The visitor was a flying beast.

Deep giant eyes.

Long pointed mouth.

Fierce claws.

Surrounded by the aura of the storm.

It seems that the climate can change drastically at any time.

Lin Yun's eyes narrowed.

Isn't this a stormy eagle?

Last time I came with lions, tigers, beasts, evil wolves, etc.!

At that time, Lin Yun planned to talk to them and had the idea of adopting, but before they got close, they quickly retreated.

Not giving a chance at all.

Unexpectedly, it came again.

Last time, it came for pure gold peanuts, this time it was for the divine tree.

However, this time, Lin Yun would not let him escape.

Just enough to tame it and help capture ingredients.

The Storm Eagle stared at the Divine Tree with a pair of eyes, and there was a greedy light shining inside.

But at this moment, it felt a bleak murderous opportunity coming, covered in sweat and upside down, and its back was cold.

"Don't move!"

"Dare to move, I will hack you to death!"

Just as it was about to take action, a voice came, and it was immediately stunned on the spot.

"What's the situation?"

"Where is the sound?"

"Who is it?"


Storm twists its head, looks left, looks right.

Didn't see anything.

However, the terrible murderous intention is still there.

For a while, it seemed to be stared at by death.


In the next second, blood splattered.

The Storm Eagle felt a pain in its wing, but found that one of its wings had been cut and seriously injured.


Immediately afterwards, the body fell to the ground from a high altitude.

For a while, it couldn't fly.

"Said, don't move!"

"You have to move!"

"If you dare to disobey again, die!"

The icy voice sounded in the ears of the Storm Eagle, and the terrifying murderous intent surrounded the surroundings.

The Storm Eagle doesn't dare to move anymore! "823"

It was clear that it was the horrible human who made the move.

Last time, Lin Yun also used this method to hunt countless fierce beasts, and he could see it clearly.

Unexpectedly, now I have to face this scalp-numbing method.

"I don't dare anymore!"

"Can you let me go?"

The Storm Eagle tried to speak.

It doesn't know if the other party can understand the "bird" language, but try it too.

What if?

However, what shocked him was that the other party actually understood its words.

"It's not impossible to let you go!"

"As long as you become my slave, I can not kill you!"

Lin Yundao.

The Storm Eagle was silent.

It is a shame to become a slave of mankind.

Moreover, there is a boss on top?

Lin Yun said, "Give you three seconds to consider." "

"Whether it's dead or alive, it depends on what you think!!"

As soon as the words fell, the murderous aura on his body became even more majestic.

The Storm Giant Eagle's heart sank, if he didn't agree, he would really die.

It's better to die than to live!

So he said, "Good. I will be your slave. "


Then, the Storm Eagle knelt.

"Very good!"

Lin Yun put away his murderous aura, lifted the "god-level stealth", and appeared in front of the Storm Giant Eagle.

"I'll help you heal the wings."

Subsequently, he launched the "Su Lettuce Knife" and stabbed into the Storm Giant Eagle.

"Su lettuce kitchen knife" is automatically learned when it obtains a god-level chef god, which is a cooking knife method and a therapeutic method.

A moment later, Lin Yun pulled out the kitchen knife.

The wings of the Storm Eagle have almost recovered, and it is no longer a big deal: "Thank you, master!" "

Lin Yun nodded and walked back.

The Storm Eagle followed.

And Atassino, the second generation Melk and Ling were surprised when they saw this scene.

Lin Yun sat on the abode of God.

The Storm Eagle stood beside him, looking respectful.

However, at the moment, it is very shocked inside.


See the sacred tree up close, smell the amazing delicious energy, and the gourmet cells come alive.


"That's awesome!"

"If you keep absorbing this delicious energy, the gourmet cells can be activated!"

Storm Eagle rejoices.

Originally, it was for the divine tree, but now although it did not devour the divine tree, it also indirectly absorbed the delicious energy of the divine tree!

"It's fine!"

"It's good that I agreed!"

"If that's the case, it's not a loss to become his slave!!"

"Instead, it's blood earned!!"

The Storm Eagle is a treasure.

Lin Yun didn't know what it thought, thought about it, and directly ordered it to capture the ingredients.

The Storm Giant Eagle readily agreed and immediately roared away.

At this time, a picture of a fierce beast suddenly appeared in Lin Yun's mind...

Lion's head.

Covered in fish scales.

A pair of white wings on the back.

The tail is a poisonous snake.

"This is ... Saloman Sphinx!? "

Lin Yun's eyes moved slightly.

"Is it an ingredient that gourmet cells like?"

