People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 203 It’s a pity that Liu Erlong doesn’t know that Yu Xiaogang is a eunuch!

There is unabashed confidence and arrogance on his face.

He has some confidence in being able to be so flattering.

After all, the advantage currently held by the Lanba Academy team on the field is still very obvious.

A long way apart.

Yu Xiaogang could even feel that the corner of Tang San's mouth was already a little uncontrollable.

Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang intensified the movements of his hands again.

Because he only had one left arm left, Liu Erlong could only sit on his left side.

Only in this way can you use your hands and feet from time to time.

"Tang San has completely controlled the situation on the field with his precise control."

"Although he himself did not participate in the attack, he successfully fulfilled the responsibilities of a control-type soul master."

"Controlling the battlefield and controlling the opponent allows other team members to demonstrate their strength to the greatest extent."

After Tong Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, Liu Erlong nodded in agreement.

Naturally, she could see that the Lanba Academy team had a clear advantage on the field.

Even Yu Xiaogang, a great soul master, can see this.

Not to mention her.

But because of Yu Xiaogang’s face.

She could only pretend that she didn't see anything and nodded in agreement.

But I can stay with Yu Xiaogang.

Even so, Liu Erlong was very satisfied.

But what made her a little dissatisfied was this.

Although I have been reunited with Yu Xiaogang for half a year.

But the latter was always unwilling to live with her.

The reason given by Yu Xiaogang is.

He can't give Liu Erlong a real title yet.

Wait until the day they get married before they can perform this sacred and solemn thing.

What Liu Erlong didn't know was.

All of this is just a scam by Yu Xiaogang.

Now Yu Xiaogang has already become a eunuch.

If Liu Erlong knew this.

I'm afraid that my whole body will collapse directly.

Everything Yu Xiaogang did was just to use the resources around Liu Erlong to achieve success for himself and Tang San.

At this time, the battle on the field is still continuing.

But the situation is still one in which the Lanba Academy team has an overwhelming advantage.

Although there was a gap in strength between the two sides, originally the difference was only with Tang San, the soul sect.

And it's not that obvious.

If the battle is a hard bridge and a hard horse, although the Lanba Academy side will win, the battle will still last for a while.

But Tang San didn't give the opponent a chance to breathe once he got started, and let everyone on his side activate their strongest soul skills to launch the attack.

The instantaneous explosive power caused the opponent to have no time to react.

He was already overwhelmed by his own violent attack.

Seeing this, Tang San raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then revealed a smile,

"Stop, come back!"

The voice fell.

Although the five people rushing in front were a little confused.

But Tang San was the captain of Team Lanba after all.

And also as a commander on the battlefield.

After hearing the order, they could only retreat.

At this time, Tang San's face was filled with contempt.

He looked arrogantly at the people on the opposite side of the Zuan Academy team who were beaten a bit badly,

"What, this won't work?"

"Weren't you quite capable of shouting just now?"

As he said that, Tang San stretched out his hand and made a weak thumbs-up gesture towards the other party.

See this scene.

The blood pressure of the seven members of Zu'an's team soared instantly, and their temperatures turned red instantly.

It was only a moment of carelessness that put them at a disadvantage.

What's more, they haven't lost yet.

They were not the only ones confused.

The rest of the Lanba Academy team was equally confused.

This is not included in the team arrangements before the game.

Both the dean and Yu Xiaogang asked them to make a quick decision.

Don't be careless and underestimate the enemy.

But what their captain is doing now.

It seems to be completely opposite to the dean's arrangement.

Not only did it interrupt the battle they were about to win.

Instead, he just kept talking here.

Give the opposing team a chance to breathe.

This is a big no-no in competition!

"Captain, should we end the battle immediately?"

At this moment, Tai Long asked tentatively.

Tang San's brows furrowed in the next second.

"Are you the captain or am I the captain?"

"I have my own sense of proportion!"

Being criticized like this by Tang San.

Although Tai Lung was very dissatisfied.

But he still kept his mouth shut.

Others who wanted to speak also gave up their thoughts.


However, the moment Tang San turned around.

The seven people facing each other in front of them all released all their soul skills as if they were going crazy.

All seven people released their first, second and third soul skills without exception.

The light released by the twenty-one spirit rings almost blinded Tang San.

The latter has not yet reacted.

It was overturned and blown away by the terrifying energy.

The expressions of the other members of the Lanba Academy team changed greatly when they saw this situation.

He didn't have time to check Tang San's situation, so he rushed forward to resist.

The Zuan team has long been at the end of its strength.

Their outburst just now was just to vent their anger by beating Tang San.

Now that I have achieved my goal, I am instantly discouraged.

In more than ten seconds, Tai Lung and the others were beaten to a bloody head.

"Stop! We surrender."

Seeing that the situation was not good, the teacher leading the Zuan Academy team quickly threw out a white towel.

And quickly ran onto the stage.

Stop the players from Lanba Academy from continuing to fight.

Let alone competitions between academies, such tragic scenes are rarely seen even in team battles in the Grand Soul Arena.

"Referee, I want to complain!"

"They are not competing at all, they are killing!"

"They violated the rules of the game and I ask that they lose."

Seeing his team members all covered in blood, with broken bones and tendons.

The leading teacher of Zuan Academy roared angrily at the referee.

The referee had completely woken up at this time, and his stern eyes immediately looked at the players of Lanba Academy.

Tai Lung rushed forward directly,

"Referee, I just want to ask you one question, are they dead?"

The referee was stunned for a moment and turned to look at the seven people from the Zaun Academy team who had fallen to the ground.

Indeed, although these seven people were all seriously injured.

But he is still breathing, so death should be impossible.

At this moment, Jiang Zhu, who was behind everyone, said lightly,

"My power is healing."

"At the beginning of the game, I activated my martial spirit and released my healing ability."

"This healing ability is enough to spread across the competition stage."

"That's not to give us treatment, but to give it to them."

"If we really wanted to kill someone, would we heal our opponent?"

"It seems that they don't need our treatment anymore."

The referee looks this way and then that way.

For a while, I didn’t know how to decide.

Then two more referees came up.

After the three people lowered their heads to discuss for a moment, the referee on the stage announced loudly,

"In the first game of the first round of the qualifiers, Lanba Academy won."

A huge discussion instantly erupted in the audience.

For a while, there were doubts, admirations, and even more surprises.

The strength of this Blue Domination team is indeed good.

But is their control-type soul master's brain sick? (End of chapter)

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