People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 180 Tang San’s wound split, old wounds and new wounds appeared together!


The next second, Shi Mo couldn't hold it back and spit it out instantly.

I almost vomited out all the food I ate yesterday.

It's really disgusting.

In all his life, he has never encountered such a disgusting soul master.

Who can think of it?

Shi Mo had only fought two team battles with Tang San.

The last one was at the Soto Great Spirit Fighting Arena.

This one is at Tiandou Royal Academy.

However, in these only two team battles, Tang San appeared as his opponent.

Of course these are nothing.

What made Shi Mo feel unlucky was such an outrageous thing.

It made him feel it alive twice.

It's not enough to disgust him once.

He even had to ride the horse for the second time.

Graphite's anger could no longer be suppressed immediately.

If he didn't teach this Tang San a lesson.

His name is not Graphite!

"What a damn bad luck!"

Mo Mo now felt that whenever he saw Tang San, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

The only way is to knock this disgusting thing off the stage.

He might feel better.

The next second, under everyone's gaze, Shi Mo threw out the turtle shield in his hand.

The target goes straight to Tang San!

The latter was obviously panicked.

Under the opponent's ghost shield, my own blue silver grass has no power to parry.

It can be said that it breaks when touched.

Tang San also felt that his soul power was already somewhat insufficient.

And just after being blasted away, he landed heavily.

It had caused the wound on Tang San's butt that was almost healing to open again.

The severe pain made him break out in a cold sweat.

Plus there was another explosion that just happened.

Not only did it give Tang San two new wounds.

Moreover, the old and new wounds merged with those filthy things at the same time.

Tang San knew very well that in this situation he had to clean his wounds immediately.

If it stays like this.

The wound is likely to become infected.

That kind of situation was unimaginable to Tang San.


With a thought in Tang San's mind, all the soul power in his body was mobilized.

Even if the situation is so urgent at this time.

But he didn't want to just throw in the towel.

Tang San could imagine how disappointed the teachers in the audience would be at this moment.

So he had made up his mind.

Even if he loses, he will still be knocked off the duel stage!


Several strands of bluesilver grass came out from the ground under Tang San's control.

Blue Silver Grass spiraled up and instantly wrapped around Mo Mo's feet.

The latter suddenly felt nauseous.

Because Tang San was currently at the center of that filthy thing.

So even the Bluesilver Grass he released.

They are all in a state of enchantment.

Now Shi Mo's feet are no longer visible.

He could even smell an unbearable stench coming from beneath his feet.

Graphite uses his soul power to seal his mouth and nose, so that he will be less affected.

Then he waved his right hand lightly, and the turtle shield that had flown out came back again.

Under the rotation of the turtle shield, the blue silver grass was cut off easily.

Then, Mo Mo held a turtle shield and flashed out.

In the blink of an eye, he was already five feet away from Tang San.

At the same time, the rest of the duel stage continued the previous battle.

However, both sides tacitly ignored the battle between Tang San and Shi Mo.

At the same time, Tang San clenched his fists.

Now he has already held his breath.

Relying on the operation of Xuantian Kung in the body to move freely.

Although I may be more accepting than others.

But his current position can be said to be in the middle.

To withstand the siege from all sides at the same time.

If you don't hold your breath, you won't be able to bear it.

Now Tang San was betting that his opponent Shi Mo wouldn't dare to enter his "domain".

His guess was correct, most people really didn't dare to ride a horse.

But Tang San didn't expect that he was about to face a crazy and ruthless person.

Finally, after walking about four feet away from Tang San, Mo Mo stopped.

He frowned, looking at the large area of ​​filth in front of him, his stomach churned again.

It was impossible for him to rush in anyway.

But now his feet have long been tainted.

I really don’t care about that much.

If Tang San is not blasted away, Mo Mo will not be able to relieve the hatred in his heart!


Under the horrified eyes of the audience, Shi Mo unexpectedly rushed into the many filthy things in front of him.


Tang San was shocked, he never expected that this graphite would be so crazy!

How dare he!

On the other side of the duel stage, Huo Feng was fighting against Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng alone.

They were all able to look at Tang San with ease.

When he discovered that Shi Mo actually rushed towards Tang San.

And he doesn't care about those filthy things at all.

His whole body was numb,

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"The person who really steps on the horse is a ruthless person."

As for Flender and Zao Wu-Ki in the audience, they had long since stopped watching.

Such an outrageous battle is really irritating to the eyes, and it is also nauseating.

When I think about it, Tang San is still a member of Team Shrek in name only.

Flanders was furious.

Not far away, Yu Xiaogang's face was extremely pale.

It's as ugly as eating shit.

Because he knew Tang San's move.

After making a fool of himself, I'm afraid I'm still going to lose.

This result was obviously unacceptable to him.

And it was very easy to put himself and Tang San in a disadvantageous position afterwards.

Especially since Flanders was looking down upon him during this period.

Yu Xiaogang was afraid that this guy would use this as an excuse.

He launched an attack on his master and disciple.

He even deprived Tang San of his training resources at Tiandou Royal Academy.

Yu Xiaogang never thought of it.

What he was thinking was already trivial.

What Flanders was thinking about now was how to blast Tang San and Yu Xiaogang out.

What he wants to do is to remove the two masters and apprentices from Shrek!

At this moment, the advantages of graphite in the field are already quite obvious.

After getting close, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass could no longer exert any advantage.

You can only rely on Xuantian Kung and Tang Sect's unique skills to fight with him hand-to-hand.

But the turtle shield in Shi Mo's hands has both offensive and defensive power.

Both of them were much stronger than Tang San's legs and feet.

He was completely overwhelmed.


Tang San, who had been holding his breath, suddenly began to breathe heavily.

It's okay if he doesn't breathe, but he almost passes out when he breathes.

The corner of Shi Mo's mouth raised a crazy arc.

The pupils also turned blood red.

Staring at Tang San like a vicious wolf seeing its prey.

The latter's hair stood on end and he shivered immediately.

Tang San couldn't dodge and fell directly to the ground.

Originally he was still a bit human, but now he has rolled around like this for two times.

It looks extremely scary.

Both physical and mental torture.

There was no hope of winning.

Tang San staggered up from the ground.

Now he can be said to have reached a new level of embarrassment.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Tang San took two unsteady steps.

Then the last one failed to stand still and fell directly from the duel platform.

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