People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 202 Yu Xiaogang hugged Liu Erlong and talked and laughed happily, blowing on Tang San

This was the first time he had enjoyed the feeling of being in the spotlight.

A trace of arrogance showed unabashedly on his face.

But this is a competition, equivalent to a battlefield.

Being dazed on the battlefield is a taboo in itself.

The opponent was stunned, but everyone in the Lanba team was not.

In terms of actual combat experience, the Zuan team in front of them couldn't even compare to Tang San.

At this moment, Tang San could no longer hold back the corners of his mouth.

Tang San shouted loudly.

While the opponent was still in a daze, the seven members of the Lanba team had already launched an attack.

Tai Long took the lead. With his muscles all over his body soaring, he led Cao Zhan and Cao Kui and rushed directly from the front.

Huang Yuan and Jing Ling also walked around from the side at the same time.

Jiang Zhu behind Tang San now had a strange scepter in his hand,

The lower end of the scepter is slender and the upper end is thick, with some strange inscriptions carved on it.

At this time, the three soul rings on her body flashed.

With a wave of his hand, he inserted the scepter into the ground in front of him, and an orange halo spread quietly.

It wasn't until Tai Lung and the other three launched a charge that the members of the Zaun Academy reacted.

The petite man controlling the soul master shouted angrily:

"Why are you stunned? Take action!"

The five people in front of the Zuan Academy team are all attack-type soul masters.

The martial spirits are: lion, bear, tiger, leopard, and wolf.

The impact of this combination is obviously very powerful.

Although the reaction was a bit slow, he reacted immediately when he heard the petite man's cry.

They ferociously approached Tai Lung and the others.

In their opinion, although Tang San's martial spirit was at level forty.

But after all, they have the advantage in numbers.

And that guy's first soul ring is still white.

The real strength may not be much stronger than them.

In addition, Tang San didn't take action now.

The martial souls of the five of them have all reached level 35 or above, and they will not suffer any disadvantage against the three people in front of them.

As long as these three main forces of the opponent are defeated first, victory is still very possible.

It obviously makes sense for the Zuan Academy team to have five attack-type soul masters at the front.

The purpose is to gain an advantage in the early stages of contact between the two parties.

Tai Lung looked up to the sky and roared angrily.

The soul power was released instantly just before hitting the opponent, without any reservation.

The three soul rings on his body were activated at the same time, and with the pure increase in strength, he instantly turned into a violent orangutan.

The two brothers Cao Kui and Cao Zhan also spared no effort to release their martial spirits.

The third soul ring under their feet shone instantly.

Then he directly released his third soul skill - Dominate the World!

Increases defense and attack by fifty percent.

There is no duration, and the state can continue as long as the soul power is sufficient.

The three attack-type soul masters from Lanba Academy have activated their thousand-year soul skills right from the start.

No one would have thought of this.

After all, using such a soul skill consumes so much right from the start.

Once blocked by the opponent, there is no follow-up.

Not only him, Huang Yuan and Jing Ling on both sides also released their third soul skills.

This was exactly the tactic Tang San had planned for everyone.

At the same time, a rich dark light floated on Tang San.

He didn't even give the opponent's control-type soul master a chance to take action, and his fourth soul skill, Blue Silver Cage, was activated instantly.

Without any warning, more than a hundred jet-black bluesilver grasses suddenly emerged from the ground.

Then it turned into five hard cages.

All five people at the front of Zaun Academy were trapped inside.

The sound of exclamation resounded throughout the audience, and some of the soul masters watching the battle even called out the word "group control".

Group control is the most threatening ability of control soul masters in team battles.

It was in this first qualifying match that it appeared.

The five assault-type soul masters from the Zuan Academy team collided directly with the hard blue silver cage.

Suddenly, I was shocked.

It is impossible to break through the blue silver cage just by relying on the momentum of the body.

The control-type soul master and the auxiliary-type woman behind were even more firmly restrained in place.

Through clever control, Tang San directly blocked their sight with the blue silver cage.

Although this soul skill cannot prevent them from releasing their own soul skills.

But if their vision is blocked, how can they assist their team members?

The five charging men from Zaun Academy collided with the blue silver cage, and their forward momentum naturally stopped.

At this time, the impact of the three Tailongs reached its peak.

The five blue silver cages only appeared for a moment.

The charge that blocked the five attack-type soul masters disappeared in an instant.

But the black blue silver grass had swept up from under their feet and wrapped around them in an instant.

In terms of skill connection and switching, Tang San's performance this time was somewhat unexpected.

Tai Lung took the opportunity when an opponent in front of him was struggling in the blue silver grass and grabbed the blue silver grass wrapped around the opponent's body.

Then he lifted it high and slammed it to the ground.

The two brothers Cao Kui and Cao Zhan regarded their opponents as sandbags.

The attacks poured out like a violent storm.

Huang Yuan and Jing Ling also arrived in front of their chosen opponents at this time.

Jing Ling's target was the petite control soul master.

His speed is not as fast as Zhu Zhuqing.

But as an agility attack type soul master, he is already quite astonishing.

The body swelled in the wind as it moved forward, and its whole body transformed into a thick skeleton, which looked extremely terrifying.

The two big hands turned into two bone knives when they came to the control soul master.

He has directly activated his third soul skill, Crazy Fighting.

Attack speed and attack power are increased by 50% at the same time.

The blue silver cage disappeared at the right time, and the two bone knives brought up a whirlwind and went straight to the opponent's body.

The petite man's martial spirit was originally a pair of rings, belonging to the weapon martial spirit.

His control is mainly reflected in this pair of rings, but it takes time to use advanced soul skills.

If there is a strong attack spirit master to resist the enemy's attack for him, then the time will naturally be nothing.

But when he was restrained by the blue silver cage, his mind was already in chaos.

At this time, there is still no time to activate the soul skills.

In desperation, he could only activate his first and second soul skills to enhance the properties of the ring to block it.

A large number of screams sounded in the ring almost at the same time.

Skeleton Soul Master Jing Ling was usually mean, but this time he was even more vicious.

With Tang San's cooperation, the agility attack spirit master's attack power was fully unleashed by him.

The opponent's ring couldn't keep up with the speed of his attack, and he completely gained the upper hand in a short time.

If it weren't for the taboo of not killing people during the game, his attacks would have been more sinister and he would have gone straight to the vital point.

As for the five attack-type soul masters, their bodies are undoubtedly much stronger.

But what they faced were three more powerful people.

"Haha, let me just say that with the strength of our Blue Dominator team, it will be easy to defeat the opponent!"

Somewhere in the stands, Yu Xiaogang hugged Liu Erlong beside him and talked and laughed happily.

It was a slap in the face to Tang San. (End of chapter)

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