People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 209 Yu Xiaogang: I’m going to study Team Shrek!

Hearing Tang San's words, Yu Xiaogang's originally content expression instantly became a little nervous,

"Go, of course!"

"We can't afford to slack off without a game."

"It just so happens that tomorrow we will go and see what level the Shrek team's strength has reached."

"Although I have great confidence in you, they will definitely be a formidable enemy on our way forward."

"The sooner you understand, the sooner I can formulate a corresponding battle plan."

Listen to Yu Xiaogang's words.

Tang San nodded.

The current self is no longer the same.

Plus these powerful teammates like myself.

Maybe we can really have a try with Team Shrek.

Two days have passed since the start of the competition, and all soul master academies have completed the first round of qualifying.

Starting today is the second round of qualifying.

When Shrek and the others arrived outside the Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena, they immediately felt the different treatment.

The audience who gathered outside the Great Spirit Fighting Arena to prepare for the entrance saw them dressed in green.

Consciously move out of the way.

Although there was some discussion, it was much smaller than last time.

Those eyes that were like thorns on the back have almost disappeared.

In the first round of qualifying, Shrek Academy left a deep impression on the audience.

Although the battle was short-lived.

But the crazy explosive power shown by the seven players from Shrek Academy made the audience sway.

The display of strength made these spectators no longer dare to underestimate this strangely dressed team.

They have even become the favorite college to qualify for the qualifiers.

Flanders did not run first today. Instead, he put on the same uniform as the students and walked in front.

He held his head high and looked proud.

Although there was no laughter from the audience, the Shrek Academy players still lowered their heads.

They use their strength to tell the audience that they are not weak.

But now the words on their backs have changed.

Due to the perfect performance of the Shrek Academy team in the first round.

Coupled with Flender's sharp tongue, he successfully found sponsors.

It was a merchant selling high-quality toilet water.

It is said that half of the toilet business in the entire Tiandou Empire is done by their family.

At this time, the words on the backs of the Shrek Academy members became:

Charming and wonderfully fragrant, it makes you healthier after washing.

When they saw the new team uniforms, the Shrek Seven Devils all had the desire to kill them head-on.

Ma Hongjun was more inclined to Flanders and comforted everyone.

The price offered by the strange fragrance flower dew is also quite attractive, one thousand gold soul coins per game.

until all games are over.

After passing the preliminaries, the sponsorship bonus for each game will be increased to two thousand gold soul coins during the promotion round.

If you can reach the top three in the finals, you will be paid an additional 50,000 gold soul coins.

All in all, if Shrek Academy can win the final championship.

Then, they can also get an income of more than 100,000 gold soul coins.

Flanders is quite satisfied with this kind of income just from having a few more words on his back.

In order for the Shrek Seven Devils to wear these clothes, he deliberately set an example today.

If it weren't for Flanders, if it were anyone else, I'm afraid the Shrek Seven Devils wouldn't wear it no matter what.

However, they will never forget Flanders's expression when the former Shrek Academy was closed due to financial problems.

Although they were unwilling to do so, they finally put on this even more bizarre uniform.

Entering the Great Soul Fighting Arena in front of the audience.

This time, two staff members came up to them immediately and led them to the team rest area.

Starting yesterday, fourteen games will be played every day.

Seeing the Shrek people arriving, the team members from other colleges cast a lot of glances.

At this time, although the words on the back of the Shrek Academy team uniforms have been changed.

But these colleges that were about to become their opponents had no intention of paying attention to this.

What they were more concerned about was how to defeat Shrek Academy.

Yu Xiaogang and Tang San also sat in an excellent position in the viewing area.

The former wants to study the current Shrek team carefully today.

"Dean, who is our opponent today?"

Dai Mubai asked Flanders in the lounge area.

Flanders was stunned for a moment.

"How do I know? Should I participate in the competition or you!"

He has been busy looking for advertising cooperation these days.

Not only this flower dew advertisement.

There are still several advertisements whose prices are being negotiated, so there is no time to pay attention to the game.

Dai Mubai was speechless for a while.

"Master Dean, you can't just think about making money, you should also care about us."

Flanders smiled,

"You brat, do you have any objections?"

Seeing the strange look in Flanders' eyes, Dai Mubai shivered intelligently.

Number 2 quickly shook his head.

"No, no."

Flanders showed a very kind smile,

"Although I am the dean, the division of labor is different."

"Your opponent, Vice President Zhao Wuji, has been observing you these past few days."

"He will tell you the details of your next opponent later."

While he was talking, Zhao Wuji also walked over.

They did not have Flanders' obligation to set an example, and they still wore their own clothes.

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, Zhao Wuji said in a deep voice:

"Your opponent in the second qualifier is very strong."

"Now you have three choices."

"The first is to give up this game and preserve our strength."

"After all, the top five teams in the qualifiers can advance to the promotion round and the finals."

"Second, it's a battle with the same lineup as the previous game."

"But your winning rate is not even 50%, and you are still facing the risk of injury."

"Third, play with the full lineup."

"But even if you can win, your strength will definitely be fully exposed."

Huo Feng did not play in the previous games.

Everyone in Shrek looked at each other.

Obviously he didn't expect to encounter a difficult opponent so soon.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Zhao Wuji immediately spoke,

"Have you heard of the Elephant Armor Sect?"

"The seven major sects rank sixth."

"Your opponent today comes from the Elephant Armor Academy founded by the Elephant Armor Sect."

"The seven contestants on the other side are all direct descendants of the Elephant Armor Sect."

"Four of them have reached level 40, and the other three are close to level 40."

"It can be said that they are the new generation elite of the Elephant Armor Sect."

Elephant Armor Sect?

After hearing these three words, the expressions of everyone in Shrek couldn't help but become solemn.

Just like the Qibao Glazed Sect is known as the strongest auxiliary sect.

The Elephant Armor Sect also has its own title, which is the strongest defensive sect.

The ancestral martial spirit of the Elephant Armor Sect is called Diamond Mammoth.

This is a super martial spirit with extremely high defensive power. Its characteristics are mainly reflected in strength and defense.

With martial spirits of the same level, almost no soul master can break through their defenses.

If it weren't for the fact that the Elephant Armor Sect doesn't have a titled Douluo.

I'm afraid their ranking will no longer be just sixth among the seven major sects. (End of chapter)

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