People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 188 Tang San: Although they are good, they are still far behind me.

The middle-aged man nodded, then frowned and said,

"You're right about the price."

"But you should also know that the toughness of fine iron is far higher than that of ordinary fine iron, so it is naturally much more difficult to create."

"Use it to create any item, and the processing fee is the same as the price of the iron essence itself."

"That is to say, if one kilogram of iron essence is used to make anything, we will charge a processing fee of ten gold soul coins."

"And the objects on your drawing are so complicated, you even have to charge 50% more."

Tang San looked happy and his attitude changed instantly.

If normal people were here.

People in the blacksmith shop would be shocked when they heard that the price of making something was actually measured in gold soul coins.

But Tang San knew that the price mentioned by the boss in front of him was already very suitable.

"That's pretty much it. Your price is fine."

"But the required manufacturing volume is relatively large, can there be some discount?"

Liu Neng thought for a moment and then nodded.

"That's for sure, if you really ask for iron essence to be used to make these things."

"Even if they are our big customers."

"But the material cost cannot be reduced, and I can't lose money."

"I can give you a 10% discount on the labor fee."

"If you use more than ten kilograms of iron essence, then I can give you a 20% discount."

"The lowest price is 20% off."

Tang San smiled and nodded,

"Then it's settled!"

"Please make five copies according to the drawing I gave you."

"I have made detailed calculations. Each portion requires about two kilograms of iron essence."

"About ten kilograms in total."

Liu Neng looked at Tang San in surprise,

"You want to do so much?"

"This is ten kilograms of iron essence. Even if I give you a 20% discount on the labor cost, it still costs almost two hundred gold soul coins."

Looking at Liu Neng's look, Tang San knew that he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to afford so much money.

"Boss, you are also a soul master, right?"

Tang San suddenly said something.

Liu Neng's heart trembled, and he looked at Tang San and frowned.

The latter showed a somewhat meaningful smile,

"I want to talk to you alone, is that okay?"

A business worth more than two hundred gold soul coins.

Even this blacksmith shop in Tiandou City can definitely be considered a big business.

Because their annual turnover is only about 3,000 gold soul coins.

Liu Neng nodded,

"Then please come to the back with me."

Then, he led Tang San straight towards the back.

Passing through the isolation tent, Tang San immediately saw a surprised scene.

The reception room in front of this blacksmith shop is already large, but the workshop in the back is even bigger.

As far as the eye could see, everything was red with fire.

At least more than fifty blacksmiths were working at the same time.

Tang San's Purple Demonic Eyes were released, and his gaze simply swept over these blacksmiths.

I couldn't help but nodded secretly in my heart.

Although not all the blacksmiths here are that strong.

But both their eyes and their hands were extremely calm.

Apparently they are all experienced blacksmiths.

To be able to support such a large blacksmith shop, there must be so many outstanding blacksmiths.

Suddenly Tang San let out a soft sigh and said to himself:

"If my guess is correct, they both seem to be soul masters, right?"

Liu Neng stopped and looked at Tang San doubtfully,

"Young man, what's the problem?"

In his heart, Liu Neng didn't trust Tang San very much.

After all, the latter looks too young.

But the drawings Tang San took out didn't look like they were joking.

And this is a big deal worth more than two hundred gold soul coins.

Liu Neng didn't want to let it go because of his temporary suspicion.

Although they are the largest blacksmith shop in the area, they are by no means the only blacksmith shop.

Following Tang San's gaze, what he noticed were two young blacksmiths at work.

They looked about eighteen or nineteen years old.

They all have leopard heads and eyes, and they look very similar.

He has a majestic figure, with dark muscles tattooed like hills.

The casting hammer in his hand is also much larger than that of other blacksmiths, but the forging process is extremely steady.

It is even more efficient than some middle-aged blacksmiths around.

Seeing that Tang San was paying attention to them, Liu Neng couldn't help but smile proudly,

"These two boys are getting stronger and stronger now."

"How about it? The blacksmiths here are good, right?"

"They are my twin sons, one is named Liu Long and the other is named Liu Hu."

"Although he is not very old, he can still be regarded as my true successor. He is the best blacksmith in the shop."

Hearing this, a slightly disapproving smile appeared on Tang San's lips.

Although the two sons of the blacksmith shop owner are not bad.

But compared to him, Tang San, he was still far behind.

Whether it's soul power level or blacksmithing skills.

Tang San also had absolute confidence.

After leaving Tiandou Royal Academy.

He found that his confidence was getting stronger and stronger.

Originally it wasn't that my talent was bad.

But the talent and strength of the rest of Shrek are too abnormal.

Once you leave them, you will still be in Tiandou City.

Tang San felt that he could definitely be called a genius.

Of course, only he and Yu Xiaogang thought so.

Hearing what Liu Neng said, Tang San immediately understood why Liu Neng's soul power fluctuated.

Judging from the fluctuations in his soul power, Liu Neng's strength is not very strong.

Not even as good as his two sons.

Obviously, the martial spirits of Tie Long and Tie Hu had some degree of variation.

At their age, they already possess more than twenty levels of soul power.

Even in the advanced soul master academy, he should be a pretty good student.

But if you compare it with yourself, it's still not on the same level at all.

Thinking of this, Tang San couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face,

"If our partnership is successful, then I'll ask them to build these things."

Tang San himself was a blacksmith and a spirit master.

Of course he knew that items made with the backing of soul power were much better than those made by ordinary blacksmiths.

The symmetry of strength and power control during creation alone are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Liu Neng took a deep look at Tang San and smiled lightly,

“If the collaboration really works out, that’s no problem.”

He led Tang San to a room behind the workshop.

There is a table, seven or eight chairs, and a simple wooden bed in the room.

Apparently it's the boss's office.

It can also be used for rest at ordinary times.

You can directly see the workroom outside from the window.

Liu Neng walked directly to his desk and sat down.

At the same time, he gestured to Tang San to sit down.

Judging from his first impression of the young man in front of him, Liu Neng thought it was okay.

But when it comes to business cooperation, he feels more ridiculous.

If he hadn't held a one in ten thousand chance, he wouldn't have let Tang San come in with him.

What kind of business can a young man who looks no more than fifteen years old bring him?

And he was still talking about Tie Jing.

"Young man, you said you were once a blacksmith?"

Liu Neng asked tentatively. .

A disdainful smile suddenly appeared on Tang San's lips.

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