"That's not right!"

"It should be sweet cola!"

Saloman hiss Finx in the human food pyramid, its tears are delicious sweet cola.

"Gigi, Kiki, Sani!"

Lin Yun thought about it and exclaimed.


"Big brother!"

The three hurried over.

Lin Yun said, "I give you a task!" "

The Saloman Sphinx has a capture level of 92, which Sani is capable of coping.

It's just that if you want to catch sweet Coke, Sani can't do it alone, after all, it is a special cooking ingredient.

And Gigi and Kiki are not strong, but they know how to cook sweet cola.

When the three work together, it's much easier to catch sweet Coke!

"Big brother, what are your orders?"

Sani spoke.

Now, he was in awe of Lin Yun.

After all, get something tangible here in Lin Yun.

Last time, he successfully pretended in front of Ah Yu, which made him feel very accomplished.

Lin Yun said, "You guys go and capture sweet cola!" "

Sani looked confused: "Sweet Coke? What kind of ingredient is this! "


This ingredient, he has not heard of.

However, Gigi and Kiki's faces were slightly moved.

They know this ingredient very well.

Where the ingredients are, let the two of them recall some of the past.

Lin Yun said, "This Jiji and Kiki know, you just need to cooperate with them." "

"Let's go now!"

Gigi and Kiki nodded, quickly packed their things, and set off.

Sani was not verbose and hurried to follow.

This time, without the accompaniment of this disgusting guy, he was happy and happy.

The three of them are not very strong, but Gigi and Kiki have rich experience in living in the food world, know where there is danger and where there is no danger, and can come back safely.


The Asura Dragon and King Octopus returned with a large amount of ingredients.

Lin Yun put away some of the ingredients, and gave the rest of the ingredients to Atassino to cook.

"Master, leave it all to me!"

"Let you see my recent learning results."

Atassino was in high spirits.

Usually the cooking ingredients are basically Gigi and Kiki picking the big beam, and she follows the little fight.

Of course, I also learned a lot from it.

Atacino started processing the ingredients!

I have to say that her cooking ability is much better than before.

Many ingredients can be made in a new way.

Of course, there are some ingredients that I still don't understand, so ask Lin Yun for advice.

Lin Yun taught her without hesitation. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After a few times, Atassino benefited a lot and admired the five bodies.

Lin Yun sat down, let go of his belly, and frantically enjoyed the food.

The second generation Melk and Ling also came over to eat some and then went about their own thing.

Downslime guarded the strange tree that had been reborn while absorbing the delicious energy of the divine tree.

The day passed quickly.

The number of delicious snacks increased by more than 50,000.

At night, Atassino, Second Generation Mel and Rei took a dip in the bathroom again.

Launch "god-level stealth" and do bad things.

Atassino was talking about something shy, and the second generation Melk and Ling blushed.

"This apprentice... Tiger! "

Lin Yun was a little ashamed of himself.


Lie in bed.

Lin Yun thought about the arrangement of things for tomorrow.

Actually, there is nothing to think about.

In addition to delivering regenerative energy to the sacred tree and the strange tree, it is to constantly eat delicious food, and if you can, tame a few fierce beasts to capture ingredients.

In the past, there were no gourmet cells, relying on the Asura Dragon, King Octopus and Bombardment to capture the ingredients, and the ingredients were also abundant.

But now that the gourmet cells have awakened, the speed of eating ingredients is much faster, and it is no longer enough to rely on captured ingredients such as Asura dragon and octopus king.

Moreover, since the last massacre of countless fierce beasts, some weaker beasts did not dare to easily step into the Lost Island, even if the delicious aura of the Divine Tree seemed to be invalid.

Only some of the more powerful beasts dare to set foot on the Lost Island, but they are very vigilant and retreat as soon as they smell the crisis.

At this time, Lin Yun thought of a place where there were endless delicious ingredients, and ingredients were still being born all the time.

If you can enter there, you can get endless ingredients.

It's just that the place is not so easy to enter.

Even the Eight Kings may not be able to enter.

Because, in addition to strong strength, entering that place also requires strong food luck, and all of them are indispensable!

With Lin Yun's current strength, it was simply impossible to enter there.

"It seems that it is still after the whole island is covered by the realm that there is a chance to enter there!"

Lin Yun muttered.


At this moment, Atassino's voice came from outside the door.

"You haven't slept yet, have you?"

"I'm in!"

Before Lin Yun could respond, the stone door was pushed open.

Atassino walked in in his pajamas.....

"There is... Something? Lin Yun glanced at her, and especially stopped in front of the peak.

