"With Uncle Saku!"

Atassino continued, "See that strange tree? It was reborn by my master! "

"Before, my master also regenerated the ingredients of God!!"

Hearing this, Yosaku turned his head to look to the side, his gaze fell on the strange tree, and narrowed.

Then, took a sip of his cigar, stood up, and walked over.

He wanted to see what that tree was!

Lin Yun didn't say anything.

Before Yosaku could get close to the strange tree, he felt a strong gravitational pull hitting him.

Unguarded, he was almost forcibly sucked over!

Then, the breath sank, and only then did he stabilize his body.

Step forward.

His eyes carefully looked at the strange tree.

"What kind of tree is this?"

"It unleashed a strong gravitational pull!"

Take a deep breath, put your right hand on the ground, launch the "regeneration technique", and in the next second, your face changes greatly...


"How is it possible!!"


His regenerative energy was sucked up in an instant.

At the same time, he felt that this strange tree had a very terrifying energy in its body.

This energy had never been seen in any of the ingredients he had ever encountered.

"Such majestic energy!"

"This is not a species on Earth at all!"

and make a judgment.

You know, no matter what kind of ingredients on the earth, even God has the confidence to regenerate.

However, this strange tree, he could not regenerate.

He was well aware of that.


It's not impossible for this strange tree to grow in such a place.

After all, Lost Island is a desolate island.

In addition to stone, it is still stone.

Only some lost beasts wander here.

To put it bluntly, it is where birds do not.

But now, a tree with terrifying energy has grown!!

With the energy of the Lost Island, it is simply impossible to sustain the growth of this tree.


There is a super powerful regeneration technique!

It is maintained with regenerative energy.

However, according to his calculations, even if all the regenerators on the earth were added together, they would not be able to maintain the growth of this strange tree.

Taking a deep breath, his eyes flickered as he thought of Setsunai's words with Saku 23.

"Is this the regeneration technique that Ms. Setsuna praises?"

Stand up, walk back, and sit opposite Lin Yun.

"Little brother Lin Yun, is that tree really reborn by you?"

He was still a little unconvinced.

After all

That's not something people can do!!

"Oops!" Atassino said, "Uncle Yosaku, that's the tree that my master regenerated, why don't you believe it?" "

"Am I going to lie to you?"

Yosaku: "It's not that I don't believe it... This is really weird! "

"I just can't figure it out!!"

That was something that human beings could not do, and he would rather believe that the tree had fallen from the sky than believe that Lin Yun had regenerated it.

Atassino said, "In front of my master... Anything is possible! "

"Because, my master is a god!!"

Yosaku: ..."

He didn't expect that Atacino had such a high evaluation of Lin Yun!


You know, there are only two people who can be called "gods", one is the food god Acacia, and the other is the chef god Flo Yan!


Gourmet Club Headquarters.

"Bukiwuz, how was the investigation?"

"Back to Lord Alfaro, I have already heard. Lin Yun is not in the human world, but in the food world! As for the specific location, I have not inquired about it, but the whereabouts of Atacino and Setsunai can be investigated, and they should be found. "

Hearing this, Alfaro's eyes narrowed.

Bukiwuz was now next to him, not daring to speak.

Alfaro muttered, "Food world? Atassino, Setsunai and Lin Yun have contact, and if they investigate their whereabouts, they may indeed find Lin Yun. "


"Wait! The world of food... Is it an island of lost paths? "

"I sent Karyu to investigate before, there are people from IGO on the Lost Island, and Atassino is there!"

Thinking of this, Alfaro's eyes lit up and said, "What does Lin Yun look like, do you know?" "

Bukiwuz said: "I have asked many people in the city of full food, some people say that Lin Yun is an old man, some people say that Lin Yun is a big man, some people say that Lin Yun is a beautiful woman..."

"I think that at present, except for a few people, no one else has seen Lin Yun!"

Alfaro nodded: "It turned out to be so... Then let people go to the Lost Island again!! "


The human world.

Gigi, Kiki and Sani left the food world as quickly as possible and entered the desert paradise as quickly as possible.

