People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 194 Substituting for the Spartan brothers, the martial soul fusion technique Dahuang Xingyun

"There will be a total of thirty-three participating teams in the finals, and they will draw lots for a brutal knockout round."

"Dean, please wait a moment."

This time it was Oscar who spoke, and he said doubtfully:

"Dean, you just said that there will be one seed team from each of the two empires."

"There are fifteen teams each that have passed the qualifying round and the promotion round."

"Calculated this way, there should be thirty-two teams participating in the finals."

"Where did the thirty-three come from?"

Flanders smiled slightly,

"I forgot to mention that there are not just two seeded teams in the finals, but three."

"This third team is the team escorted by Wuhun Palace."

"It can also be said to be the most competitive team."

"Although Wuhun Palace is not an advanced soul master academy, they also have their own specialized institution for cultivating soul masters."

"In the previous three continental elite soul master academy competitions."

"Except that the Star Luo Empire once won the championship."

"The other two championships were won by teams sent by Wuhun Palace."

"They will also be your strongest competitors in the future."

"Based on my experience, the soul master team sent by Wuhun Palace."

"It is definitely more powerful than the Imperial Battle Team you have ever seen."

Everyone in Shrek looked at each other.

But it wasn't worry that showed in their eyes.

Instead, there was intense curiosity and excitement.

After so many soul battles, they have become an unprecedented level 30 golden soul battle team.

What they long for is a powerful opponent.

Without strong opponents, how can we hone ourselves better?

"The rankings in the promotion competition will be conducted separately in the two empires, ranking from one to fifteen."

"The benefits of this ranking will be evident in the finals."

"The finals adopt a knockout system."

"Each round, several teams will have byes."

"In the first round, the three seeded teams will get byes."

"Another thirty teams compete against each other, and the winning fifteen teams will participate in the next round."

"In the second round, including the three seeded teams, there are a total of eighteen teams."

"At this time, among the remaining teams, the two teams with the highest rankings in the promotion round will have a bye."

"Eight of the remaining sixteen teams will advance to the third round."

"There are only ten participating teams left in the third round, and the two top teams in the rankings still have byes."

"Teams that have already had a bye will not receive a second bye."

"After the third round, the remaining teams will be six, which is the final six teams of the competition."

“There will be no more bye teams at this time.”

"In the fourth round, six teams passed the draw and competed against each other."

"The final top three will be determined."

"For the sake of fairness, the final ranking of the top three will be determined through team battles and individual elimination battles."

"First of all, it is an individual elimination match, which is a competition format like the promotion round."

"The three teams competed in a wrestling match."

"Both sides will send seven players each to take turns playing, and the loser will be eliminated."

"The winner moves on to face the next opponent."

"Until all the students from the other two colleges are eliminated, the winning college will advance directly."

"The other two academies will have a team battle to determine the other promotion position."

“The final team battle finals with the teams that previously advanced through the individual knockout rounds.”

After listening to Flanders' story, Ma Hongjun couldn't help but said:

"Dean, why is this game so complicated? I'm a little dizzy."

Dai Mubai said angrily:

"There's nothing to worry about, no matter what the competition format is, as long as we don't lose a game."

"Then isn't the final champion ours?"

Flanders nodded slightly.

"Mubai is right, of course you need to be familiar with the competition system."

"But in the face of absolute strength, these are not the most important."

"I will remind you of the format during the game."

"At the same time, we will analyze the opponents you will encounter."

"What you have to do in the last few days is tactical drills."

"By the way, there is something else I must remind you of."

"In the Tiandou City division qualifiers, only five of the seven of you can play at the same time."

"Among them, Ning Rongrong will definitely not play in the qualifiers."

"I will give her special training during this period."

"Huh? Only five?"

Everyone couldn't help but shout in surprise.

Flanders said with a straight face.

"What? Do you have any objections?"

"The players who will definitely play in the qualifiers include the two Spartan brothers."

"They are the substitutes assigned to our two Shrek teams by Tiandou Royal Academy."

"The soul power has all reached level 38."

"And the martial spirits of these two brothers are extremely strange. One is the Spear of Sparta."

"Zero One is the Shield of Sparta."

"And it can also release a powerful martial soul fusion skill - Great Wild Starfall!"

"So in the preliminaries, the two brothers have a stable starting position."

"You can discuss the other five places among yourselves, except for Ning Rongrong."

At this moment, Dai Mubai asked tentatively:

"Dean, are you trying to preserve your strength?"

"It's just, what if we lose?"

Flanders smiled calmly and said,

"What? Don't you even have this little confidence?"

"Your real opponents are in the promotion rounds and the finals."

"Not in this qualifier."

"If you expose all your own strength to your opponent at this time."

"So, how difficult will the road ahead be?"

After hearing Flanders' words, everyone thought for a moment and nodded.

Then Flanders stepped forward and patted Huo Feng on the shoulder.

"You are responsible for the tactical arrangements on the field, and you decide who will participate."

"What I can remind you is that in the qualifiers, the fewer people you Shrek Seven show up to, the better."

"In the finals, the opponents you will face will be stronger than you imagined."

"And you have only one goal."

"That's it, the final champion!"

In the following days, the Shrek Academy team members began to practice tactics under the leadership of Flanders.

Especially the two new people who have joined, they spend every day adjusting.

It is not easy to break into a team of soul masters.

But if there is an exceptionally good commander in this team.

Then everything will become much simpler.

Huo Feng is undoubtedly qualified for this role.

Under his guidance, the two new members gradually became familiar with the Shrek team's fighting methods.

At the same time, Huo Feng has also decided on the participants in the preliminaries.

Mainly rotate with five of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

Although the qualifiers are not very important, they are at least guaranteed to qualify.

Therefore, among the five players Huo Feng determined for this rotation, Dai Mubai, who must play, was included.

As well as Ma Hongjun, who has explosive soul power, Oscar, a food-based soul master, and Xiao Wu, a close-quarters attack soul master.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were temporarily hidden.

everything's ready.

Just wait for the Soul Master Competition to start. (End of chapter)

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