People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 178 Tang San’s hat trick! Come for the third time?

"Now I announce that the first team battle has begun!"

At this moment, Qin Ming's voice came from the audience.

Tang San clenched his fists when he heard the sound, cheering himself up.

He stared at the other Shi brothers with burning eyes.

Especially that graphite.

He had just been defeated by the latter two days ago.

And it failed miserably.

It can be said that Tang San lost all his face.

Tang San was determined to show this Shi Mo the role of a control-type soul master in a team battle.


At this moment, a sharp pain came from the lower abdomen.

Tang San's stomach shrank and his anus tightened.

I felt bad in my heart!


Tang San's face suddenly turned green.

There was no response earlier and no response later.

Why did it happen when he was already on stage preparing to participate in a team battle?

There was a sudden reaction.

Tang San stretched out his hand to rub his belly, and his mind instantly recalled the time when the teacher applied medicine to him today.

Because the frequency of his medication needs to be maintained at three times a day.

And you can't get dressed immediately after taking the medicine.

The wound needs to be exposed to air.

Wait until the medicine is fully absorbed and the skin is dry.

Only then can you put on clothes.

Therefore, it can be said that Tang San was naked for half of the whole day.

This resulted in his key parts being constantly eroded by the cold air.

When he was applying medicine today, he felt some pain in his stomach due to catching a cold.

But the symptoms didn't last long at that time.

Therefore, Tang San didn't pay much attention.

Who would have thought that at this critical moment, he would have stomachache again.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Tang San's forehead, and now he was in unbearable pain.

Two pictures emerged in his mind.

And these two scenes are all scenes inside the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena.

This is also the reason why Tang San became famous in the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena.

Two times of dilution!

Thinking of this, Tang San broke into a cold sweat.

What happened before is in the past.

But in a place like Tiandou Royal Academy.

If it happens again.

That's really embarrassing.

As the saying goes, you can walk a thousand miles if you hold your pee in.

Those who hold their shit while riding a horse will be unable to move even an inch!

And for someone as eager as Tang San, he couldn't hold back at all.

He was sweating profusely and looked towards the field. Both sides of the battle had already fired their martial spirits.

Some people are even ready to take action.

Only Tang San was still standing stupidly.

The team battle was about to begin, but the pain in my stomach was overwhelming.

This might be the only chance for Tang San to clear his name, and of course he didn't want to give up.

He also wants to prove himself again.

Prove it to the teacher.

Prove it to Dean Friend.

Prove it to the other seven students of Shrek.

Prove it to everyone who has underestimated him before!

Thinking of this, Tang San clenched his fists.

No matter what, he grabbed a handful of previously saved medicinal materials from the moonlit night of Twenty-Four Bridge.

He threw it directly into his mouth and chewed it raw.

As the Xuan Tian Gong operates, the medicinal effect quickly spreads along the meridians to all parts of the body.

He briefly suppressed the turbulence in his stomach just now.


The battle between the two sides ahead has also begun.

Tang San Guiying Mizuo pushed with all his strength, and he tried to find a suitable position for himself in a flash.

However, the next moment, his smile suddenly froze.

He stood motionless as if he were petrified.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Tang San tentatively reached out and touched his pants.

I just used too much force, it seems.

Collapse! ! !

Just now, when he touched his pants, he already felt a warm feeling.

Not only on my hands, but now I can also feel it on my thighs.

Even a foul smell has quietly spread.

It's just that the space on the duel stage is very wide, and the air circulation is very good.

Only he can smell it now.

The other people around him who were closest to Tang San were also three feet away.

No one has noticed yet.

Tang San's heart was instantly filled with despair.

History is always surprisingly similar.

Tang San couldn't think of it.

He actually tripped on the same stone three times.

Now he had two choices before him.

The first option is to act as if nothing happened.

Stay in the fight.

But if he chooses this option, he will definitely have to move a lot.

As a result, his image will be completely lost.

There is a second option, which is to directly announce your withdrawal from the team battle.

Then slowly walked off the ring.

In this case, although it is also very embarrassing.

But it’s not an unacceptable shame.

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang in the audience frowned slightly.

From his perspective, he was behind Tang San.

He didn't know why this kid suddenly froze on the spot.

Tang San wanted to step down and withdraw.

But when he turned around, his eyes happened to meet Yu Xiaogang's face.

See the anticipation in the latter's eyes.

Tang San actually turned around again.

Relying on the internal power of Xuantian Kung.

He can also clip.


At this moment, one of Shi Mo's ghost shields struck Tang San like lightning.

How dare you be distracted when you see the latter standing on the duel stage?

Mo Mo immediately locked his gaze on Tang San.

It only takes the shortest time to deal with this guy.

Although one less Tang San would not weaken the opponent's combat strength much.

But he simply didn't like Tang San.

"not good!"

When Tang San returned to God, the ghost shield had already flown in front of him.

He didn't even have time to react before he was blown away with a "bang".

Even though he flew about ten feet away, Tang San still landed heavily on the spirit fighting platform.

At this moment, a clear and loud fart sound suddenly came from the edge where Tang San was.

Both sides, who were fighting fiercely, stopped what they were doing at the same time.

He followed the sound and looked over.

The people on the field and the students watching in the stands had expressions of disbelief and disgust on their faces.

A pile of unknown liquid actually flowed out along Tang San's trousers!

Everyone, especially Shrek, was stunned.

Tang San fled, and it was the third time he stepped on the horse!

Got a hat trick here?

How could something with such a small probability happen three times?

And it was all done by Tang San.

This is too much of a coincidence!

Everyone on the field, without exception, had a look of disgust.

Especially the three girls, the look in their eyes should not be too obvious.

Everyone in the Royal Dou Team also couldn't bear it anymore.

What the hell is this?

The last time he and the others were fighting souls in Soto, they were already disgusted by Tang San.

The result is now happening again?

Tang San simply disgusted everyone present.

Some students who were initially confused in the stands also reacted after being stunned for a short time.

Then it burst into laughter instantly!

They didn't know Tang San's two dark histories.

Therefore, the scene at this time was even more shocking.

There's a lot of people on the duel stage?

It’s so refreshing to ride a horse!

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