People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 173 Yu Xiaogang applied medicine to Tang San’s butt, and Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun happened t

Because at this moment, Yu Tianheng's clothes were already in pieces.

Especially all the limbs have been exposed.


Yu Tianheng landed heavily on the soul fighting stage.

He supported himself and tried to get up.

But he was already unable to get up.

At this moment, Qin Ming from the audience signaled the Shi brothers to carry Yu Tianheng back.

Although he looked a little disappointed, he was not too surprised.

Although Yu Tianheng is also very strong, if compared with Huo Feng.

There is still a lot of difference.

Qin Ming is very satisfied with the former's performance today.

After all, he forced Huo Feng's fourth soul skill out.

It's already very good.

The Shi brothers quickly came onto the stage and then lifted Yu Tianheng off.

"The second one-on-one battle!"

"Shrek Team Huo Feng wins!"

At this moment, Qin Ming's voice reached the ears of everyone in the surrounding stands through the loudspeaker.

The stands were noisy just now.

There was silence now.

All the students from Tiandou Royal Academy were stunned.

Just now, senior Yu Tianheng still took the initiative in the situation.

As a result, he was knocked down in the next second and even carried directly down.

How can they accept this?

For a moment, no one spoke.

Because they don't know what to say.

From the beginning until now, this is the quietest time in the entire duel arena.

On the contrary, when Tang San was tortured just now.

Nature is the most exciting moment.

The calmest people in the field belong to the Shrek team.

Their expressions remained unchanged.

It seemed like he was watching a very ordinary thing.

In their opinion, once Huo Feng takes action.

It will definitely be a winning situation.

If he loses, that would be unbelievable.

They are obviously already accustomed to it.

Flanders and Zhao Wuji only showed faint smiles.

The Tiandou Royal Academy students on the stage were so excited just now, but now they are so quiet.

Flanders still felt a little happy.

From a side perspective, this can be regarded as regaining ground for the Shrek team.

Yu Xiaogang, who was hiding in the corner watching the battle, silently turned the direction of his wheelchair when he saw this scene.

Then he went directly back to his room.

The stronger Huo Feng showed, the more uncomfortable he became.

I always think of why I didn't make up my mind to accept him as my disciple six years ago.

In that case, would the current situation be different?

Is it possible for me to still be a complete man?

Every time he thinks of this desperate thing, Yu Xiaogang's heart will feel a little painful.

It's really uncomfortable.

And Tang San didn't care about the situation on the field at all.

How is the result.

He felt that it had nothing to do with him.

After briefly dealing with the injury on his butt.

Tang San also left the duel field early.

Soon the next draw will be over.

The battle on the soul fighting stage continues.

At the end of the whole day, two rounds of one-on-one battles ended.

The Royal Dou Team and the Shrek Team each had their own wins and losses.

But overall, the latter has a much greater chance of winning.

The two sides probably had a 40-60 win-loss ratio.

Royal Dou Sentai is four.

Team Shrek is six.

I will take a day off tomorrow to recover my soul and body.

The day after tomorrow we will continue the team battle and draw souls.

After the first day.

Huo Feng's fame spread throughout the Tiandou Royal Academy to an almost outrageous degree.

After all, he defeated Yu Tianheng, the captain of the Royal Dou Team, very easily.

And the latter is the kind who is convinced when he loses.

There is also another person who is equally famous.

This person is none other than Tang San.

Not only because of his funny Wuhun Lan Yincao.

There were also a series of outrageous operations by Tang San.

It is truly a rare entertainment performance in battle.

In Shrek's courtyard.

It's now time for dinner.

The Shrek crowd, led by Flanders, gathered together to chat and eat.

Although Tang San's butt was seriously injured.

But he still had to limp to the canteen to bring food to himself and Yu Xiaogang.

When I came back, I happened to pass by the window where Shrek was gathering.

Although Tang San wanted to leave quickly.

But the severe pain in his butt made it impossible for him to walk fast at all.

Flanders, who was eating, couldn't help but frown when he saw Tang San limping.

Naturally, Yu Xiaogang didn't escape his eyes when he entered the duel today.

Although I don’t know where this guy got a wheelchair from.

But looking at those two times, he is already quite skilled.

This means that Yu Xiaogang is fully able to move on his own.

But even though he knew Tang San was injured, he still calmly waited to be served.

To be honest, I have no shame at all.

Thinking of this, Flanders actually felt that Tang San was a little pitiful.

He glanced at Dai Mubai intentionally or unintentionally, then leaned close to the latter and whispered,

"Mubai, after dinner, you go and deliver some medicine to Tang San."

Dai Mubai nodded slightly.

Didn't say much.

On the other side, Tang San was already sweating profusely when he returned to the room.

The wound on his butt really made it very inconvenient for him to move.

Not only do I dare not sit, I also dare not lie down when sleeping.

I could only lie down very uncomfortable.

But Yu Xiaogang disagreed.

She didn't care about him at all.

He took the rice brought back by Tang San without any courtesy and ate it.

Obviously he was very dissatisfied with Tang San's performance today.

Besides, although he never said it.

Tang San's knife attack on him before.

Although it was Flanders who gave the order, Tang San was the final implementer after all.

Yu Xiaogang felt somewhat resentful towards his disciple.

Soon the two of them finished their meal.

At this moment, Tang San walked up to Yu Xiaogang with some embarrassment, and then whispered,

"Teacher, can I ask you to do me a favor?"

After saying that, he actually lowered his head in embarrassment.

"what's up?"

Yu Xiaogang curled his lips impatiently.

I'm ready to rest myself.

As a result, Tang San was in trouble again!

"Teacher, the location of my wound is beyond my reach. Can you help me put some medicine on it?"

I can't see the butt.

Therefore, it was difficult for Tang San to judge the specific location of the wound.

"Lie down there!"

Although Yu Xiaogang was a little reluctant, he was still ready to give Tang San the medicine.

He got out of bed and sat behind Tang San in a wheelchair.

Tang San was half-kneeling on the bed.

Showing his wounds.

Yu Xiaogang shook his head slightly, and it turned out that he was a little presbyopic.

Then he moved his head forward very obscenely, and then he could see the wound clearly.


At this moment, the door was pushed open very roughly.

"Tang San, the dean asked me to deliver medicine to you."

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were seen standing at the door.

The former was holding a bag of medicine in his hand.

I saw the most outrageous scene in the room.

The two people stood motionless, as if they were petrified.

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