People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 204 Ning Rongrong looked at Huo Feng, her little heart pounding.

It can obviously kill the game in an instant.

The result was a sudden wave of mysterious commanders.

As a result, he was almost defeated by the opponent's group attack.

Tang San's nose and face could be described as bruised and swollen from being beaten now.

But he kept insisting that he was fine.

This couldn't help but make the rest of the Lanba Academy team's favorable impression of Tang San drop a bit again.

Even Yu Xiaogang, who was watching the battle in the stands, couldn't bear to say a few words to Tang San.

Although the latter's control on the field is indeed good.

But his disciple's subsequent decision-making obviously had some problems.

Simply relying on the hard power of others, the game was won in the end.

But as the game went on.

The teams you encounter in the future will become stronger and stronger.

If something like this happens again by then.

That could really cost you the game.

Therefore, after Team Lanba retired, Yu Xiaogang took the lead in summarizing their performance,

"In today's game, most of the members of our team performed well."

"On the contrary, captain Tang San's performance somewhat disappointed me."

As he said that, his eyes fell on Tang San with a majestic expression.

"What happened today must never happen again!"

"In addition, we played with all our strength today and also exposed our strength."

"The teams behind us will definitely develop tactics against us."

Hearing this, Tang San smiled disapprovingly,

"In the face of absolute strength, no matter how good the tactics are, they may not be effective."

This sentence made Yu Xiaogang very satisfied.

Just win every game.

Didn’t the final champion come naturally?

There was only one game on the first day.

The next day, it was Team Shrek's turn to compete.

Before the game, they were constantly ridiculed by the opposing team because they were wearing shitty green uniforms.

As a result, the battle was resolved less than a minute into the game.

The other party was immediately dumbfounded.

After the game, everyone in Shrek walked with pride.

Especially Ma Hongjun and Oscar.

I wish I could just stand on the opposite side and shit on my head.

I saw Oscar talking, and he also specially tugged on his team uniform.

"So what if shit is green?"

"As long as we can win, any color doesn't matter."

"Let's go back to the academy first. I don't want to be surrounded by people when I go out later."

Dai Mubai greeted everyone.

Then the Shrek Academy team members quickly walked into the contestants' tunnel.

Quietly left the playing field.

To stop being the center of attention.

After returning to the rest area, everyone changed out of their shit-green uniforms without hesitation.

After putting on his own clothes, he walked out of the big spirit fighting arena.

Because they left quickly.

So when they walked out of the Tiandou Spirit Arena, the audience had just started to leave.

Now they just won a game.

Starting today, the qualifying match really begins.

The round-robin competition of the Soul Master Competition is now in full swing.

And the competition lasts for a full month in total.

By now, everyone in Shrek has become more and more aware of the benefits of Flanders' special training for them.

With the previous experience of fighting souls in the Soto Grand Soul Fighting Arena for a month.

The upcoming game will be even easier than that.


Shrek and his group had just walked out of the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

Just as they were about to return directly to the academy, a familiar voice stopped them.

Ning Fengzhi, who had changed into ordinary clothes, stood in a corner not far from the entrance and waved to them.


Ning Rongrong ran over excitedly and threw herself into her father's arms.

Seeing the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, everyone in Shrek couldn't help but look a little unnatural.

After all, the identity of the other party is very unusual.

Ning Fengzhi took Ning Rongrong's hand and walked over.

"Hello, everyone from Shrek Academy."

Although they were far apart before, everyone in Shrek recognized this sect leader.

They all bowed politely.

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said:

"You're welcome, I'm just Rongrong's father now."

"Don't think of me as some kind of sect leader, I'm just your elder."

Ning Fengzhi's approachability undoubtedly endeared him to the members of Shrek Academy.

Ning Fengzhi's eyes fell on Huo Feng, smiled slightly, and said:

"Congratulations, Huo Feng."

"I didn't expect that you already have a ten-thousand-year soul ring."

Huo Feng shook his head and smiled: "Uncle Ning is overly praised. Rongrong has also obtained the fourth soul ring."

"Just to preserve our strength, we didn't let her play today."

Huo Feng's soul power has now broken through to level 50.

But in today's game, he showed his fourth ten thousand year soul ring.

But the fourth soul skill was useless and the game was settled.

As for the fifth soul ring.

It's not shown at all.

Otherwise, the entire Tiandou City will explode.

And this is also his trump card with Team Shrek.

It is obviously impossible to take it out only during the preliminaries.

In addition to the other six members of the Shrek team, Flanders and Zhao Wuji.

Even the Spartan brothers who were substitutes didn't know what Huo Feng's true soul power was.

Ning Fengzhi smiled and nodded, saying:

"I'm very optimistic about you."

"Perhaps, only in the finals will you meet your real opponents."

"However, although you have strength, you still need to guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

"I understand the reason why you injured your opponent today, but it would be better if this happens as rarely as possible in the future."

"After all, Shrek Academy is also one of the advanced soul master academies. It's not good to have too many enemies."

As he spoke, Ning Fengzhi let go of his daughter's hand, touched her head, and said:

"Let's go back to the academy with our friends."

"You are a member of Shrek Academy, and dad is a member of the competition organizing committee."

"I can't spend too much time with you now, otherwise someone will say I'm showing favoritism."

Ning Rongrong pursed her lips in dissatisfaction and said:

"Let them go ahead. We speak based on our strength."

Ning Fengzhi smiled,

"Fourteen is considered a big girl, so don't be so naughty in the future."

"By the way, before you leave, why don't you introduce your friends to me?"

Looking at the hopeful look on Ning Fengzhi's face, everyone except Huo Feng was there.

The light in the eyes of the rest of Shrek was a little fiery.

Who is this person in front of them?

That was Ning Fengzhi, one of the three sect leaders!

The Qibao Glazed Sect can be said to be the paradise that countless soul masters yearn for.

Not only does he have an excellent reputation in the soul master world, he also has strong strength.

And it is known as the richest sect in the soul master world.

As a soul master, if you can attach yourself to the sect.

There is nothing to worry about in this life.

Ning Rongrong's eyes swept over his companions.

When her eyes came into contact with Huo Feng, Fang Xin couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

Although she tried her best to look calm.

But the little heart was still pounding. (End of chapter)

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