People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 208 Tang San: Teacher, there will be a match for Team Shrek tomorrow, should we go and take

Only then did Huo Feng understand.

"Then the solution you are talking about is the distraction control of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect?"

Flanders nodded and said:

"That's right, the so-called distracted control is to control the effects of different one's own soul skills at the same time."

"This method of control is useful for any soul master, but it is particularly useful for the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

"The soul skills of ordinary soul masters are all more powerful. The more powerful the soul skill is, the more soul power it consumes."

"But the Qibao Glazed Sect is not like this."

"Each of their soul skills consumes the same soul power at the same level."

"If Rongrong is a great soul master at level 20, then her two soul skills consume one soul power."

"When she reaches level 30, the three soul skills will still consume the same amount of soul power."

"But because the level of improvement has increased, the soul power consumed will also become two."

"If she releases all her soul skills at the same time for assistance, the consumption of soul power will be an astronomical figure."

"Let alone her, even a titled Douluo would find it difficult to withstand such a level of consumption."

"And distraction control is the key to solving this problem."

"During the battle, each combatant needs different assistance."

"It's better than being able to assist them all."

"But when the soul power is limited, assistance will be provided in the most critical places."

"It will undoubtedly be able to fully utilize the auxiliary capabilities of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda."

"As far as I know, the distraction control of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is divided into five realms."

"They are the heart of three orifices, the heart of perseverance, the heart of five orifices, the heart of six orifices, and the heart of seven orifices."

"The meaning of each realm is to be able to control the number of soul skills and the number of simultaneous releases."

"Like the Heart of Three Apertures, it means being able to control three soul skills at the same time to accurately assist three targets."

"The Four Apertures of Constant Heart refers to the simultaneous manipulation of four soul skills to assist four targets."

"With this kind of precision assistance, you can achieve what I said before."

“Apply the most appropriate assistance to those who need it most.”

Having said this, Flanders paused.

Then he gave Huo Feng a meaningful look before continuing:

"For ordinary soul masters, distraction control is not very useful."

"Because each soul skill consumes different soul power."

"All the soul power added together may not be able to release all the soul skills at once."

"Therefore, the practice method of mind control has gradually been lost."

"Rongrong, I hope you can at least reach the point of having a constant heart before the finals begins."

"This way, you can assist at least four people at the same time."

Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue,

"Dean, you are so awesome. What you said is almost the same as what dad said."

"Dad also told me that I want to truly bring out the role of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda."

"You have to practice distraction control hard."

"From now on, I will work hard to control distractions and strive to achieve the four orifices of constant mind as soon as possible."

Flanders nodded, then sighed softly, looking at Huo Feng aside.

"I actually had selfish motives for calling Huo Feng here."

"Distraction control is of no use to ordinary soul masters, but it is different for him."

"Based on my long-term observation of Huo Feng."

"Each of his soul skills will switch to a martial soul form, and the soul power consumption of each soul skill is about the same."

"Rongrong, I don't know what the rules of your Qibao Glazed Sect are like."

"But if there is no express provision, can Huo Feng be allowed to practice with you when you are practicing distraction control?"


Ning Rongrong agreed directly.

She has long wanted to practice with Huo Feng.

With such an opportunity, how could she not seize it.

And this is an opportunity to be alone with Huo Feng.

Huo Feng also nodded in agreement.

Starting from the afternoon, Huo Feng and Ning Rongrong started practicing this technique together.

The method of practicing distraction control is not complicated, and different soul masters practice this skill in different ways.

Ning Rongrong's practice is to constantly release his different skills.

The speed and time of each skill release must be distinguished.

And be as accurate as possible, sending and receiving freely.

At this time, she released three skills at the same time.

Start cultivating the most basic three-aperture control heart.

Ning Rongrong told Huo Feng the method of practicing this skill when he gave it to him.

If you want to master distraction control, you must first have a strong ability to observe the overall situation.

Therefore, Huo Feng's basic training is simpler than Ning Rongrong's.

Just specify three things in three different directions, and keep your eyes moving on these three things.

And every time he has to switch his spirit form to attack these three different things.

For attacks from three directions, the retraction time should be one second apart.

If you practice distraction control to the extreme, you should be able to control every change around you.

Not only must you observe these changes, but you must also keep these changes under your control.

It seems complicated to say.

But in fact, what you practice is how to multi-task and focus on all the scattered mental energy.

Not only does it require high mental strength, but it also requires excellent reaction capabilities.

This method of cultivation is not particularly complicated for Huo Feng.

Because he had habitually switched martial soul forms to use the attributes that restrained the opponent to fight.

This method of mind control is similar to the method he uses.

Therefore, it is natural to get twice the result with half the effort when practicing.

But the training time is short after all.

It was okay at first, but it became more and more complicated later on.

It seemed that he saw Huo Feng's frown.

Ning Rongrong on the side smiled calmly and came up:

"It's really not easy to practice distraction control."

"The heart of controlling the three orifices means controlling the three orifices from the heart."

"Be aware of everything around you and grasp changes in the surrounding environment with your heart."

"Every living thing must survive in the same environment."

"The same various attributes of nature also exist in the environment."

"When you fully understand what these changes mean, it becomes much easier to control them."

"If you can achieve the same effect, it will be easier to slowly experience the feeling of being divided into three parts."

After listening to Ning Rongrong's words, Huo Feng seemed to have found a feeling.

He closed his eyes and remained motionless.

Ning Rongrong next to him stopped saying anything and just looked at him quietly.

Soon, Huo Feng entered the state he only had when he was practicing.

With this moment of understanding, Huo Feng unexpectedly succeeded in just one day.

He cultivated the method of controlling distraction directly to the heart of three orifices.

Lanba Academy.

Tang Sanzheng beat Yu Xiaogang's back and pinched his feet on a daily basis.

"Teacher, there is no competition for our college tomorrow."

"But there is a match between Team Shrek, should we go and take a look?" (End of Chapter)

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