People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 200 Tang San pretended to be disdainful and will finish them off in five minutes!

Not only does he have the best treatment, various training measures and the honor of the Spirit Temple.

All have a strong attraction to ordinary soul masters.

After listening to the platinum bishop's words, Emperor Xueye's face visibly darkened.

Ning Fengzhi, who was beside him, gently shook her head at the emperor.

Emperor Xue Ye's expression softened a little.

The people around them were behind them, so naturally they couldn't see this small detail.

The soul masters below were far away.

But many people still understand that the conflict between Wuhun Palace and the empire seems to be getting deeper and deeper.

And it's almost to the point of being irreconcilable.

Otherwise, the platinum bishop would not dare to recruit outstanding soul masters in front of the emperor.

"Okay, then the first game of the first round of the qualifiers will be held."

"Zuan Academy versus Lanba Academy."

"All participating colleges withdraw."

"Please be prepared for the two academies that will be competing later."

"After half an hour, the game officially begins."

Tang San looked at everyone in Lanba Academy,

"The game went on as planned."

"Even if it's the first game, we still have to give our best."

Tai Long laughed and patted Tang San on the shoulder,

"Captain, don't worry!"

"We must teach those guys from Zaan Academy a lesson later."

Since other colleges did not have a game today, they left the rest area directly after exiting the field.

Under the leadership of the staff, we went to the stands specially prepared for the players to watch the game.

In the rest area of ​​Nuo Da, only two teams, Lanba College and Zaun College, were soon left.

Just now, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San briefly exchanged a few words and then left.

Obviously, this game is left to their own control.

Tailong looked at Tang San and said solemnly:

"Captain, you make the arrangements."

Tang San was not polite, nodded and said:

"The ones who will appear later are me, Cao Kui, Cao Zhan, Jing Ling, Huang Yuan, Jiangzhu, and Tailong."

Just two days ago, Yu Xiaogang selected three substitute players from Lanba Academy whose soul power reached level 30 or above.

But it's just the first battle of spirits.

Tang San chose to let all the main players take part.

Because he wanted to use a hearty battle to tell everyone in the Lanba team watching the battle.

Tang San has returned with force!

He was no longer the Tang San they had laughed at casually before.

But a strong man who has returned from Nirvana!

Thinking of this, the corners of Tang San's mouth couldn't help but curl up, and then he continued,

"We attacked according to the first plan."

"The dean and master have left temporarily."

"But I know exactly what they mean."

"If we want to have a good life in the future."

"Then, today we must completely defeat our opponents to prove ourselves!"

"I think five minutes is enough for us."

An invisible aura spread quietly with Tang San as the center.

Although Tang San didn't say it clearly, everyone understood.

The captain in front of him had suffered humiliation that ordinary people could not bear in other colleges.

They don't just have to defeat Zaun Academy.

Moreover, everyone present must see the strength of Team Lanba.

Give captain Tang San a break!

It didn't take long before specialized staff arrived to urge everyone to come out.

The organizers even looked down upon them, and there was only one staff member who came to lead the way.

Just walked to the exit of the passage.

Everyone in Lanba Academy had already heard the master of ceremonies outside loudly announcing the names of everyone entering Zuan Academy and their martial arts spirits.

A special golden beam of light shot down from a high platform set up on one side of the great fighting arena.

Escorting the members of the Zaun Academy team one by one.

Let’s not talk about the strength of the players of Zuan Academy, but their appearance is quite good.

The light blue team uniform has the word "Zu An" embroidered on the left chest.

Behind it is a strange beast pattern.

That's the logo of Zaun Academy.

All the team members are handsome and look like they are in their twenties.

Under the light of that soul guide.

Even though it was daytime, they seemed to be emitting a dazzling light.

Like little golden suns, attracting the audience's attention.

"Damn, this is obviously using us as green leaves to set off these red flowers."

Huang Yuan said angrily.

Although this lone wolf soul master is not as sturdy as Tai Lung, he is still quite strong.

Like Tai Lung, he is also an attack-type soul master.

Because of his straightforward personality, he was quickly accepted by Yu Xiaogang.

That's why I was able to join the Blue Tyrant team.

Jing Ling on the side said quietly:

"No, we are not green leaves, we are treated like cow dung."

“Wouldn’t it be more dazzling if flowers were placed on cow dung?”

Contrary to the lone wolf, this appearance is a bit vulgar.

The slender agility attack type soul master has a rather feminine feel.

Anyone would feel uncomfortable being with him.

His cold feeling was like a poisonous snake staring at people.

Even when everyone was competing, he would never put himself at a disadvantage.

He is often there when they join forces to attack, but he is never seen when they are under attack.

He is called a coward by tough boys like Huang Yuan and Tai Long.

Fortunately, this guy just has a weird personality, but his strength is quite impressive.

"Let them know who the cow dung is later."

Tai Lung shook his fist fiercely.

At this moment Tang San said coldly:

"Let's go, it's our turn to appear."

At the same time, the lights on the field disappeared, and the participating students from Lanba Academy slowly appeared.

Changes had already occurred within the venue at this time.

In just half an hour, the arena that had been prepared was completed.

The arena is ten meters high, circular, and thirty meters in diameter.

The area is quite vast. Of course, this is just an arena.

Wait until tomorrow when the qualifiers really start.

There will be five arenas set up here at the same time.

Twenty-eight teams will compete in twenty-seven rounds of qualifying.

Each team faces twenty-seven opponents.

A win gets one point, a loser gets no points.

After twenty-eight rounds, the top five teams with points will enter the promotion round.

Entering the promotion round is equivalent to entering the finals.

This month-long qualifier is a test for any academy team.

Twenty-eight consecutive days of competition is enough to wear down a team with poor endurance.

In the entire schedule of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, half of the time will be taken up before and after the qualifiers.

Both the promotion round and the finals will be held at the junction of the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, in the large square in front of the Pope's Palace.

The final winner will be awarded the prize by the Pope himself.

What an honor that is.

Sure enough, they are treated differently!

Tang San narrowed his eyes slightly, although he was a little angry in his heart.

But there was a pretentious look of relief on his face.

There was still a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth. (End of chapter)

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