People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 268 This Acacia Heartbroken Red was opened from the SSS treasure chest

"The game begins."

At the referee's announcement.

The first soul ring of the student from Barak Academy lit up immediately.

The sunflower in his hand grew in the wind.

In a flash, it had grown to a diameter of one meter.

The long stem in his hand also reached three meters away.

It suddenly became a strange weapon.

With a wave of his hand, a thick yellow mist was released from the sunflower.

It enveloped Xiao Wu directly.

At this time, Xiao Wu could not move forward.

So she had to retreat, stepping back.

But despite this.

I still smelled a faint floral scent.

The floral scent was very strong, although it was only a trace.

But Xiao Wu immediately felt dizzy in her head.

In the case of the same level, especially when the soul power of both sides is not too high.

The poison soul master is very advantageous.

As long as it is used properly, it can greatly restrict the opponent.

Like the student from Barak Academy in front of him.

From the perspective of attribute restraint, in addition to the martial soul that specifically restrains toxins.

Only the fire and water spirits like Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er can restrain him.

Her chest felt stuffy.

Xiao Wu knew that the poison had begun to take effect.

She hurriedly urged her soul power to suppress the poison.

Her opponent did not pursue her, and a hint of a grim smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

She flapped the sunflower in her hand repeatedly, blowing the large puff of yellow fog towards her.

The coverage area began to become larger and larger.

At this time, the first two soul rings on his body had already lit up at the same time.

Obviously, one of his two soul skills was to enlarge the sunflower.

The other was this poisonous fog.

What to do?

Xiao Wu hesitated for a moment.

She knew that if she wanted to defeat her opponent.

She had to rush into the opponent's poison formation with a thunderous force and quickly solve the opponent.

But would the opponent not be on guard?

He still had the third and fourth soul skills to perform.

In the case of not being able to close the distance, Xiao Wu's soul power was still enough to perform skills.

But it was obviously not enough to get close to the opponent.

At this moment, a strange heat flow suddenly entered Xiao Wu's body from his arms.

The chest that was originally stuffy suddenly became smooth.

Not only that, a layer of golden red light began to emerge from Xiao Wu's body.

In the blink of an eye, a faint golden red light shield formed around her body.

At this time, the poisonous fog just covered the area where Xiao Wu was.

A strange scene appeared. No matter how huge the poisonous fog was.

But it could not penetrate into the golden red light at all.

What shocked Xiao Wu's opponent even more was that.

As soon as the poison he released touched the golden red light on Xiao Wu's body.

It melted like ice and snow.

In the blink of an eye, the poisonous fog within ten square meters around Xiao Wu's body had disappeared.

Not to mention the opponent, even Xiao Wu herself didn't know what happened now.

With rich practical experience, she naturally would not give up such a good opportunity.

She rushed towards the opponent without hesitation.

"What's going on? What is that golden red light?"

Everyone looked confused.

At this moment, Xiao Wu suddenly remembered that Huo Feng had given her a flower before.

That flower seemed to be called Acacia Heartbroken Red.

And this fairy grass was opened by Huo Feng from the SSS-level treasure chest.

As a fairy among fairy products, Acacia Heartbroken Red is undoubtedly the king of flowers.

Sunflowers are also flowers, although Acacia Heartbroken Red is not good at resisting poison.

Xiao Wu did not eat it either.

But Acacia Heartbroken Red's status among flowers is too high.

After fusing with Xiao Wu's blood, it has already formed a certain connection with Xiao Wu. (End of this chapter)

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