People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 219: After winning six games, the captain of Team Shrek hasn’t played yet?

However, the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena did not calm down just because they left.

The atmosphere in the stadium has become extremely boiling.

Shrek's three-word cheers continued until the other four games were over before stopping.

Of course, the Shrek team is not the only team with a winning streak.

The strength of their opponents and the unusual costumes of the Shrek team undoubtedly made them the focus of all audiences.

Flanders in the stands did not expect that the sensation would be so big.

Now the corners of his mouth could no longer be suppressed at all.

He has begun to secretly plan how to use this sensation to obtain the greatest benefits.

The best way is to pick up two more Hirokos.

With the current popularity of Team Shrek, Hiroko is golden!

Zhao Wuji next to him was also smiling.

Even when Huo Feng didn't play.

Team Shrek was still able to defeat the Elephant Team so easily.

Others may not know.

But he and Flender knew it very well.

Huo Feng's soul power has already exceeded level 50.

He simply couldn't believe that Huo Feng, who was going all out, came on stage.

How gorgeous that scene must have been.

At the VIP seat on the other side.

At this time, Tianxiang Huyanzhen's mood had calmed down, and he was sitting there sinking like water.

Next to him, the platinum bishop Salas looked thoughtful.

Emperor Xue Ye always had a smile on his face, and occasionally whispered a few words to Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Behind them, the three educational committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy were also smiling.

Although 90% of the people present did not know that Team Shrek was affiliated with Tiandou Royal Academy.

But the honor achieved by the Shrek team also belongs to the academy.

They are naturally happy.

The contestants are in a corner of the viewing platform.

The players wearing the moon-white Canghui Academy uniforms all had gloomy looks in their eyes.

They never expected that the opponent they were making fun of would be so powerful.

Even opponents like Elephant Academy can be defeated.

You must know that their opponent in the first game was the Elephant Academy, and the outcome was a disastrous defeat.

This year of Canghui College is led by Soul Saint Shinian.

The goal is to advance to the promotion rounds and finals.

At this point they have already lost one game, if they continue to lose.

How else to accomplish the goal?

They naturally understood the previous teasing against Team Shrek.

The opponent is bound to find it back in the game.

If they were directly defeated by the opponent like Zaun Academy before, they would be doomed.

These students are also very outstanding in Canghui Academy.

However, no matter how outstanding the students are, they only have one chance in their lifetime to participate in the Elite Competition of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy.

How could they want such an opportunity to slip away?

Unlike Elephant Academy, they have absolute confidence to advance into the promotion round.

Shi Nian put his hands behind his back and glanced at the students under his command.

"You don't need to think too much."

"We will win the second round first."

"Continuously increasing the number of your victories is what you should do."

"As for the Shrek team's problem, I will solve it."

Hearing what Shi Nian said, the students at Canghui College couldn't help but feel refreshed.

They all knew the vice president of the college as a person.

The smile on his face turned weird for a moment.

The week passed quickly.

The qualifiers for the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition also successfully completed the first six rounds.

Among them, three academies have won six games, including Team Shrek.

Except that the Elephant Academy they encountered in the second game caused them some trouble.

The next four opponents we met were all easily defeated.

Even their opponents have never had a soul master above level 40.

Therefore, Huo Feng, the captain of the Shrek team, still has no appearance record.

This can't help but make some colleges who have researched Shrek Team curious.

How strong is their captain?

The other two colleges that also won six consecutive victories were Thunder College and Kamikaze College.

As for the Lan Ba ​​team that Tang San was in.

The record achieved is four wins and two losses.

One of their opponents was the Elephant Academy.

Because I have seen the latter's strength.

So Yu Xiaogang immediately abstained from voting.

Their current record is still in the middle and upper reaches.

There is still a great chance of promotion.

Today is the eighth day of the qualifiers, and the seventh round of competition will also begin.

Team Shrek's opponent was Othello Academy, which had only won two games in the previous competition.

It is precisely because of the weakness of their opponents that they were not ranked in the central main arena this time.

Because today's game at the center's main stadium is also a highlight, with two strong teams playing at the same time.

They are Elephant Academy and Thunder Academy.

At this moment, Flanders came in from outside,

"Your opponent has abstained from this match."

"Huh? Abstain?"

Everyone in the Shrek team couldn't help but look at Flanders in surprise.

Flanders smiled slightly and said:

"The strength you have shown has caused some colleges with insufficient strength to abstain. This is normal."

"No need to be so surprised."

"You can also take this opportunity to watch the game between Thunder Academy and Elephant Academy."

"Both teams can pose a certain threat to you."

“Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle.”

"Come on, follow me to the contestant viewing area."

No more games, just one more day of rest.

In such a high-density single round-robin format of the qualifiers.

For the Shrek team, this is undoubtedly very good.

Everyone immediately walked out of the lounge.

At this moment, they met a group of people walking in from outside.

Moon-white clothes, the familiar word Canghui.

There was also the old man who led the team, Shi Nian, who had a gloomy look on his face.

It is the Canghui Academy team.

The eyes of the players on both sides collided in the air, and both sides saw the sparks in the other's eyes.

Dai Mubai even raised his hand and tapped the young man named the leader with his index finger.

Then he made a motion of cutting his neck with his sword.

No one in Shrek has a good impression of Canghui Academy.

Flanders didn't even look at the other party, and walked over with the Shrek team members with a calm expression.

The old man named Shi Nian paused.

A strange color flashed in his eyes, and he turned to glare at his team members.

After stopping some of those who wanted to take action, the two sides passed each other.

Dai Mubai clenched his fists, and the bones between his fingers crackled.

“I really look forward to meeting them soon.”

His words expressed the thoughts of everyone in the Shrek team.

The fat man couldn't help but cursed,

"Damn it, what's so cool about these guys? It's like they're worth 2,500,000 to 80,000 yuan?"

"They haven't even beaten Weevil Academy."

"When I meet them later, I will definitely let them know what strength is." (End of Chapter)

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