People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 179 Does Tang San have a soul skill that is to explode shit?


Just when everyone was in shock.

There was a violent explosion where Tang San was.

His pants exploded as if they had been charging for a long time.

In an instant, it directly covered an area of ​​three feet in radius.

Such an explosive scene directly stunned the students of Tiandou Royal Academy in the stands.

What the hell is going on?

"My hair? What kind of show is this!"

One of them had a surprised look on his face, which could be described as jaw-dropping.

Because they are all from noble families.

I have watched many rare performances since I was a child.

But I have never seen such a scene! ! !

This damn thing is so ridiculous that it explodes!

As soon as Tang San used this skill, it seemed to have a silencing effect, and the audience instantly became quiet.

Including the students watching the battle in the stands, everyone in the audience was stunned.

Even the team battle came to a halt.

Both sides stared at Tang San intently.

That’s why I dare not say a word!

"Is that shit?"

I don’t know which student said this out of the blue.

Although the sound is not loud, the surrounding environment is extremely quiet now.

So many people heard this sentence clearly.

"Oh my god, it's really shit!"

At this moment, a student near the duel stage shouted "Fuck".

Immediately afterwards, he covered his mouth and nose and ran back.

The smell came through like a horse.

It was too much and it exploded!

It has been three years since I entered Tiandou Royal Academy, and today I encountered something like this.

This location is really too dangerous.

If I get closer, I might just feed him directly into my mouth.

In an instant, the duel arena, which had been quiet for a few seconds, suddenly exploded.

The student who was leaning in the front row immediately got up and ran away.

This damn shit is all in your mouth, who dares to watch when he steps on a horse?

Does anyone know if there are any bigger ones in the back?

To be on the safe side, it's better to stay away.

But most people were in no rush to leave.

Instead, they gathered in a safe position at the back, pointing at the duel stage with a wonderful expression on their faces.

It's not just the viewers who are making a big move.

Both sides of the team fight on the duel stage are now in a state of cursing.

Especially several other students from Shrek.

Now there is no one in their mouth who does not curse.

Especially Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Oscar.

They almost brought out all the eighteen generations of Tang San's ancestors and gave them friendly greetings.

They even doubted whether Tang San had a soul skill.

Just spreading shit.

Otherwise, how could such a coincidence happen?

The three girls from the Shrek team and the two girls from the Royal Dou team had faces full of disgust and disgust.

It's really shameless to do such a thing in public.

Even Huo Feng, who usually kept calm, couldn't help but curse.

The main thing Tang San did was really not human affairs!

In the audience seat near the stage, Flanders' face was ashen.

His eyes were full of disbelief and anger.

They really didn't expect that Tang San could actually do such a thing on the duel stage.

Now Flanders had made up his mind.

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang absolutely could not stay in Tiandou Royal Academy.

Originally, he had some sympathy for Tang San.

It's completely gone now.

This kind of shameless person must not be under the banner of Team Shrek.

If this spreads out, his old face will really be undesirable.

Flanders turned his head and looked at Yu Xiaogang who was also dumbfounded not far away.

Now he strongly doubted that Tang San's damaging move was arranged by Yu Xiaogang.

The two masters and apprentices have been ruined.

Even if he does something outrageous.

The impact on them is not great.

If the current Tang San lay down on the ground and rolled around twice more, he would be in trouble.

Not to mention that opposite him were several Soul Lords and Soul Sects.

Even if a titled Douluo wanted to take action against Tang San, he would have to think carefully.

That thing is not something that can be ignored if the soul power is high.

Unless you can ensure that you are far enough away, you won't be able to miss even if you take action.

Now Yu Xiaogang's mind is completely blank.

He naturally heard the comments from the surrounding Tiandou Royal Academy students watching the battle.

That is simply unacceptable!

His disciple Tang San was beaten to shit by someone again!

As the saying goes, good things come again and again.

No more repetitions.

Now even Yu Xiaogang felt a little unable to forgive Tang San.

"It's broken. It's the meal we had during the day."

Yu Xiaogang suddenly thought of the time when he was applying medicine to Tang San today.

The latter said that he had a stomachache.

But because the only medicine the master and disciple had to treat stomachache had been taken by Yu Xiaogang two days ago.

So he just casually asked Tang San to endure it.

Unexpectedly, it broke out at this moment.

What happened today will definitely have a great impact on their master and disciple.

Yu Xiaogang suddenly felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

As a teacher, I must be responsible.

He looked up towards the duel stage, and then his eyes narrowed slightly.

The situation on the field seems not to be over yet.

Normally, after such an explosive and outrageous thing happened, he originally thought that the battle would not continue.

At least take a break from processing.

But just now, Yu Xiaogang saw Tang San move.

At this moment, Tang San had already accepted the reality.

Nothing could be worse than his current situation.

He also completely ignored his current image.

Although the pants exploded, even many key parts were exposed to the air.

But now Tang San has lost all reason.

"Blue silver entanglement!"

Several vines grew from Tang San's feet without any warning, piercing towards the opponent's graphite at extremely fast speeds.

However, the Blue Silver Grass at this time is different from the previous Blue Silver Grass.

Instead, it’s filled with strong ingredients!

This will add another layer of magical attack to the original physical attack.

It can be said that the power has increased dramatically!

It makes people's faces change when they hear it.

Now Shi Mo is still stunned in place.

He really didn't expect that the guy on the other side would get his shit shot with his shield.

I usually just brag, but now I have a real record.

It turns out that you can really beat the shit out of people!

At this moment he suddenly reacted.

Tang San in the distance in front of him unexpectedly launched an attack on himself. .

Dozens of yellow-green vines as thick as forearms rushed over quickly.

Shi Mo reacted quickly and then took action decisively.


He swung the ghost shield in his hand,

At this time, Lan Yincao had arrived about a foot in front of him.

Wherever the tortoise shell passed, the blue silver grass was cut off instantly.

But then there were drops of unknown liquid-solid mixture sputtering towards the graphite.

He dodged quickly and slowly, but was still splashed on him.

Suddenly, my stomach turned.

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