People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 218 Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were buzzing, how could Shrek be so strong?

Although the fat man's body weight and this skill are extremely domineering.

But after the two of them joined forces and the effect of Xiao Wu's waist bow increased, the threat was lost.

The force of the downward plunge instantly turned into a sideways movement.

Under the combined attack of Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

The huge body in front of him flew out sideways.

It hit another fat man who was about to fall to the ground.

After a loud bang, the two people screamed in pain and hit the competition stage hard.

At this point, all seven members of the Elephant Academy have lost the ability to resist.

The referee also had to declare the winner of this game,

"In the first qualifying match of the second round, Team Shrek defeated Team Elephant!"


There was a sudden explosion from the VIP table.

Tianxiang Huyanzhen, the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect, crushed the armrest of the seat, and his big copper bell-like eyes seemed to be spitting out fire.

He is not willing to give in, he really is not willing to give in.

He clearly felt that it was impossible for the Shrek team to break through the Elephant Academy's defensive formation headed by his eldest grandson.

But the other party did just that.

Although the martial soul fusion technique Dahuang Xingyun is powerful, it is extremely explosive.

But the Spartan brothers have not reached level 40 after all.

If it is under normal circumstances, Hu Yanzhen believes it.

Led by his eldest grandson Hu Yanli, four disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect above level 40 united.

No problem at all.

But it was such a game that he thought was impossible to fail.

The Elephant Armor Sect was still defeated.


Why it failed.

Not to mention that Hu Yanzhen didn't understand, even the platinum bishop Salas sitting next to him was stunned.

Although five of the seven members of the Shrek team are above level 40.

However, there are four people in the Xiangjia Sect who have reached this level.

And Hu Yanli used soul bones again.

Logically speaking, it is enough to make up for the gap in martial soul fusion skills.

In addition, the martial spirits possessed by the seven members of the Elephant Armor Sect are all diamond mammoth, the top martial arts spirits.

The overall strength is almost the same as that of its opponents.

But why do they seem to lose so miserably?

Ning Fengzhi's face was now full of smiles.

Looking at the seven Shrek team members cheering for victory on the competition stage, he couldn't help but admire in his heart.

Bone Douluo beside him also had his eyes brightened at this time, and murmured to himself:

"It's good to use your strengths to avoid weaknesses."

"There is indeed something unusual about this Shrek team."

Although Gu Rong's voice was not loud, everyone on the side heard it.

After hearing the words "Edit Arrancar", Platinum Bishop Sara suddenly understood.

The defensive formation formed by the seven members of the Elephant Armor Sect, let alone the Shrek team.

Even among all the soul master teams participating this time, almost no one can attack them from the front.

How to destroy such a strong defensive formation?

Now Team Shrek has given the answer.

Under Huo Feng's advance deployment, the seven members of the Shrek team first took off as a group to break the huge pressure brought by their opponents.

Immediately afterwards, Dai Mubai united with everyone to bombard the Xiang A Academy without reservation.

As a result, the Elephant Armor Sect completely fell into a posture of passive defense.

In this case, the seven members of the Shrek team launched an attack on the strongest Hu Yanli at the same time.

The strongest point is often also the weakest point.

The so-called weakness refers to Hu Yanli's role among the entire Xiangjia Academy team members.

Once Hu Yanli is defeated.

Then, the entire Elephant Academy formation will be destroyed immediately.

Without the backbone, their defense will no longer be perfect.

At this time, the Spartan brothers released the powerful martial soul fusion skill, Great Wilderness Starfall.

The seven disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect finally gathered together.

With the Huyan power of a soul bone, his defense is really abnormal.

Although he was slapped into the ring by the Spartan giant.

But when he crawled out, he looked a little sluggish and not really hurt.

It's just that my head is a little dizzy.

The two sides lined up again and saluted each other. Hu Yanli stared at the Shrek crowd with burning eyes.

"You guys are awesome"

"But it won't be long before we meet again."

Dai Mubai, who was standing at the front, smiled lightly and said:

"welcome any time."

Both sides saluted their opponents at the same time.

The difference was that the eyes of the seven Shrek team members showed the excitement of defeating a powerful enemy.

The eyes of the seven members of the Elephant Armor Sect were filled with unwillingness.

From the beginning to the end of the game, they felt completely powerless.

How uncomfortable it is to meet such an opponent.

Although they lost the game, it was just like Hu Yanzhen's thoughts.

They still believe that their strength is superior to the Shrek team.

Just like the Imperial Team that lost to the Shrek Seven Monsters.

The audience was completely excited when the game ended.

At the beginning, only a few people shouted the name of Team Shrek.

As if a fuse had been lit, more and more people were shouting.

When the seven members of the Shrek team walked off the stage.

The audience even forgot that there were still several games left.

There was already a wave of chants for Shrek in the entire stands.

The vast majority of the audience are not soul masters.

As the saying goes, it's just for outsiders to watch the excitement, but the seven members of the Shrek team gave them the most dazzling game.

The huge difference in body size between the two sides caused the audience to regard the Shrek team as the weaker side.

Sympathy for the weak is the most common emotion for ordinary people.

When the Shrek team finally defeated their opponents.

In the eyes of the audience, this is a classic battle of David and Goliath.

Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were completely numb.

The surrounding voices cheering for the Shrek team were like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, making their master and disciple's heads buzz.

Huo Feng was so good even when he didn't play.

Once on the stage, the scene will be unimaginable!

Seven people just walked off the stage.

Three soft rays of light quietly fell on Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

The three of them felt the heat surge into their bodies.

Suddenly he felt refreshed and his face became a little rosy.

Ning Rongrong could see the whole process clearly from the audience.

So as soon as the seven people came to the stage, she immediately activated the soul power increase in her Nine Treasures Glazed Tower.

Although it is only a temporary increase, it can at least help the three of them gather some soul power.

In the case of overdraft, this increase can simply make up for the overdraft part.

Of course, the premise is that it will consume a considerable amount of Ning Rongrong's own soul power.

The game was over at this point, and she was no longer afraid of exhaustion.

After this battle.

The new Spartan brothers who joined the team finally felt that they were truly integrated into the team.

At the same time, they also truly realized the power of the Shrek team itself.

Quickly change into your own clothes.

Everyone in Team Shrek quickly left the Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena while the audience had not left. (End of chapter)

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