There are fifteen people in total, and you are the weakest one?

Tang San was about to make a complaint.

But he suddenly realized that if the three auxiliary soul masters were eliminated.

That seems to be the case.

But an auxiliary soul master plays a great role in the team.

Thinking of this, Tang San couldn't help but look a little unhappy.

At the same time, Yu Xiaogang, who was in the stands, also saw that something was wrong.

Because Qin Ming didn't use a loudspeaker when he just spoke.

He didn't know what the former said to everyone.

Yu Xiaogang just saw Tang San walking out of the crowd.

Then stood aside.

What's happening here?

Yu Xiaogang's face was full of doubts.

At the same time, his face began to look a little ugly.

At this time, Flanders, who was also in the stands not far away, noticed Yu Xiaogang with an abnormal expression.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a sneer.

Unlike Yu Xiaogang, he is a level 78 soul saint.

This little distance still couldn't block his hearing.

He clearly heard what Qin Ming and everyone said about the lottery rules just now.

At the same time, he was also keenly aware.

Qin Ming actually just took out Tang San, who was the best.

Then after drawing lots, put him on the weaker side.

Yu Xiaogang looked a little anxious, but couldn't go forward to check because he was in a wheelchair.

Flanders couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

Originally, he only felt disgusted with Yu Xiaogang.

But after hearing that the latter was having an affair with Tang San.

He felt sick when he saw Yu Xiaogang now.

He is such a good teacher that he can do such a thing to his own students.

No matter whether Tang San is willing or not.

These are things that cannot be forgiven.

Flanders already had an idea in mind.

People like Yu Xiaogang can no longer stay in Tiandou Royal Academy.

After all, his external identity has always been that of a teacher.

The same is true for Tang San, such a tainted person.

Continuing to stay in the Shrek team will only damage the image and reputation of the entire team.

So Fran has decided.

It can take as little as ten days and as long as half a month.

He must find a reason to kick Yu Xiaogang out of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Together with Tang San.

As long as he no longer has anything to do with Shrek.

No matter where they go, it has nothing to do with them.

At this moment, the drawing of lots under the duel stage had ended.

The seven people drawn into the first group by lot are:

Huo Feng, Dugu Yan, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, the two Shi brothers and Zhu Zhuqing.

And those who are drawn into another group will naturally be the ones left:

Yu Tianheng, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Obero, Yufeng and Ye Lingling.

Looking at the members of both teams, Qin Ming felt that it was very suitable.

Not only did it perfectly separate the members of the two original teams.

At the same time, both sides have two soul sects with soul power reaching level 40 or above.

In addition, there are auxiliary soul masters, power attack soul masters, and agility attack soul masters.

The result of this lottery is quite satisfactory to Qin Ming.

The players from both sides who drew the lots at the same time had no objections.

Especially Huo Feng, Oscar and Ma Hongjun were assigned opposite him at the same time.

In this case, he could find an opportunity to sacrifice both of them at the same time.

Then complete the system tasks in one go.

Although the combat power of both sides looks very balanced on paper.

But Qin Ming judged the strong and weak side immediately.

Because of Huo Feng's existence.

The team he was on.

It is natural to be stronger.

At the same time, Tang Sansan was assigned to the team of Yu Tianheng and Dai Mubai.

Both sides can be considered to have a control system soul master.

It's just that the strength gap between Dugu Yan and Tang San may be a bit obvious.

But after all, there is one more person.

It can be considered relatively balanced.

Thinking of this, Qin Ming slowly said,

"The results of the draw are now out."

"After a brief evaluation of both parties, it was unanimously decided to let Tang San join the second lottery team."

"Below, you two will have a quarter of an hour to get to know each other and formulate tactics."

"The battle will begin on time in a quarter of an hour!"

The No. 2 lottery team that Qin Ming mentioned was the team of Yu Tianheng and Dai Mubai.

When they heard that Tang San was going to join, the others' expressions changed invariably.

The first reason is that Tang San's reputation is really bad.

Let them be on the same team as this one.

Everyone is somewhat reluctant.

The Shrek trio were fine.

Because after all, they have been accustomed to it for a long time.

But the four people who were drawn by the Royal Fighter Team felt really uncomfortable.

The team of seven people was originally a good team, but suddenly a guy like this was added to the team.

A person who can be very contentious with himself.

It's really hard for them to accept.

And the second reason is that Tang San's joining can hardly improve their combat power.

It may even become a drag on them.

They could already tell this from the previous battle with Graphite.

Tang San is a control spirit master.

He can't do anything that other control-type soul masters do.

Instead, he likes to rush forward.

The result is often being beaten down.

Tang San naturally also noticed that the faces of everyone in the No. 2 lottery team were not pretty.

Yu Tianheng had even taken the initiative to chat with Dai Mubai.

Ask Huo Feng what his usual fighting style is.

On the other side, Oscar took Ma Hongjun and started chatting with Obero, Ye Lingling and Yufeng.

Ask them what the method is to restrain Dugu Yan.

The seven people unanimously ignored Tang San.

It was as if he didn't exist at all.

Tang San's fists clenched tightly.

No matter how you say it, you are still a control soul master with a soul power exceeding level 30.

To be so despised by them.

He even wanted to muster up the courage to step forward and confront these people.

But after thinking for a while, Tang San realized that he seemed to be unable to stand at all.

Then he just stood aside, minding his own business.

Tang San was furious, and then angry.

Yu Xiaogang, who was sitting in the stands, also noticed Tang San.

Seeing that his beloved disciple was ignored by other students.

He immediately became furious.

These people have never seen his theory of invincibility at first glance.

Tang San is a control spirit master.

Especially without powerful offensive soul skills, one-on-one combat would be very disadvantageous.

Being able to exert fifty percent of your strength is already pretty good.

But if it were in a team battle, Tang San would be able to play the most effective role.

It is definitely greater than any other type of soul master.

Yu Xiaogang laughed at these students who knew nothing.

He was very optimistic about Tang San and waited until the team battle started later.

Tang San's performance would definitely shock these arrogant students.

If other people knew that Yu Xiaogang was thinking like this at this moment.

I'm afraid I'll die laughing.


It's not like Tang San has never participated in team battles.

And the last opponent was also the Royal Fighter Team.

The result seems to be that Tang San was beaten thin, right?

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