People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 183 Use the [Soul Ring Age Increase Card] to increase them all by a thousand years!

Even people like Dai Mubai, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan are all Dou Zong at level 40.

Still unable to pose any threat to Huo Feng.

In the evening, Qin Ming invited team members and teachers from both sides to hold a banquet.

It can also be regarded as the conclusion of this friendly match.

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang naturally had no shame in going.

It is embarrassing to even ask others to help bring a meal.

After the banquet, Huo Feng returned to his room immediately.

Then the door was closed.

Because he wanted to check the system reward he just received today.

What is the [Soul Ring Age Enhancement Card] about?

With a thought, four soul rings quietly rose from beneath his feet.

Then it slowly circled upward.

The four soul rings are yellow, purple, purple and black.

This is what they originally looked like.

On weekdays, Huo Feng used the soul ring simulator to modify it.

At this moment, Huo Feng raised his right hand and concentrated his soul power in his palm.

Along with the faint white light, the Wuhun Iron Sword gradually emerged.


At this moment, the light on Huo Feng's first soul ring flashed away.

In an instant, the ordinary iron sword began to change rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then it turned directly into a long sword emitting blue arcs.

The first form of the Dugu Nine Swords - Thunder Sword!


Immediately afterwards, Huo Feng's right hand shook slightly, and his second soul ring flashed instantly.

The long sword in his hand suddenly changed its appearance.

The blue faded and turned into red.

The electric arc dancing on the sword also disappeared.

It turned into a raging fire.

In an instant, the temperature of the entire room increased a lot.

The second form of Dugu Nine Swords - Fiery Sword!


At this moment, the third soul ring finally lit up.

The long sword in Huo Feng's hand also began to transform rapidly.

The fire began to dissipate, and the color of the sword body was extremely symmetrical and divided into two parts from the tip to the hilt.

Gold on the left, black on the right.

Two completely different types of energy belong to one side.

Full of powerful energy.

It is the third form of Dugu Nine Swords - the God and Demon Sword!

The entire sword has also changed.

Then Huo Feng's right hand shook slightly, and the sword in his hand changed again.

The sword body is more slender.

And there is a slight arc at the front end.

The whole body is light green.

Mysterious wind patterns are carved on the sword body.

It is the fourth form of the Dugu Nine Swords - the Swift Wind Sword!


Huo Feng opened the system panel and then opened the system warehouse without hesitation.

[Soul Ring Age Enhancement Card] suddenly came into view.

Huo Feng gently clicked to receive it.


The [Soul Ring Life Improvement Card] suddenly turned into four streams of light.

They got into the four soul rings on Huo Feng's body and disappeared.

The next second, all four soul rings began to tremble slightly.

In the next five minutes, they all changed.

Among them, the most obvious change is the first soul ring.

Because of the one-thousand-year increase in age, the first soul ring changed directly from a yellow soul ring to a purple soul ring.

As for the remaining three soul rings,

It's just that the color is darker.

Huo Feng stood up, and four soul rings appeared one after another.

Purple, purple, purple, black, the four-color soul ring shines with dazzling light.

Even he was quite shocked.

Immediately afterwards, he directly started debugging the soul ring simulator.

Just one minute later.

The first and second soul rings on Huo Feng's body turned yellow again.

Even he himself couldn't help but sigh:

“It’s convenient to have it!”

Otherwise, I would have to be on tenterhooks all day long.

You can’t even pretend to be fake, and you can’t even live in obscurity.

This state is the most comfortable now.

Immediately afterwards, Huo Feng directly opened the system interface.

The light curtain emerged and he clicked on the host information.


The light curtain trembled slightly, and then the interface changed.

[Host name: Huo Feng. 】

[Host Martial Spirit: Dugu Nine Swords]

[The first stage - Thunder Sword! 】

[The second stage—Fire Sword! 】

[The third stage - the sword of gods and demons! 】

[The fourth stage - Swift Wind Sword! 】

[Host Soul Power: Level 47 Fighting Soul Sect! 】

[Host Soul Skill:]

[The first soul skill: Sword-Breaking Slash! 】

[The second soul skill: Set a prairie fire on fire! 】

[The third soul skill: One thought of gods and demons! 】

[Fourth soul skill: Breathless Breath Slash! 】

[Host soul bone: One hundred thousand year sword domain soul bone. 】

[Host wife: To be determined.]

"Level 47 soul power."

Huo Feng's eyes flashed, revealing a hint of joy.

It was indeed as he judged.

Even if the life of the soul ring is increased by one thousand years, his soul power will increase again.

But he didn't expect that he would be promoted to level 47 by five levels.

After all, the higher the level, the more soul power is needed to break through.

If he was promoted from level one to level five, he would naturally not be surprised.

But going from level 42 to level 47 is completely different.

Relying on his terrifying foundation and trump cards.

Huo Feng felt that ordinary level 50 soul kings would be easily defeated by him.

If you add soul bone skills.

It's not like a sixty-level soul emperor can't give it a try.

If his idea were to be known to others, he would probably be laughed to death.

A soul sect who is only level 47 actually wants to fight against a soul emperor who is above level 60?

Isn't this a fool?

But only Huo Feng knew that he really had such strength.

However, this kind of strength should not be displayed easily.

It would be really stupid to do otherwise.

He put away the system warehouse and opened the system mall.

Looking towards the upper right corner, what comes into view are more than 10,000 sacrifice points.

Huo Feng was a little surprised.

When he obtained the sacrifice points now, he didn't even calculate it carefully.

Who would have thought that it would break through more than 10,000 points again.

He briefly glanced around the items in the mall.

Although they all look good.

But it's a pity that there is nothing he can use immediately.

In this case, you can save it temporarily by pressing the sacrifice point.

Anyway, if you put it in the system's account, you don't have to worry about its depreciation.

"Dong dong dong——~!"

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Huo Feng quickly closed the system.

Then he walked to the door and opened it.

The ones who caught the eye were Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

"Huo Feng, do you want to go to Tiandou City for a walk?"

The speaker was Ning Rongrong.

Because I just participated in a friendly match with the Royal Fighter Team.

All Flanders put everyone on hold for two more days.


A look of surprise flashed across Huo Feng's face.

It's already night now.

These three girls actually wanted to drag him to Tiandou City?

"The nightlife in Tiandou City is so exciting. I must take you to experience it today!"

A hint of excitement flashed across Ning Rongrong's face.

Seeing this, Huo Feng also nodded.

In this case, let’s have a little experience.

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