People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 195 Tang San was delighted to be the captain of Team Lanba, Yu Xiaogang was overjoyed

At the same time in Lanba Academy.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San, who had just been upgraded to level 40, with a smile on his face.

Very satisfied.

In just half a year, after his unremitting efforts.

Forcibly raising Tang San's soul power by ten levels.

Liu Erlong's little treasury was almost emptied.

As a result, Yu Xiaogang became a frequent visitor to the Tiandou Auction House.

The only fun was to auction various elixirs and herbs that could enhance soul power for Tang San.

Although Tang San's level 40 soul power now has quite a bit of water.

But he did break through to the realm of Soul Sect.

And he also obtained his fourth soul ring.

A five-thousand-year-old crypt spider.

What made Yu Xiaogang most happy was.

Tang San has now broken through to level 40 soul power.

Therefore, he successfully became the captain of the Lanba team.

Will lead Lanba Academy to participate in the upcoming Soul Master Competition!

Except for Tang San, the remaining six team members are:

Tailong, a level 38 attack spirit warrior, is male.

Martial Spirit: Powerful Gorilla.

Soul rings: two yellow and one purple.

Huang Yuan, a level 35 attack spirit warrior, is male.

Wuhun: Lone Wolf.

Soul rings: two yellow and one purple.

The thirty-fifth level agility attack type battle spirit Zun Jingling, male.

Martial Spirit: Skeleton.

Soul rings: two yellow and one purple.

Level 35 healing weapon Soul Zun Jiangzhu, female.

Wuhun: Healing Scepter.

Soul rings: two yellow and one purple.

Cao Kui, the thirty-fifth level defensive fighting soul master, is male.

Wuhun: Thunder War Bear.

Soul rings: two yellow and one purple.

Cao Zhan, a level 35 defensive soul master, is male.

Wuhun: Thunder War Bear.

Soul rings: two yellow and one purple.

Especially the last two defensive soul masters.

As a pair of biological brothers.

Their strength is also very powerful.

Team Lanba once again gave Yu Xiaogang hope.

Although he didn't know the strength of the Shrek team at this moment.

But it's probably not much better than the Lanba team.

Now Yu Xiaogang is full of confidence.

There was another person who also amazed him.

That is the auxiliary soul master, Jiangzhu.

Jiangzhu was nineteen years old, several years older than Tang San.

He is about 1.65 meters tall and has distinctive long crimson hair.

She is definitely a beauty.

And not only her strength made Yu Xiaogang very satisfied.

Jiangzhu also made Tang San, the captain of the Lan Ba ​​team, very satisfied.

The most attractive thing to Tang San was her already mature body.

It's definitely not flat where it should be round.

He hadn't noticed it before.

The two people came into close contact twice, which suddenly made him feel a little itchy.

After all, Tang San had never been so intimate with a girl.

Especially when I was at Shrek Academy.

Tang San saw Huo Feng surrounded by three girls.

Not to mention how itchy my heart was.

Now finally there are some opportunities.

Of course he won't give up easily.

But what made Tang San a little dissatisfied was.

This Jiangzhu seemed to want to keep a distance from him.

This couldn't help but make Tang San a little hard to accept.

But he didn't worry too much.

As the captain of the Lanba team.

There are countless opportunities to express yourself.

This made Jiangzhu come to him obediently.

Three days later, the capital of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City.

The opening ceremony of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the Tiandou Empire Division.

A grand opening ceremony was held in Tiandou City.

As the most grand soul master competition in the soul master world, it attracts the attention of not only soul masters.

From the royal family, nobles to common people, everyone in Tiandou City regards this competition as the most grand festival.

The opening ceremony was held in the Tiandou Soul Arena in Tiandou City.

As early as a month ago, tickets for the opening ceremony had been sold out.

You must know that the price of these tickets is the same as the admission price of the main fighting spirit center of Tiandou Grand Fighting Arena.

As the main stadium of Tiandou Division.

The Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena has stopped all fighting spirit competitions a month ago and is undergoing internal renovations.

. All sub-fields in the big fighting spirit arena are combined into one with the main fighting spirit center.

Forming a huge playing field.

With the exception of the VIP area which remains on the entire north side of the playing field.

The renovated Grand Arena can accommodate 80,000 spectators at the same time.

Although the revenue from ticket sales is considerable, the Great Soul Fighting Arena itself also pays quite a lot.

In the next period of time, all Tiandou division qualifiers will be held here.

In the early morning, the sun has not yet risen from the east.

The renovated Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena has already welcomed a huge audience.

By coming so early, the audience naturally did not want to enter the venue early.

Because each ticket has a specific seat number.

They wanted to see the young soul masters participating in the competition up close on the first day of the opening ceremony.

Among them, there are many pregnant girls.

As Flanders said, the total number of soul masters in the entire continent does not exceed six figures.

And the students who can represent the Advanced Soul Master Academy in the competition are the best among them.

There is also an age limit of twenty-five years old.

Undoubtedly, it will become the most ideal love object in the hearts of girls.

If you can marry a powerful soul master, it will definitely bring you both fame and fortune.

Even some nobles who purchased VIP area tickets.

At this time, they were also gathering outside. The nobles were always happy to recruit soul masters.

The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition itself is the cradle of talents.

Not to mention those who can achieve certain results, even if they are just students who participated in the competition.

They are all the objects of competition among nobles and families.

At this time, with the Tiandou Great Soul Arena as the center, almost one-third of Tiandou City was deserted.

Since a few days ago, all hotels in Tiandou City have been fully booked.

The urban population increased by almost fifty percent.

From this we can see how attractive this continent-wide elite soul master academy competition is to people.

For this competition, Tiandou City mobilized five thousand city defense troops to maintain order.

This prevented riots as much as possible.

"Wow, there are so many people!"

Ning Rongrong couldn't help but exclaimed.

Looking east and west, this was the first time she had seen such a crowded scene.

But Huo Feng, who was standing next to him, lowered his head, as if he didn't want others to see his appearance.

Not just Huo Feng, except for a few beautiful girls.

Whether it was Shrek or the two substitute Spartan dead brothers.

At this time, they kept their heads down as much as possible.

Because the attire they wore really made me feel ashamed.

Standard Shrek Academy uniform.

It was not ordinary green, but a color between yellow and green.

To use Dai Mubai's words to describe it, it's shit green.

For this college competition, Dean Flender, who has excellent taste, specially ordered these school uniforms for them.

In addition to the shit green color, each person also has a Shrek pattern that almost occupies the entire chest.

The color of this pattern is a vivid emerald green.

It can be said that it is ugly and a bit awesome (end of this chapter)

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