Atacino noticed Lin Yun's gaze, but did not care, and was a little proud, and said: "Master, more and more people come here, if they all live here, the rooms in the stone house are not enough." "

"How about building a few more houses!"

Anyway, it is not difficult to build such a stone house.

Lin Yun thought about it and felt that it made sense.

If nothing else, for now, the room is not enough!

Lin Yun thought for a while and said, "I'll solve this problem!" "

"The stone house doesn't have to be built!"

"I have a better way!"

At that time, building a stone house was a helpless move.

It's different now!

There is strength, there are manpower, and directly going to capture a few camping monsters and come back can perfectly solve this problem.

You know, camping monsters have a camping space inside their bodies and can live in them.

Take Gigi's camping monster Magnetic Shell, for example, it's a very nice house.

Not afraid of wind and rain.

Moreover, the problem of bowel movements can be easily solved.

Atassino wondered: "What good way?" "

Lin Yun smiled and said, "By then, you'll know!" "

"Pack you satisfied!"

Atacino nodded: "Good!!" "

"Master, Wan'an!"

Lin Yun nodded: "Hmm! "


The next day, in the morning.

The second generation Melk came rain or shine, and came to help Lin Yun clean up the room, wash the laundry, and even the leggings were washed by her own hands.

"Miss Melke, it's really hard for you!" Lin Yundao.

The second generation Melkewan smiled: "Mr. Lin Yun, it's not hard." "

"I'm so happy to be able to do things for you!!"

Lin Yun smiled slightly.

After eating Atassino's breakfast, he began to deliver regenerative energy to the "strange tree".

The strange tree has grown a lot, and the gravitational pull released by its body is stronger.

However, Lin Yun still couldn't see its origin.

Don Slimee couldn't see it either.

Ignoring the strange tree, he called the king octopus over, told it to catch the camping monster, and assigned the name.

The octopus king said: "Master, promise to complete the task!" "

Leave immediately.

The Asura Dragon and the Bombardment Demon were also not idle, going to capture the ingredients.

At this moment, a man stepped from not far away, dressed in a blood-colored coat and with a cigar in his mouth.

Atassino noticed the person coming and was stunned: "Uncle Zuo?!" "

That's right.

The person who came is the red regener, and the work.

He heard from Setsunai that Lin Yun was a regenerative who was more powerful than him, and he wanted to come and take a look.

When he saw it, his expression also changed slightly: "Atassino?!" "

Atacino is also an IGO 0th eco-courtyard clerk and has met together before, of course he knows each other.

In addition, Yosaku's regeneration is located in the Healing Country Mother Tree, and the surgical clinic in Atacino is also in the Healing Country.

It's just that he heard that Atassino was entrusted by the president to do things, and he didn't expect to meet here.


It looks like Atacino is cooking ingredients.

Is this the president's entrustment of 1.7 affairs?

Atassino said, "Uncle Yosaku, why are you here?" "

"Is it a delegated task?"

Yozuo took a sip of his cigar and said with a smile: "I heard that there is a very powerful little guy here, called Lin Yun. "

"Come and see!!"

Atassino said, "Oh! You're here to find my master!" "

"Master?" Yosaku was slightly surprised.

Atacino said, "That's right. Lin Yun is my master!! "

"He's awesome!"

Yosaku's eyes flashed slightly: ""Cooking Compendium"... It turns out that what you said is true!! "

Recently, "Cooking Program" has been very popular, and he has also heard of it.

"Of course!" Atacino said, a hint of pride on his face, "Uncle Yozuo, this is my master, that is, the person you are looking for!" "

Yozuo's gaze looked over and fell on Lin Yun, and the surprise in his eyes flickered.

He didn't expect Lin Yun to be so young!

Lin Yun smiled, greeted Yosaku, and then invited Yozuo to eat a meal.

"Haha!" With laughter, you're welcome, sit down.

After eating a bite of the dish, my face changed immediately!

"Atassino, is this your cooking?"

"Your cooking level has improved a lot!"

Atassino said happily, "This is all taught by Master!" "

"My master's cooking is even more powerful, if you eat it, you will definitely be addicted!"

"By the way, Uncle Yosaku, you didn't come here to cook, did you?"

"I think you must be here for the Regeneration Technique!!"

"Uncle Yosaku, you've come to the right place!"

"Let me tell you like this, my master's regeneration technique is called second, then no one dares to call it first!!"

Looking at Atassino's praise, Lin Yun smiled.

This apprentice doesn't know how to keep a low profile at all!

Still, he liked !。

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