People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 182 Although Tang San didn't do much damage, riding on the horse was disgusting!

The corners of Huo Feng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a meaningful smile.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun finally asked him to sacrifice for success.

It will be really difficult to find such a good opportunity in the future.

But at this moment, the situation on the court has completely lost its balance.

Huo Feng had just been bombarded.

This directly caused two of the seven opponents to lose their combat effectiveness.

Two people suffered minor injuries.

In addition, Tang San had already run away in turmoil.

The second team in the team fight originally had the numerical advantage.

Now the only remaining intact combat forces are Black Panther Soul Master Obero, Phoenix Spirit Bird Soul Master Yu Feng, and an auxiliary soul master Ye Lingling.

Although the opponent also has a graphite leaving the field.

But just by Huo Feng, they were beaten like this.

The remaining few people have basically not taken any action yet.

In the duel arena, there are both spectators and students in the stands, as well as members of both teams on the duel stage.

They all looked shocked.

Especially the latter, they know that Huo Feng is very strong.

But I didn't expect that he would be so strong.

At this moment, Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng also stood at the front again.

They also discovered that Huo Feng's target just now didn't seem to be the two of them.

After just repelling them, they found Oscar and Ma Hongjun.

Yu Tianheng was fine, but Dai Mubai started to think crazy in his mind.

Is it because they have never fought against Huo Feng?

Therefore, the latter wanted to take this opportunity to let everyone in the Shrek team feel the difference in strength.

And then can it inspire them to practice harder?

It wasn't just Dai Mubai who thought so.

Flanders and Zao Wou-Ki in the stands thought the same thing.

The two of them had discovered this problem long ago.

Because of Huo Feng's existence.

As a result, the Shrek team has never lost a team battle in the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena.

Although he also knew that the team members knew that Huo Feng was the most important person.

But the continuous winning streak inevitably makes them proud.

The reason why Flanders told Huo Feng not to take action in the previous team battle.

Just to train the rest of the Shrek team.

Now based on Flanders's conjecture.

Huo Feng is the captain of the Shrek team.

He was assigned to the opposite group with Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun.

Naturally, he wanted to suppress his somewhat frivolous teammates.

Let them understand the gap between their own strength and theirs.

It would be nice if the rest of the Shrek team could work hard to practice.

At this moment, Huo Feng, who was standing in the middle of the duel stage, flashed.

Then he retreated directly behind everyone.

Even Ning Rongrong had to stand in front of him.

Flanders suddenly smiled knowingly when he saw this scene.

It was just as he expected.

He knew it very well after watching many Shrek team battles.

Huo Feng made such a move because he didn't intend to take action again.

Give the opportunity to the remaining people.

Sure enough, the next second, the duel stage once again fell into a debate.

Although Dai Mubai's side had two Soul Sects without Huo Feng taking action.

But the two of them were injured by Huo Feng after all.

The strength that can be exerted is limited.

On the other side, Dugu Yan is still in full condition.

Coupled with the super blessing of Ning Rongrong's top auxiliary martial spirit from the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

One against two is no problem.

As for the rest.

Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling were both standing at the back of the team.

After all, Obero and Yufeng were no match for Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Shi Mo's offensive.

When Huo Feng made no move in the follow-up.

The team still won very easily.

Looking at Huo Feng with a dazzling halo on the duel stage.

Yu Xiaogang in the stands was gritting his teeth.

He really regretted that he had not insisted on accepting Huo Feng as his personal disciple.

Instead, he picked Tang San.

Now the gap between the two is simply unimaginable.

He got angry when he thought of Tang San.

That kid actually threw himself into the stands of the duel stand.

I really don’t know if he still has his own master!

Yu Xiaogang was very angry.

Just when he was thinking about how to leave the duel field.

Someone outside the field ran toward him quickly.

Yu Xiaogang looked intently.

It was Tang San who had already cleaned up and changed his clothes.

The latter came to Yu Xiaogang.

He carried it off the stand without saying a word.

Then he drove Yu Xiaogang's wheelchair and quickly escaped from the duel field.

It felt like a wheelchair was being driven out of the carriage by Tang San.

Such a funny scene immediately caused bursts of laughter.

"Is this Tang San so impatient?"

"Just say yes. Although it's not illegal to talk about the things between master and apprentice, you should at least take care of your body."

"That Tang San was beaten into such a bad state just now, why didn't he wait for his own injuries to be healed?"

Such chatter and laughter echoed throughout the duel arena stands.

Now Yu Xiaogang and Tang San are in the eyes of everyone.

Just like two clowns.

Performing for the crowd.

Don't tell me yet.

Actually performing a show may not have such an explosive effect.

It has to be a real person.

As the saying goes,

Art comes from life, but it cannot surpass life.

All they want to do is what they have heard about.

"Wuji, do you think we should give a wave of training to the other students except Huo Feng?"

At this moment, Flender, who was sitting in the stands, asked Zao Wou-Ki next to him a question.

He found that the strength gap between Huo Feng and other team members was becoming more and more obvious.

There is less than half a year left in the Soul Master Competition, if it is still like this.

Not good news.

After hearing Vlad's words, Zhao Wuji nodded slightly,

"I think it's very necessary."

"There is no doubt about Huo Feng's strength. Even in the Soul Master Competition, it is estimated that no one can compete with him."

"But the Soul Master Competition is a team effort, and Huo Feng alone will definitely not be able to do it."

Flanders showed a somewhat malicious smile.

Wait until he clears the master and apprentice Yu Xiaogang and Tang San out of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

We need to train the other students of Team Shrek well.

Especially his disciple Ma Hongjun.

The latter's strength obviously did not satisfy Flanders.

The morning's team battle is over.

Everyone will get a few hours of rest.

The second draw team battle will be held in the afternoon.

This time, Tang San finally didn't show up.

This also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

No one can stand up to this guy.

The damage really wasn't much.

But you can't stop him from being disgusted by riding a horse!

After Shi Mo cleaned up, he continued to participate in the afternoon team battle draw.

This time, there were a total of fourteen people, which was a lot easier to smoke.

Although the players on both sides are quite different from the morning match.

But in the end, Huo Feng's team won the final victory.

After all, as soon as he takes action, it will be a dimension-reducing blow to others.

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