People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 199 Lanba College VS Zu’an College, Tang Sanyu and Xiaogang were so happy!

The person in front of him is undoubtedly one of the Platinum Bishops.

To be qualified as a platinum bishop, this person should be the master of the Spirit Temple in Tiandou City.

The status is extremely noble.

At this time, Ning Fengzhi seemed to feel Huo Feng looking at him.

His eyes moved and he happened to be facing Huo Feng.

She smiled at him and nodded slightly.

At the same time, the emcee on the side of the VIP table said loudly:

"Now, I would like to invite His Majesty the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire to announce the opening of this competition."

Just as Huo Feng guessed, he was sitting in the center of the first row of the VIP seats.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire, who was wearing a red-gold robe, stood up slowly amid thunderous applause.

He raised his right hand and waved lightly to the audience and the participating soul masters below.

The applause quickly stopped, and the square became silent.

The deep and loud voice spread throughout the audience through the amplified soul guide,

"I, Emperor Xueye of the Tiandou Empire, represent the Tiandou Empire."

"On behalf of the organizers of this competition, we also announce that the Pan-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is now open!"

The applause thundered again, and cheers came and went.

But Huo Feng, who was present, suddenly discovered that the smile on His Majesty's face was a bit far-fetched.

It seems that he is not excited about this competition.

When the applause fell silent again, His Majesty the Emperor continued:

"Here, I wish all soul masters to participate in this competition."

"Being able to give full play to my strengths and achieve good results."

"You are all the pride of the Tiandou Empire."

"For the glory of the empire, show your glory."

Applause rang out for the third time.

This time, the eyes of the soul masters in the center of the competition venue were filled with burning brilliance.

For them, such a competition will be the best stage to showcase themselves.

His Majesty the Emperor sat back down, and the master of ceremonies' voice sounded again,

"Next, I'd like to invite the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

"Mr. Ning Fengzhi, give a speech for this competition."

As Ning Fengzhi stood up, applause appeared again.

More attention.

As the number one auxiliary soul master in the soul master world, who wouldn't want to see his grace.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly and pressed his hands softly.

“I am delighted to be invited to be the guest of honor at the opening of this competition.”

"As the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, I have witnessed the growth of too many soul masters."

"As the most noble profession in the mainland, the development of every soul master must go through many hardships."

"But what I want to say is that the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold."

"Those participating in this Soul Master Competition are undoubtedly the elites of the younger generation."

"As His Majesty said just now, I hope you can bring glory to the empire."

"It will also bring glory to your own college."

"The Empire needs people like you. Thank you."

Listening to Ning Fengzhi's speech, a sincere smile finally appeared on the face of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire.

The emcee smiled and nodded,

"Sect Master Ning, you are the most powerful auxiliary soul master. I am asking you on behalf of the audience watching this battle."

"Which one of the twenty-eight teams participating in the Tiandou City Division Qualifiers are your favorite?"

Ning Fengzhi is still smiling,

"Except for the first team of Tiandou Royal Academy, which entered the finals as a seed team."

"Among the twenty-eight teams this time, I am optimistic about another team."

"I think they not only have the ability to pass the qualifiers."

"At the same time, it is very possible to win the final victory in this continent-wide elite soul master academy competition."


The master of ceremonies looked at Ning Fengzhi in surprise,

"I wonder which team can win the favor of Sect Master Ning?"

Ning Zhiyuan smiled mysteriously,

"As for which college this team belongs to, I'm sorry to be a little shy and can't reveal it for the time being."

"But I believe that the final champion of this competition will definitely belong to the Empire."

Sitting next to Emperor Xue Ye, the platinum bishop whose eyes had been slightly closed before opened his eyes at this time.

His eyes looked cloudy and lackluster.

His eyes fell on the twenty-eight competing teams in the venue, as if looking for the team that Ning Fengzhi was talking about.

At this time, the audience had already begun to discuss the matter.

They all guessed which team Ning Fengzhi was optimistic about.

But there are a total of twenty-eight teams participating in the qualifiers.

In the end, only five teams will appear. How can it be so easy to guess?

Ning Fengzhi sat back in his seat, and the host smiled and said:

"It's a pity that I couldn't get the team that he was optimistic about from Sect Master Ning."

“Next, I’d like to invite the Master of the Spirit Temple of Tiandou City.”

"Master Salas, Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Palace, will draw lots for the first round of qualifying."

"After the draw is over, the first pair of teams drawn will compete."

"This will also be the only game today."

Platinum Bishop Salas stood up slowly.

Under the leadership of the palace maid, he walked to the master of ceremonies and began to draw lots.

He seemed reluctant to speak, and handed each pair of opponents to be announced by the master of ceremonies.

"The first round of the qualifiers, Lanba Academy versus Zaun Academy!"

"The first round of the qualifiers, Canghui College versus Purple Star College!"

"The first round of the qualifiers, Oakland College versus Flame Glory College!"

Hear the results of the draw.

Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were obviously a little stunned.

They didn't expect that they would draw Lanba Academy first.

And their opponent is this Zaun Academy.

Never heard of it at all.

And today there is only one game.

If Lanba Academy can win with a perfect performance.

The reputation of the academy and Tang San would be greatly improved.

At the same time, he can also show Shrek's group how strong the team he has taught by Yu Xiaogang is.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Yu Xiaogang's face.

Tang San also held his head high and his chest high, full of confidence.

Deal with this unknown college.

Naturally, he wouldn't think there was any problem.

After the draw was over, the platinum bishop Salas glanced at the audience and said lightly:

"My drawing of lots is absolutely not false."

"I swear by the honor of Wuhun Palace."

"At the same time, I am here to announce the participating students of the Soul Master Academy present."

"Anyone who can enter the finals, Wuhun Temple will make an exception and allow them to directly join Wuhun Temple."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was not impressed.

But the soul masters in the arena were already in an uproar.

What kind of existence is the Spirit Temple?

It is the highest place in the Wuhun Palace after the Pope Palace and the Douluo Palace.

There are only one capital city of each of the two major empires in the entire continent.

The Papal Palace is the only place reserved for the Pope.

Douluo Hall is also a symbolic existence.

Therefore, the status of Wuhun Temple is actually the highest institution in Wuhun Temple.

For a soul master, being able to directly enter the Spirit Temple is a must.

It can be said to be a shortcut to improving strength.

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