People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 196 Yu Xiaogang is arrogant, Captain Tang San is my personal disciple!

This is nothing.

The most bizarre thing is that behind each person, there are six bright characters embroidered with red silk thread.

Recruiting sponsorship ads.

There is a line of small characters below the six big characters.

For advertising costs, please contact Mr. Friend, the leader of the Shrek team.

For this competition costume, everyone in Shrek once stood up to resist.

But in the end, he was suppressed by Flanders's lustful power.

After everyone's efforts, Flanders reluctantly expressed his gratitude.

If there is really advertising revenue.

Then one-third of all advertising revenue will be paid to these participating team members.

The remainder is reserved for college construction funds.

For Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and Huo Feng.

The money may be nothing.

But for others, money is still important.

What's more, Huo Feng and others were all aware of the situation at Shrek Academy.

At this time, they finally had an opportunity to make money, and they couldn't be too dissatisfied with Flender's face.

Although this dean is a bit sinister and cunning, it has not been easy to support the college these years.

Of course, everyone in Shrek also turned to Flanders for help.

But the latter's answer was also very strange.

Flanders told them that although the school uniform is a bit ugly.

But it is also a kind of experience for their psychological quality.

If you can remain calm amidst the ridicule.

Then, their psychological quality has reached a certain level.

Everyone in Shrek murmured secretly, this was clearly a way to build up their thick skin.

Flanders refused to wear such a school uniform together with Flanders on the grounds that he was the representative of the college.

There is just a very inconspicuous little Shrek pattern on the left chest of their own clothes.

It was precisely because of this weird costume that when Huo Feng and others first entered the crowd.

It immediately received extra attention.

"What college is that from? Did they just crawl out of the latrine?"

"It's so funny, that green monster pattern on their chest is so cute."

"Why do your ears look like trumpets?"

"Do you think they are advertising behind the scenes?"

"Is there really such a high-level soul master academy?"

"Can someone like this also participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition?"

"It's so funny. The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds."

"Keep your voice down, you are still a soul master after all."

"But I guess it's just a formality. Look, there's a fat man in there who looks like a ball."

If there is a crack in the ground now.

Then these students from Shrek Academy will probably rush in.

Even if they were mentally prepared, they did not expect that so many people would gather outside this big spirit fighting arena.

It's almost like an exhibition, and it's definitely a negative example.

Huo Feng was the first to take out the Shrek mask he wore when he participated in the Soul Fighting Competition and cover his face.

Everyone in Shrek hurriedly followed suit.

Unfortunately, the Spartan brothers who joined later did not have this equipment.

He could only cover his face with his hands, which would make him look as embarrassed as possible.

Flanders walked in front, looking like I didn't recognize the people behind.

He strode into the crowd.

And Zhao Wuji who was following him was also not slow at all.

Everyone in Shrek finally knew what it meant to cry without tears.

At this time, even if they were given the choice to face a team of level 50 soul masters.

No one wants to exhibit here either.

Fortunately, there are many teams participating in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition today.

There are representatives from nearly thirty colleges.

Most people's interest is still attracted by those teams.

Shrek and his team had finally squeezed into the Tiandou Great Spirit Fighting Arena after all the hardships.

Most of the teams that came to participate were well-dressed.

Although they are also wearing their own college uniforms, none of them are as weird as Shrek College.

In those gold, silver, red, white.

Dressed up in beautiful team uniforms with various decorations, patterns and college logos.

The young soul masters all walked into the great soul fighting arena with their heads held high like heroes.

It is because of his majestic appearance that he has the ambition to look down on the world.

After squeezing into the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena, the Shrek Academy group breathed a sigh of relief.

Huo Feng and Xiao Wu looked at each other with helpless expressions in their eyes.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun took off the mask on his face and complained,

"Next game, I won't wear this again."

"It's too damaging to my image as a hero."

Face coverings are not allowed in this competition. Now everyone really has the urge to take off their clothes and leave here immediately.

It's so embarrassing to compete in this outfit.

Fortunately, today is the opening ceremony and the first day of the elite competition of the entire continent's advanced soul master academies.

Apart from the opening ceremony, there is only one game.

It can be regarded as a team fighting spirit with some performance qualities.

Otherwise, it is just an opening ceremony, which obviously cannot satisfy the audience's interest.

This continent-wide elite soul master academy competition has bonuses and is very straightforward.

For each qualifying victory, five hundred gold soul coins will be awarded.

Entering the promotion competition will receive an additional reward of three thousand gold soul coins.

If he can enter the finals, the Tiandou Empire will not only grant him the title of Baron.

Each participating team member, whether official or substitute, will be awarded one thousand gold soul coins.

As for the final prize money, it is even higher.

Flender has given up this part of his income for the advertising behind Shrek and the others.

In other words, all the bonuses received belong to each of the students.

At this moment, Huo Feng opened his mouth to comfort everyone and said:

"Anyway, the chance of us appearing today is not high. We will discuss it with Dean Flender after we get back."

"Just don't wear these clothes tomorrow. At least take off the words on the back."

The place where the Shrek Academy group is at this time.

It is a rest area in the main venue specially provided for participating colleges.

They weren't the first to enter, but they weren't the last to get here either.

There are thousands of seats divided into areas in the spacious rest area.

In order to provide each soul master academy with rest and waiting.

At the same time, the team from Lanba Academy also walked into the rest area.

But they are far away from Team Shrek.

So now both sides have not discovered each other.

Yu Xiaogang serves as the leader of the Lanba team.

Walking arrogantly at the front.

And Tang San is the captain of the Lan Ba ​​team.

Naturally, he also looked arrogant.

The members of the Lanba team are all wearing navy blue uniforms.

This is a team uniform designed and customized by Yu Xiaogang himself.

After finding a free area.

Yu Xiaogang motioned for everyone to sit down.

Then he stood at the front, smiled condescendingly and said,

"Everyone must know that Tang San is my personal disciple."

"Under the leadership of Captain Tang San, Lanba Academy will definitely be able to achieve greater glory in this year's Soul Master Competition!" (End of Chapter)

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