People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 201 Except for Tang San, the other six people all have the best soul ring configuration!

He led a total of ten members of Lanba Academy to stand in a row in the center of the ring.

Standing opposite the members of the Zaan Academy team.

The Zuan Academy team has a total of sixteen members.

Moreover, Team Zuan has a very deep background.

I heard that the capital behind Zaun Academy is some big families and nobles.

Even the royal family of some kingdoms.

Therefore, although Zuan Academy is not as outrageous as Tiandou Royal Academy.

But it should not be underestimated either.

Like the latter, only some big families or nobles can enter Zaun Academy's students.

But if these nobles were placed in Tiandou Royal Academy.

At most, they can be considered as some collaterals.

But aristocrats are aristocrats after all.

This is an unchangeable fact.

Naturally, these children of aristocratic backgrounds looked down upon the attire of the civilian members of Lanba Academy.

If this wasn't in the ring, I'm afraid many of them would burst into laughter.

"What a bunch of toads, just coming to participate in the Soul Master Competition?"

Standing at the front of the Zuan Academy team was a petite boy.

This person's skin is fair and tender, and she is very beautiful. She looks like a girl.

Even her speaking voice was very feminine.

"Captain, how could we be drawn against such an opponent?"

"It's really a toad that lands on your feet. It doesn't bite, but it's also very scary."

"Look at their college logo. It's so funny."

Next to the petite boy, a girl with gorgeous breasts covered her mouth and nose and whispered.

That way, it seems that he is afraid of smelling the smell of the students of Lanba Academy.

The captain nodded in agreement, his eyes drifting towards Jiangzhu with a lustful look.

"It's just a pity for such a little beauty."

Jiangzhu frowned and snorted coldly,

"A hermaphrodite, a hooker girl, how did we find such an opponent?"

"Little bitch, who do you think is the hook girl?"

The female student with a fiery figure immediately went berserk.

The male student who was called a hermaphrodite suddenly turned pale.

Tai Lung laughed,

"Jiangzhu, you are so talented!"

"Why can't I think of such a good adjective?"

"A hermaphrodite and a seductress are indeed a perfect match!"

The petite captain of the Zuan Academy team said coldly:

"Okay, you're good!"

"Killing the opponent is prohibited in the competition."

"But disability is inevitable!"

"Since you are seeking death on your own, you can't blame us."

The game has not yet started, but the two sides are already at war with each other, and the smell of gunpowder is obviously getting stronger.

Tang San didn't say anything, and he was obviously a little unhappy at having his lines taken away from him.

But before he could speak, the referee had already walked over.

"Both parties salute and non-participants exit the ring."

Whether it was Zaun College or Lanba College, both sides reluctantly bowed to each other and saluted.

The extra team members exited the ring, leaving only seven of them who participated in the first qualifying match.

On the Lanba Academy side, Cao Kui, Cao Zhan, and Tai Long stood at the front.

Tang San was in the middle.

On both sides are Huang Yuan and Jing Ling.

Jiangzhu stood at the back.

On the side of Zuan Academy, except for the man and woman who spoke before.

The remaining five people are all strong and strong people.

Five people stood in a row in front, blocking the two behind them like a wall.

The person standing in the center was the petite captain.

No need to ask, he should be the control soul master in this team.

And the girl with a fiery figure stood at the back.

At the VIP table.

Emperor Xue Ye looked at the ring with a smile and said to Ning Fengzhi beside him:

"Sect Master Ning, what do you think of the two sides in this first game?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly,

"In my opinion, there is not much difference in strength between the Blue Tyrant team and the Zuan team."

"The result depends on which side is in better shape, and their on-the-spot performance will be even better."

At this moment, the Platinum Bishop Salas on the other side suddenly said:

"Sect Master Ning, can you tell me which of the twenty-eight soul master teams you were optimistic about before?"

"Which team do you think is the championship contender?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said:

"Your Excellency Salas, wouldn't it be a little mysterious?"

"I think you must have a supportive team."

Saraspi said with a smile:

"So, Sect Master Ning is unwilling to reveal it?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled calmly and said:

"This is our sect's own secret, and it seems to have nothing to do with Lord Salas."


Salas's face visibly darkened.

The eyes of Ning Fengzhi and Ning Fengzhi collided in front of Emperor Xueye, and neither of them evaded the slightest bit.

Emperor Xueye, who was sitting in the middle, frowned slightly and said to smooth things over:

"You two don't have to be impatient. After this competition is over, the results will naturally come out."

"Bishop Salas, what Sect Leader Ning said is right. It is his own business to choose whom to choose."

"Look, it's hard for me to ask this question."

"Although I'm just as curious as you are."

Platinum Bishop Salas glanced at Emperor Xueye and said calmly:

"Your Majesty said yes, then let us watch the game."

"The first game of the first round of the qualifiers has officially begun."

At the referee's signal.

This event announced the official start of the first qualifying match for this year's elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy.

Similar to the spirit battle, the competition has one minute for both sides to activate their spirits.

While staring at the other party coldly, Tang San raised his hands in front of his chest.

Then he shouted loudly,

"Brothers, activate the martial spirit."

When both sides release their martial spirits at the same time.

When all the soul rings appeared in the eyes of the audience, a series of surprised sounds suddenly spread in the audience.

One white, one yellow and two purple, four soul rings flashed dazzlingly on Tang San's body.

Tailong, Cao Kui and Cao Zhan standing in front of him also released three soul rings, two yellow and one purple.

The three attack-type soul masters burst out with powerful auras.

Facing the five people on the opposite side, he was not inferior.

Huang Yuan, Jing Ling, and Jiang Zhu behind them also released three soul rings, two yellow and one purple.

Except for Tang San, the other six people all had the best soul ring configuration.

It is true that it brought a little shock to the audience present.

Although Tang San's spirit ring configuration was not very good.

Even the first soul ring is still white.

But it can't be resisted because he has more soul rings than others.

Compared with the Lanba Academy side, the soul rings of the Zuan team are inferior.

It's not that the quality is so bad that he can represent Zaun Academy.

These students are also the best soul ring matches.

After all, with the strong capital and resources of Zaun College.

As well as the power of the nobles themselves, it is not too difficult to get the best combination of soul rings.

It's a pity that none of the seven people on the stage at this time is a level 40 soul master.

All three soul rings.

When their eyes fell on Tang San, they saw that the latter actually had four spirit rings.

A look of surprise flashed across his face.

Seeing this, Tang San could no longer hold back his lips. (End of chapter)

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