People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 278 Huo Wu is desperate, the only goal is victory

A strange scene appeared.

The four soul rings on Huo Wu's body flashed at the same time when Dai Mubai soared up.

The fire shadow behind her also turned white in an instant.

"Melting ring?"

Outside the competition venue, Flanders, who was watching the game, suddenly exclaimed.

Melting ring is not a skill.

It is a talent. Only some extremely special soul masters can have such an ability.

It is to release the soul power that can be released when several soul rings output skills at the same time in an instant.

It can also be said that the soul power is released in a large amount in an instant.

Use a soul skill.

The biggest advantage of melting ring is explosive power.

In simple terms, if a pool has only one exit.

Then the water can only flow out from this one exit.

Although it will always run dry, it is not as fast as flowing out of four exits at the same time.

In the last preliminaries, Flanders guessed that Huo Wu had such a skill.

But at that time she also had the help of auxiliary soul masters.

Flanders was not sure.

But at this time it was completely certain that she was using melting rings.

In the case of fusion ring, the output of one's own soul power is maximized.

The power of the soul skills used at this time will undoubtedly double.

The incandescent color condensed in the palm of the hand.

This time, Huo Wu released not the heat, but the condensed explosion.

A white light ball the size of an egg floated out.

Flying straight to Dai Mubai in the air.

After releasing this white light ball, Huo Wu's face suddenly turned pale.

Different from Huo Wushuang's attack.

When the white light ball in Huo Wu's hand just shot.

Dai Mubai felt that his body became sluggish.

It was as if the seemingly small light ball had infinite attraction.

He couldn't dodge in the air.

Watching the white ball flying towards him.

Now all he could do was to block it.

There are many ways to block it, even though he was in an unfavorable position.

But Dai Mubai still didn't give up.

He consumed the last bit of soul power in his body.

Released the fourth soul skill again.

White Tiger Meteor Shower!

Two rays of light met in the air.

At the moment when the two came into contact, Dai Mubai's face changed.

With a ripping sound, the white light ball rushed out from the White Tiger Meteor Shower.

It was actually rotating at high speed.

And the round surface seemed to be full of cutting power.

After two contacts, Dai Mubai understood it in an instant.

The soul power contained in this white light ball should be all that was left after Huo Wu released the third soul skill twice.

And it was compressed.

The entire light ball was completely locked on herself under her mind control.

In her own situation.

As long as there is no skill like her that completely condenses soul power, it can't be blocked anyway.

Of course, Dai Mubai overlooked one point.

This white light ball is not only all of Huo Wu's output.

It is also all of her output with the Ring Fusion skill.

The power even exceeds the sum of all her soul power condensation.

In order to defeat Dai Mubai, she has given up the subsequent game.

The purpose is just to defeat the young man in front of her.

With a "bang".

The moment the two came into contact, Dai Mubai flew out directly.

The terrifying energy made him spit out three mouthfuls of blood.

On the other side, Huo Wu also lost her fighting power.

Seeing Dai Mubai fall, her body softened.

She also fell down.

Seeing this, the players on both sides rushed forward.

They helped the two injured people down for treatment.

The duel between the two ended with Dai Mubai falling down first and Chihuo Academy won. (End of this chapter)

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