People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 181 Successfully sacrificed Oscar and Ma Hongjun and were rewarded with a soul ring age enha

Tang San suddenly fell off the duel stage.

Everyone present was a little stunned.

Because of what Tang San did just now.

It's not like he was kicked off the stage.

Instead, it was a bit like he didn't dare to fight and deliberately fell off the duel platform.

Tang San in the audience climbed up from the ground at an extremely fast speed.

Then he ran towards the outside of the duel without any hesitation.

Wherever he passed, no one could be seen within a ten-foot radius.

The ones hiding are really farther away than the other.

You can watch the excitement, but don’t let the excitement get to you in the end.

This scene directly confused Yu Xiaogang, who was still in the stands.

Tang San just ran away without caring about him?

Because Yu Xiaogang is sitting in a wheelchair.

He was carried to this position by Tang San before.

And this position is still in a higher place in the stands.

Therefore, Yu Xiaogang now looks desperate.

Although his injury is almost healed now.

But the whole person is still in a very weak state.

It's hard to walk on my own.

Not to mention walking down the stands with such a big wheelchair.

Wouldn't that kill him?

Now Tang San had already disappeared.

All that was left was a series of disgusting yellow footprints.

At the same time, the team battle on the duel stage also continued.

The space on the stage is very wide.

Although a place was polluted by Tang San.

But the rest just need to stay out of the way.

After Tang San rolled off the duel stage, Shi Mo also took the initiative to withdraw from the team fight.

Because he continues to stay on the court in his current state.

Wouldn't that make him as disgusting as Tang San?

Therefore, he also quickly left the duel stage.

At the same time, the third soul ring on Black Panther Soul Master Oslo's body lit up instantly on the duel stage.

His erect pupils shrank instantly.

In the swirling purple light of the soul ring, the bones on the whole body crackled.

Immediately afterwards, a very frightening thing was that a leopard-shaped light and shadow separated from his body.

The light and shadow flickered and moved quickly towards the direction of Huo Feng.

It is the Black Panther Soul Master's third soul ring skill - Leopard Shadow Clone.

A war between the two sides is about to break out.

At this moment, the long sword in Huo Feng's hand has been switched to the blazing sword.

The flame sword wind formed a spherical barrier around the body.

Ordinary attacks simply cannot penetrate this barrier.

"Huo Feng's martial spirit is very powerful, so be careful!"

Dai Mubai turned around and explained to everyone.

Being from the Shrek team, he naturally knows more about Huo Feng than the others from the Huangdou team.

Of the two Shi brothers, Shi Mo was the only one left because of Shi Shi's fate.

Therefore, his momentum of rushing forward alone was delayed for a moment.

After a half-second pause, the second soul ring on his body lit up at the same time.

The turtle shell once again turned into two shields and appeared in his hands.


"Light Wings Continuous Slash!"

At the same time, Huo Feng's third soul ring suddenly lit up, and then the flaming sword in his hand suddenly turned into a golden giant sword.

The giant sword flicked fiercely, and three sword energy filled with golden light slashed out.

"White Tiger Vajra Transformation!"

"White Tiger Fierce Light Wave!"

Dai Mubai released his second and third soul skills at the same time.

The white tiger's fierce light wave encountered three bright sword energies, but it didn't last for two seconds.

Dai Mubai didn't stand firm and took dozens of steps back.

And at this moment, a figure had bounced up like a star ball.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of them.

It was Huo Feng.

However, the long sword in his hand was transformed into a thunder sword at this moment.

"Broken sword slash!"


The Thunder Sword flashed with electric light and stabbed towards Yu Tianheng in the blink of an eye.

Huo Feng's speed was so fast that the latter had no time to react.

There was only one method in front of him at this moment, block hard.

He shouted loudly and swung his fists and dragon claws with all his strength towards Huo Feng in front.

Soul power burst out, and blue light rose into the sky.


However, the defensive power he was so proud of was like paper in front of Huo Feng.

But Huo Feng's thunder sword instantly reached Yu Tianheng's dragon claw.

Although it did not move forward, the terrifying power caused it to fall to the ground in an instant.

The strong electric current caused his whole body to convulse violently.

His martial spirit is the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

But he was brought back to life by Huo Fengdian.

Yu Tianheng felt a little autistic.

The disadvantage that Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng quickly fell into caused the remaining people to stagnate at the same time.

The opponent's Dugu Yan is also a soul sect in his forties.

But she hasn't made a move yet.

Huo Feng didn't give them a chance to hesitate, and rushed over in an instant with his sword in hand.

And this time his target is Ma Hongjun.

Seeing the electric arc dancing on the Thunder Sword, the latter's eyes already showed the light of fear.

This is no joke.

He usually didn't feel anything when he was in the same team as Huo Feng.

But suddenly he ran to the opposite side of him.

Facing Huo Feng at this moment, he no longer had any desire to fight.

But Ma Hongjun certainly cannot sit back and wait for death.

All three soul rings light up.

"Phoenix Fire!"

"Phoenix rising from the flames!"

"Phoenix Wings Flying to Heaven!"

All three soul skills were released.

Especially the third soul skill actually made him fly into the air for a short time.

Huo Feng frowned slightly, and the long sword in his hand instantly transformed into a flaming sword.

A gust of sword wind slashed out, and the phoenix line of fire that Ma Hongjun sprayed with all his strength disappeared in an instant.

Then the sword wind continued forward, directly blowing Ma Hongjun out of the air.


The latter fell heavily to the ground.

As soon as he got up from the ground, Huo Feng was already in front of him.

With his feet on the ground, he jumped up slightly.

Then a palm was slapped on Ma Hongjun's chest.

[System, sacrifice Ma Hongjun! 】

Looking at Ma Hongjun who had already flown upside down, Huo Feng issued a command to the system in his heart.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Hongjun felt as if he had been hit hard.

The whole person collapsed on the ground.

【Ding! 】

[Ma Hongjun’s sacrifice was successful! 】

[Main mission completed: 4/7! 】

At the same time, Huo Feng's figure flashed.

Before anyone could react, he came to the back row of the battlefield.

Found Oscar directly.

He naturally doesn't use soul skills to deal with auxiliary soul masters.

He just punched him randomly,


Oscar paused for a second and was pushed back ten feet away.

[System, sacrifice Oscar! 】

Huo Feng said secretly in his heart.

Oscar, who was just about to get up, suddenly felt as if his body had been hollowed out.

His feet gave way and he fell again.

And I couldn't get up even if I wanted to.

【Ding! 】

[Oscar sacrifice is successful! 】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the system main task 5/7! 】

[Mission reward; soul ring age enhancement card*1! 】

[Note: The soul ring age enhancement card can increase the age of all the host’s soul rings by one thousand years! 】

[The soul ring age enhancement card has been stored in the system warehouse, please check it, host! 】

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