People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 189 Questioning the innate soul power of labor and management? Tang San was anxious!

Of course he knew what Liu Neng was thinking at this time.

Apparently he felt that he was too young.

At this time, the boss's words didn't sound like a business discussion at all, but rather like a question.

"Yes, I used to be a blacksmith."

“My father was also a blacksmith and I learned my craft from him.”

After saying that, Tang San showed a trace of undisguised arrogance on his face.

Upon hearing that Tang San was a blacksmith, Liu Neng couldn't help but feel a little more favorable.

“So that’s how it is”

"Judging from your accent, you shouldn't be a local, right?"

Tang San shook his head,

"I came to Lanba Academy to study."

"Going to school? Are you a soul master?"

Liu Neng looked at Tang San expectantly.

Although there are various academies on the mainland, the Soul Master Academy is undoubtedly the one that attracts the most attention.

Generally speaking, it is rare to study other things in a different place, only the Soul Master Academy is different.

Advanced soul master academies are only found in big cities.

There are several high-level soul master academies in Tiandou City.

Of course he hoped that Tang San was a student of a certain soul master academy.

Although at his age he only just joined the Intermediate Soul Master Academy.

But the identities of soul masters are different after all, and they are all recorded in Wuhun Palace.

When doing business with a soul master, you only need to check the other party's soul master level and verify it with the Wuhun Palace.

You are not afraid of any tricks the other party will play.

Tang San nodded,

"Yes, I just entered the academy to study."

"Do you have any more questions?"

Tang San felt a little guilty when he said this.

If nothing else, he has now been expelled from Tiandou Royal Academy.

In the morning, I originally wanted to re-enter that Lanba Academy to study.

Who would have thought that the teachers in that college were short-sighted.

He refused without even checking his conditions.

Therefore, although Tang San can now enter and exit Lanba Academy freely.

But he is the same as Yu Xiaogang.

He is just one of the two newly hired cleaners at Lanba Academy.

That is to say, the expression on his face did not fluctuate much.

Only then did Liu Neng have any doubts.

Liu Neng took out the drawings and spread them out on the table, then looked at them carefully.

"From the drawings, these things you want are very delicate, and it is not easy to build them."

"And the amount of this business is not small."

"Although our blacksmith shop is of a certain size."

"But more than two hundred gold soul coins are still a big number for us."

"How are you going to work with us?"

The corners of Tang San's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

He had already thought of a way to cooperate on the way here.

"I'll pay a part of the deposit first, and I'll ask you to make a set of these things first."

"If there is no problem with the quality, continue production."

"The number of gold soul coins I can pay for the first time is about one hundred."

The reason why Tang San said this.

That's because he only has more than a hundred gold soul coins in his body now.

I want more gold soul coins.

You have to wait until next month to go to Wuhun Hall to get it.

Liu Neng frowned when he heard this.

"Since you were once a blacksmith, you should know."

"Many fine things require molds to make them."

"And this mold is also the largest part of the production cost."

"If you just make one set, don't tell me that I can't give you a discount, or even lose money!"

"Although the deposit of one hundred gold coins is enough, I hope to add a guarantee."

"Since you are a soul master, can you show me your soul master's handwriting?"

"As long as we are sure there is no problem, our cooperation can begin."

After hearing Tang San say that he was willing to pay a hundred gold soul coins first, Liu Neng already believed it.

However, he had been running this blacksmith shop for many years, and he didn't recognize the things Tang San made.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, he certainly hoped to find out some details about Tang San first.

As long as Tang San's identity as a soul master was intact, he would dare to take on this big business.

As for the Soul Master's Notes.

That was given to the soul master when he received the subsidy for the first time in Wuhun Hall.

It can be said to be a symbol of the soul master's identity.

It will record the soul master's personal information and have the special number of the Wuhun Palace.

Just rely on this number.

You can spend a certain amount of money to find out whether this soul master is indeed the person through the Wuhun Palace's contact system.

Tang San frowned slightly.

This boss doesn't believe that he is a soul master?

If it had been before, he would have simply turned around and left.

But now he and Yu Xiaogang are really having a hard time.

It is not easy to reach this level.

So he could only accept it once.

Thinking of this, Tang San touched the moonlit night of Twenty-Four Bridge with his right hand.

Then he took out his soul master's handbook.

The Soul Master's Codex is not paper or cloth, but a piece of metal the size of a palm.

It is said that this special metal is only produced by Wuhun Palace and is difficult to imitate.

The Soul Master's Codex was made of metal to prevent damage.

After all, under normal circumstances, this handbook would follow the soul master for his entire life.

On the palm-sized piece of metal, the time of each advancement of the soul master is engraved.

There are ten lines in total.

The first line is engraved with the registration time and location as well as the spirit master's spirit.

The second line begins with the advancement time and the level of the soul ring.

On the other side of the soul master's handbook is engraved the first symbol of Wuhun Palace, a long sword.

In terms of this code, all soul masters are the same.

Only the people from Wuhun Hall will have some changes.

Seeing Tang San take out the Soul Master's Notes and hand it over, Liu Neng took it with both hands.

The soul master's handbook is a symbol of the soul master's identity and a record of his advancement, and is generally not easily produced.

Taking the cold metal piece, Liu Neng looked up carefully.

The first thing that catches the eye is the top line of small words.

These carvers were specially trained by Wuhun Palace.

No matter where the Wuhun Palace is, the font is the same.

I saw it read:

Name: Tang San.

Sex: Male.

In the year 2637 of the Douluo Calendar, he was registered in the Wuhun Branch Hall of Notting City, Wuhun Blue Silver Grass.

After reading this line, Liu Neng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Although he himself is not very talented, he is only in his twenties now.

He is a great soul master who will never be able to break through level 30 in his lifetime.

But he still has some discernment, and Lan Yincao, a standard waste martial soul, naturally knows.

Could it be said that one can become a soul master with the Blue Silver Grass martial soul?

With doubts in his heart, Liu Neng looked at the second line of the soul master's handbook.

A tenth-level soul master, registered in the year 2637 of the Douluo Calendar.

Registered at Notting City Wuhun Branch Hall.

Liu Neng rubbed his eyes to see if he had seen it wrong.

Why is it still 2637? Can the Blue Silver Grass martial soul really cultivate to the soul master level?

Is this recorded incorrectly?

He raised his head and looked at Tang San with doubtful eyes.

"Young man, is there something wrong with the records in your soul master's handbook?"

"Why did you register as a soul master and become a soul master in the same year?"

Tang San frowned immediately when he heard this.

Is he being too disrespectful to this boss?

He actually doubted his identity as a soul master again and again?

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