People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 220 Of course, the premise is that Huo Feng and Rongrong do not fight

Flanders looked at the Shrek crowd calmly,

"Okay, you all should be calmer."

"They are not opponents you should consider."

"Through these few days of competition, I have a simple understanding of all participating teams."

"Among these teams, there are only five that can pose a threat to you."

"Only these five teams have the possibility to hide their strength."

"Among these five teams, you have already met the Elephant Academy."

"The possibility that they still have hidden abilities is minimal."

"After all, Hu Yanli's soul bone has been exposed."

"I heard that the current leader of the Xiangjia Sect, Tianxiang Huyanzhen, is with these family members every day."

"I'm just afraid that Hu Yanli will be remembered by someone who cares about him."

"In addition to the Elephant Academy, the other four academies that can pose a threat to you are:"

"Thunder Academy, Divine Wind Academy, Tianshui Academy and Blazing Academy."

"You should also have noticed that judging from the names, these four colleges represent four powerful abilities."

"Thunder, wind, water and fire."

"Coupled with the poor defensive capabilities of the representatives of the Elephant Academy."

"It is also known as the five elemental colleges in the Tiandou Empire's academy world."

“There’s a background behind every college.”

"The background of the Elephant Armor Academy is the most direct. It was established by the Elephant Armor Sect."

"The other four colleges also have impressive backgrounds."

"Behind the Thunder Academy, it is actually the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family that supports it."

"It's just that the way of support is relatively implicit. Those who join the academy are also some of the side disciples of the family."

"Direct disciples are trained within the family."

"Only Yu Tianheng has joined Tiandou Royal Academy."

"Although it is a side line, the side line of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family has always been very strong."

"The strength of this Thunder Academy cannot be underestimated."

"I don't know the background of Shenfeng Academy, Tianshui Academy and Blazing Fire Academy."

“But I can feel that there is a lot of background behind these three colleges.”

"They also have their own characteristics."

"But every one of them is difficult for you to deal with."

Having said this, Flanders first looked around at the surrounding situation.

Then he deliberately lowered his voice so that only Shrek could hear it and said,

"Of course, the premise is that Huo Feng and Rongrong don't go to battle."

"Our strategy is to keep Huo Feng and Rongrong at least until the promotion games."

"So for the rest of you, it's got to be your best effort."

"There are only five places to advance in the qualifiers."

"So, you must successfully pass the preliminaries."

"Then, one of these five colleges will inevitably be eliminated."

"The Five Elements Academy has a close relationship with each other. If my guess is correct, they will definitely take action."

"So, you will encounter more and more powerful opponents in the following games."

“You have to control your own destiny in your own hands.”

"I want to advance to the finals without any suspense."

"Then the best thing is to win every game in the qualifiers."

"Enter the next round with a clear victory."


Everyone in Shrek nodded.

After walking out of the rest area, everyone's eyes couldn't help but drift to the stands.

At this time, the spectators in the surrounding spectator stands were booing loudly.

Dai Mubai asked Flanders in confusion:

"Dean, what's going on?"

"Why is the audience's reaction so big?"

Flanders smiled bitterly and said:

"Isn't it because of you?"

"Your opponent abstained, and many of these spectators came specifically to watch your game."

"Without your presence, they will naturally be dissatisfied."

At least one-third of the people in the audience were wearing green clothes, or shit green.

Even Vice President Zhao Wuji had to admit Flanders' economic acumen.

I don't even understand why he failed the original Shrek people so much in the past.

Ever since the Shrek Team caused a sensation.

Flender immediately found someone to cooperate and began to produce a large number of Shrek team uniforms for sale.

And each team uniform also has the names of the team members printed on it.

Among them, Dai Mubai's team uniforms sold the most, followed by Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing's uniforms.

Because Huo Feng didn't play.

The most outstanding performer in the Shrek team is Dai Mubai.

And Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing are not only because of their outstanding strength.

And their great looks.

After all, who doesn’t like beautiful women with kind hearts and pleasant minds?

In just one week, Flanders made a huge profit from this costume.

In the past two days, he began to think about making mascots for the team to sell.

Very busy.

The matter of participating in the competition is completely left to the deputy dean Zhao Wuji.

I don’t know who saw Shrek walking out of the rest area first.

Suddenly, a large number of spectators began to chant the word Shrek.

The atmosphere on the field suddenly became heated.

If this were a soul fighting competition, the audience would be so enthusiastic.

The Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena will invite the Shrek team to the stage for a battle no matter what.

It's a pity that this is the elite competition of the continent's advanced soul master academies.

They don't have that power either.

I can only regret to see everyone from Shrek absent from today's game.

The first round of competition has already begun,

Flender immediately pointed out that among the ten teams participating in the competition below, Kamikaze and Tianshui teams were included.

What surprised everyone at Shrek was that all the members of the Kamikaze Academy had the ability to fly.

This is undoubtedly extremely troublesome.

The team members of Tianshui Academy are all women, and they are all beautiful women.

Their opponents' bones were already half soft before they even made a move.

How can such a game continue?

In the shortest time, Tianshui Academy had already lost its strength and won the victory without showing any signs of failure.

The attack pattern of Kamikaze Academy is very simple.

Their team members were like seven goshawks flying in mid-air, constantly swooping and attacking.

The rhythm is very well controlled.

Every attack was like thunder.

After three rounds of dives, no one of their opponents could stand still.

After observing these two games, Ma Hongjun whispered to Flanders beside him:

"Teacher, why are the team members from these five element academies not matched by each department?"

"Whether it's Elephant Armor Academy or these two academies, they are all soul masters of the same attribute."

"In this way, it becomes stronger in a certain aspect."

"But in fact, the weaknesses will also become very obvious."

"Once they are unable to use their strengths, won't they have no follow-up power?"

Flanders sighed softly and said:

"This is the difference between the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire."

"The Tiandou Empire's advanced soul master academies have always been dominated by these five elemental academies."

"This year's Tiandou Royal Academy has an Imperial Fighting Team, which is pretty good." (End of Chapter)

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