People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 277 Huo Wu sneered, his goal was achieved

Her full-strength charge was also incredibly fast.

The distance between the two was closing rapidly.

Dai Mubai lightly threw out a fist wind.

A tentative attack.

Dai Mubai's energy was already greatly consumed at this time, and the calculation required for taking the initiative to attack was much greater than waiting for an opportunity.

He chose the strategy of steady defense and counterattack.

If Huo Wu had used the fourth soul skill, the process of charging power would have been enough for her to react.

Facing the sweep of the fist wind.

Huo Wu not only did not dodge, but her speed increased a bit.

The distance between the two of them from 30 meters had been shortened to 10 meters in the blink of an eye.

Huo Wu's eyes lit up, and her bright big eyes shone at the same time.

The third soul ring on her body also glowed at the same time.

The purple halo filled the air, adding a bit of beauty to her.

Suddenly, Dai Mubai's mind flashed.

He immediately understood Huo Wu's attack method.

His body also moved quickly.

Neither forward nor backward.

Instead, it moved sideways, moving rapidly in a horizontal direction.

Huo Wu seemed to have anticipated Dai Mubai's reaction.

Her original straight charge immediately changed to an oblique charge, but she was still pressing towards Dai Mubai.

At the same time, Huo Wu's third soul skill:

Resistance Fire Ring, activated.

A dazzling orange-red halo was released instantly.

This soul skill without any attack power instantly swept away several fist winds approaching her.

The entire soul skill covered a terrifying diameter of 60 meters.

At this time, she was only ten meters away from Dai Mubai.

The 30-meter radius of the resistance fire ring blocked the fist wind.

It also sent Dai Mubai's body far away.

The diameter of the entire competition venue is 100 meters.

Huo Wu's resistance fire ring has a diameter of 60 meters, which can be said to cover most of the venue.

Under the push of the resistance fire ring.

Dai Mubai almost instantly approached the edge of the competition venue.

If he left the venue, he would lose.

In the first game, Dai Mubai used this rule to defeat Huo Wushuang.

The most terrifying thing about Huo Wu's resistance fire ring is that it ignores any skills and defenses.

All skills within the attack range will be temporarily expelled.

Of course, the opponent's attack skills cannot exceed her own soul power by more than ten levels.

Huo Wu's figure did not pause at all.

Just as Dai Mubai was forced to the edge, another resistance fire ring lit up.

Dai Mubai sighed in his heart.

This girl looks hot-tempered, but in fact she is very smart.

Using the resistance fire ring, she forced herself into a difficult situation in an instant.

At this time, even if he was at most, he could only temporarily stop Huo Wu's progress.

And he could not stop the resistance fire ring from being issued.

This was originally a self-defense skill, and Huo Wu used it in this way, which was undoubtedly well thought out.

The resistance fire ring is of course not absolute.

Otherwise, there would be no need to play this promotion match.

With just this skill, Huo Wu is enough to sweep all opponents.

The limitation of the resistance fire ring lies in its height.

Its range of action is 60 meters in diameter and 3 meters in height.

That is to say, 3 meters in the air is a range that the resistance fire ring cannot take into account.

Unless Huo Wu's resistance fire ring is directly sent into the air.

In this situation, his only option was to fly.

Watching Huo Wu release her second fire resistance ring instantly.

Dai Mubai jumped up and floated over the fire resistance ring.

Seeing this, Huo Wu showed a sneer on her face.

Although she consumed a lot of soul power by releasing two fire resistance rings in a row.

But the purpose of forcing Dai Mubai into the air was achieved. (End of this chapter)

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