People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 184 Discovered? Yu Xiaogang and Tang San ran away overnight!

Huo Feng and his party arrived outside Tiandou City.

Even though it's night now.

But standing at the city gate, you can already see the brightly lit and lively scene in the city.

A lot of people gathered in front of the bulletin board next to the city gate.

Such a scene immediately caught Ning Rongrong's attention.

She walked to the bulletin board in a few steps.

Then stop and watch.

"Wanted reward order?"

Ning Rongrong curled her lips helplessly,

"It's boring. I'll take you to a good place later!"

At this time, Huo Feng and three others also came over.

After seeing the description on the wanted reward warrant.

Huo Feng was suddenly shocked.

Isn’t this Damn Yu Xiaogang? !

Others may not know.

But he knew it very well.

The famous master Yu Xiaogang.

He is a member of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

And the five hundred thousand gold soul coins stolen from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

It is also perfectly consistent with Yu Xiaogang's sudden treasure some time ago.

The most certain thing is the last one.

The suspect only had one arm.

Who else could this be besides Yu Xiaogang?

Yu Xiaogang's arm.

But back then he watched Tang San chop it down with his own eyes in the Soul Hunting Forest.

It's been a while since I've been looking at the wanted bounty poster.

But it seems that no one has found Yu Xiaogang at all.

Although Huo Feng was a little shaken in his heart.

But the facial expression is still relatively calm.

He needed to get the word out.

But it shouldn’t be too obvious that I did it myself.

"Let's go, Huo Feng?"

At this moment, Ning Rongrong's voice came from the front.

The three girls have entered the Tiandou City Gate.


Huo Feng responded with a smile.

Then he took a wanted leaflet from the bulletin board.

Put it in his Najie soul guide.

Then he quickly followed.

Under the leadership of Ning Rongrong, the four of them played for two hours before returning to Tiandou Royal Academy.

And this time it was already late at night.

When passing by Flanders' room.

Huo Feng made the flyer float in through the window just in time.

Then it landed right on Flanders' face.

The latter caught him in a daze.

After discovering it was a wanted warrant.

He sat up and took a closer look.

Falling eyes, from calm to shock.

It's just a matter of ten seconds.

The suspect on the wanted warrant.

It's exactly the same as Yu Xiaogang's description.

After thinking for half an hour.

Friend made a bold decision.

He originally planned to hold a conference in the next two days.

Then at the conference, master and apprentice Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were kicked out of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

But now this wanted poster appears.

Suddenly he had another idea.

That is to report Yu Xiaogang personally.

After all, one hundred thousand gold soul coins.

Even for him.

Not a small amount of money.

But such a big thing.

He obviously can't decide on his own.

So Flanders directly called Zao Wuki into his room in the middle of the night.

The two chatted in detail.

Soon their views were unanimous.

Go to Tiandou City tomorrow to reveal this wanted reward order.

Flanders didn't expect that.

Next door to his room is the toilet in this courtyard.

Tang San, who had disappeared in the middle of the night, happened to be in the toilet.

Conversation between Flanders and Zao Wou-Ki.

He just happened to hear it.

Tang San endured the smell of the toilet and stayed in the toilet for more than half an hour.

After guessing that Flanders fell asleep again.

Then he quietly returned to his and Yu Xiaogang's room.

Quickly shake the latter awake.

Then he recounted what he had just heard.

Yu Xiaogang, who was still in a daze, suddenly woke up.

A bold decision was made in just one minute.

It was obvious that the two masters and apprentices at Tiandou Royal Academy could not stay any longer.

There is only one chance now.

That means running away all night!

Simply packed some things.

Yu Xiaogang and Tang San walked one behind the other.

He left Tiandou Royal Academy quietly.

Only then did Tang San realize.

The teacher can run so fast without using a wheelchair?

When they ran out of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

It's almost dawn.

Yu Xiaogang once again made a bold decision,

Head to Tiandou City!

As the saying goes.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

The darkness under the lamp was exactly the effect he wanted.

Yu Xiaogang took Tang San to the gate of Tiandou City, just as they were preparing to enter the city.

But I saw an announcement on the bulletin board next to the city gate.

It was the wanted poster with a reward.

It's just that Yu Xiaogang is already disguised now.

I don’t even know where the prosthetic leg was amputated and attached to the shoulder.

The people around them never imagined that the person on the wanted warrant was standing next to them.

On the bulletin board, there is another large announcement:

"We are hiring!"

"Lanba Advanced Soul Master Academy, due to its own expansion, is now recruiting the following personnel:"

"Ten Soul Sects above level 40!"

"Those with higher soul power will be given priority. Once hired, they will be treated favorably!"

"The order requires two cleaners, but no soul power is required!"

Seeing this news, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but be a little surprised:

"How come the advertisements for this college are all on the city gate bulletin board?"

"What kind of academy is this Lan Ba ​​Advanced Soul Master Academy? Why have I never heard of it?"

In addition to Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, there were many other people in front of the bulletin board.

Although most people's attention is on the wanted reward order of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

But there are still people who are reading this enrollment advertisement of Lanba Academy.

At this moment, someone next to him took up Yu Xiaogang's conversation.

"The advanced soul master academies that can be opened in Tiandou City all have certain backgrounds."

"I don't know the background of this Lanba Academy."

"But during the Tiandou Capital Region Qualifiers of the last Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition."

"This is the academy that eliminated one of the two participating teams from Tiandou Royal Academy."

"However, the students from Lanba Academy should have graduated this year."

"And the Tiandou Academy's Imperial Fighter Team this year is much stronger than the last Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition."

"I heard that a group of very mysterious students have been introduced, and they are all very powerful."

"I guess they have little chance in this continental advanced soul master academy competition."

Yu Xiaogang frowned slightly and turned to ask,

"What is the size of this Lanba Academy?"

The man replied:

"It's about one-third the size of Tiandou Royal Academy."

"Although the scale is smaller, they are located in Tiandou City."

"The cost will not be lower than that of Tiandou Royal Academy, but there is no royal background."

"I heard that the teaching in this college is very rigorous and has its own characteristics."

"Only civilian students will be accepted, and all nobles will be rejected."

"If it has no background, it will never be able to gain a foothold in Tiandou City."

After the man finished speaking, he turned and left.

Although Yu Xiaogang still wanted to ask in more detail.

But no one could be found.

The others seemed to ignore him at all.

They all don’t know anything about it.

In this case, he could only go and see for himself what this Lanba Academy was like.

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