People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 193 The seven-day countdown to the Soul Master Competition is about to begin!

Seeing that everyone had arrived, he finally spoke slowly and said,

"The countdown is seven days from now, and the continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition is about to begin."

"Today I will tell you the rules first."

As he spoke, Flanders kicked Ma Hongjun, who was sleeping next to him, on the butt.

But without looking at him, he continued:

"Don't take it lightly. Rules are limitations, but they are also advantages that can be taken advantage of."

"Strength is important in the game, but you must also know all the rules."

"Otherwise, it is very likely that others will take advantage of you and your efforts will be wasted."

After being kicked by Flanders, the fat man stuck out his tongue and didn't dare to be careless anymore.

Then Flanders continued:

"The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition is sponsored by the royal families of the two empires, Tiandou and Xingluo."

"The largest martial arts competition in the soul master world, co-organized by the Spirit Hall."

"The strength of the participants is second only to the Wuhundian Elite Selection."

"Among the rules, there are several things that must be followed."

"First of all, the students sent by participating colleges must be under the age of twenty-five."

“And being able to keep the number of entries up to seven per game.”

"Secondly, during the competition, the purpose of friendship is to avoid injuring the opponent as much as possible."

"There is no room for death."

"Once an opponent is killed, the academy will not only bear the corresponding losses, but will also be expelled from the Soul Master Competition."

"Dean, this seems inappropriate."

Dai Mubai raised his hand to interrupt Flanders.

"The soul skill has no eyes, what if I accidentally kill someone?"

"If the two sides are of similar strength and fight with all their strength, casualties will inevitably occur."

Flanders looked at Dai Mubai and said solemnly:

"What you said is good."

"But you have to understand the purpose of the two empires holding this senior soul master academy competition."

"It's not about letting each college fight to win or lose, but it's about selecting the best talents and recruiting them."

"Including Wuhun Palace and some kingdoms in the two empires, they all have the same idea."

"The students who can represent the Advanced Soul Master Academy in the competition are all the best in each academy."

"It is also the future of the soul master world. It is not easy to train a soul master."

"The number of soul masters in the entire continent has never exceeded six figures."

"Although the prohibition on killing opponents will have certain restrictions, it is also a guarantee for you children."

"From my point of view, this regulation is very correct."

Dai Mubai was still a little disapproving.

Although he didn't like killing people, he didn't like the feeling of being restrained when doing it.

Then Flanders introduced to everyone again,

"In addition to these two hard rules, there are some more standardized rules, all based on fairness."

"For example: During the competition, any medicine or food that is not made by food or healing soul masters is not allowed."

"Only food or healing soul masters on the field have the right to supplement their own team members."

"That is, if you want to get supplies in the competition arena."

"Then, the auxiliary soul master must occupy a spot on the field."

"This avoids the possibility of cheating by teams with food-type soul masters."

"In addition, there is a rule that you cannot use any weapons other than martial arts."

Speaking of this, Flanders paused.

"These are the general rules. If there are any additions, I will tell you during the game."

"Now, let me tell you about the format of this competition."

As he spoke, Flanders picked up a prepared wooden stick from the side and drew two connected circles on the land.

"These two circles represent the two empires."

Then he drew a small circle next to the two large circles that connected with the two circles at the same time.

"This represents the Wuhun Palace."

"Among the two empires, the total number of advanced soul master academies totals approximately one hundred."

"Each college has a share of the competition."

"The two empires each have an official high-level soul master academy, which will occupy two shares."

"Like the Tiandou Empire, it's the Tiandou Royal Academy where we are."

"The shares of these two official high-level soul master academies are divided into the main team and the deputy team."

"The home team will advance directly to the finals."

"This is also a guarantee of the face of the royal families of the two empires."

"The deputy team will participate in the preliminaries together with the soul master teams from other colleges."

"Although our Shrek team is stronger than the Royal Dou team."

"But for this reason, we can only play as the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy from the preliminaries."

After hearing this, everyone looked a little aggrieved.

But there really is nothing we can do.

Then Flanders drew several small circles within the two large circles.

"The qualifiers are divided into divisions."

"Among them, our side of the Tiandou Empire is centered on Tiandou City."

"Within the Tiandou Empire, all high-level soul master academies that do not belong to other kingdoms and principalities will conduct preliminary rounds in the Tiandou City division."

"The senior soul master academies of each kingdom and principality will conduct preliminary rounds according to the country."

"The Tiandou Empire has a total of four kingdoms and one principality."

"That is to say, including the Tiandou City division, there will be a total of six qualifier divisions in the Tiandou Empire."

"Except for one team that has already been sent to the finals, these six divisions will compete for fifteen participating places."

"Among them, the Tiandou City division has many advanced soul master academies."

"This is another division directly under the empire, and the number of qualifying places will be five."

"The other four kingdoms and one principality will have two qualifying places in each division."

"The situation in the Star Luo Empire is almost the same as that in the Tiandou Empire."

"In other words, after passing the qualifiers, there will be thirty soul master teams entering the next stage."

"All thirty teams will participate in the finals."

"But before going to the finals, there is still a promotion match."

"The so-called promotion match is actually a ranking match for the teams that have reached the finals."

"The order of appearance in the finals will be determined based on the ranking order."

"The formats of the qualifying rounds and promotion rounds are different."

"The qualifiers will be conducted in the team battle format you are most familiar with."

"Single round-robin format, the team with the highest winning points in each preliminary division will enter the promotion round."

"And the promotion matches will be played in a special way."

"Although the participating teams still send seven participating students, they will compete one by one."

"The winner will stay on the field, and the loser will continue to send students."

"It's just until all the participating students on one side fail."

"So the qualifying round can be said to be a competition that shows the strength of the team, while the promotion round is a stage where individual strength is shown."

"The reason why there is a promotion competition."

"This is to allow the senior officials of the two major empires and Wuhun Palace to better recognize some particularly outstanding young soul masters from these participating students."

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