly changed slightly.

Although I still believe in Yu Tianheng in my heart.

But if they are both level 40 soul sects.

It's not that easy to deal with.

And they've seen it before.

Huo Feng's attacks were also sharp.


With a flick of his right hand, the light-winged giant sword disappeared.

It was replaced by a green curved sword.

The blade of this long sword is very narrow, less than three fingers wide.

On the sword body, wind patterns spiraled up.

Extremely cool.

It is the fourth form of Huo Feng's Dugu Nine Swords - the Swift Wind Sword!

He waved his hand casually, and a wind-shaped sword energy roared out.

Huo Feng waved three times in succession.

The blue electric dragon, which had just roared fiercely, began to retreat steadily.

"After all, there is still a big gap."

At this moment, Yu Tianheng sighed softly.

At this moment, he already deeply felt the gap between himself and Huo Feng.

But the spectators in the stands could not see such a subtle change in his expression.

Still shouting Yu Tianheng's name loudly.


Yu Tianheng let out a sigh of relief.

Although he couldn't defeat Huo Feng.

But I will try my best.

He mobilized all the remaining soul power in his body.

Then all of them were injected into the blue thunder dragon.


The latter got rid of the decline in an instant, and its speed increased sharply.

It actually rushed straight in the direction of Huo Feng.

"The fourth soul skill—Breaking Wind Slash!"

At this moment, Huo Feng jumped up.

Then he swung the long sword in his hand at will.

In just a few seconds, ten swords came out simultaneously.

Ten hurricane sword energy roared out.

One after another they hit the blue thunder dragon.

The latter's body began to become unreal under the continuous bombardment of attacks.

Finally, when the seventh sword energy struck.

All energy of the blue brontosaurus is exhausted.

It directly turned into spots of light and dispersed in the air.

The remaining three hurricane sword energy roared towards Yu Tianheng without stopping at all.

The latter's soul power has been completely exhausted.

But there was no way he would admit defeat.

Unless Huo Feng knocks him off the duel stage.

Or knock him down and never get up again.

Although there is not much soul power left.

But Yu Tianheng still stretched out his two dragon arms to resist.

His physical strength is also very terrifying.

At this moment, three hurricane sword energies arrived one after another.

Yu Tianheng persisted and resisted the first two.

Wait until the last hurricane sword energy comes.

He was finally unable to resist.

The whole person was directly sucked into the air.

The sharp wind blade caused his clothes to become torn into pieces.

Huo Feng flicked the blast sword in his hand and withdrew his soul power.

If the situation continues, Yu Tianheng may run back naked.

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