"What the hell is this place?"

"It's so hot!"

"The sweat is dry!"

Sani complained.

Looking at the blood-colored desert in front of him, there was a hint of impatience in his eyes.

Jiji looked at the blood-red desert in front of him, and a strange light appeared in his eyes: "This is the blood-colored desert, the food pyramid is inside, and the ingredients we want to capture are also inside!" "

Kiki smiled and said, "Little brother Sani, don't complain, save some physical strength, it will depend on you later!" "

The Blood Desert is the most dangerous place in Desert Paradise and is known as the graveyard of foodies.

The temperature inside is 60 degrees Celsius, and there are not only fierce beasts, but also terrible quicksand.

The three stepped into the bloody desert.

The soles are so hot that they melt.

What's even more frightening is that there are hourglasses everywhere, and they will be swallowed if you are not careful.

If you walk straight in, it's dangerous.

Kiki said: "Little brother Sani, our two old men rely on you!!" "

Sani was helpless: "I really convinced you!" "

Activate the skill, invisible hair entangles Gigi and Kiki, and then takes the two into the air.

Kiki said, "Little brother Sani, you have a very good ability!!" "

Sani was not angry: "Less nonsense, show the way!" "

Gigi laughed, "Whoops... Just go straight ahead! "

The gourmet pyramid is in the central area of the Blood Desert.

Some time later, a tall triangular building appeared in the Bloody Desert.

"See!" Kiki was happy.

Sani said, "Is that the pyramid of food?" How could anyone build a house in such a ghost place? "

Jiji said: "Tens of thousands of years ago, this was not a ghost place, this used to be a very prosperous place. "

"The triangular building you see is only a small part of the entire palace!"

Sani was surprised: "You mean, there is a palace here?" "

Kiki answered, "It's not just a palace... This used to be a country, a kingdom!! "

"Then the whole kingdom was flooded with sand!"

Sani stopped talking, he didn't expect that the food pyramid still had such a history.

Soon the trio entered the gastronomic pyramid.

Gigi and Kiki are familiar with the road.

Sani wondered, "Have you been here??" "

Kiki said, "Why haven't you been here... We built the whole kingdom! "

Sani was taken aback again.

It seems that Gigi and Kiki are both people with stories.

But the specifics, Sani did not ask.

He just wants to capture the sweet Coke that his eldest brother explained to him as soon as possible and leave this ghost place.

Sani asked, "Where's the sweet Coke?" "

Kiki said, "Don't worry, there are still some beasts that you need to deal with." "

As he spoke, a skeleton Medusa climbed up the stairs.

Sani looked at it and exclaimed, "Wow... What is this? So disgusting, so disgusting! "

Gigi said, "Don't look into its eyes!" "

"Little brother Sani, quickly clean it up!"

Sani directly launched a "punch" and knocked down the skeleton Medusa with one punch.

Gigi smiled and said, "Little brother Sani, good job!" "

Sani said, "Why is there such a disgusting thing here?" "

Kiki said, "Don't look disgusting, it's a delicious ingredient!" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Unique ingredients in the world!"

Sani cried out, "Who wants to eat such disgusting ingredients? "

He loves bling, why can't he get his wish every time?

Next, Sani is going to collapse.


Along the way, he encountered beasts that made him feel sick.

Three hell unicorns.

Parasitic snails.

Projectile beast.

Wait a minute.

It's like entering a monster's lair!

What's even worse is that Gigi and Kiki don't make a move, and Sani deals with it alone.

I don't know how long it took, Gigi and Kiki came to a room with many coffins.

Jiji said, "Kiki, this should be here, right?" "

Kiki nodded: "Hmm. This is it, I remember... It should be that coffin!! "

Walk over.

Sani also walked over: "Is Sweet Coke in it??" "

Kiki did not answer, but opened the lid of the coffin.

When Sani saw it, he was disgusted again.

I saw a dried corpse lying inside the coffin, which looked a bit like a dried lizard.

Sani said, "What the hell is this?" Don't tell me, it's sweet cola!! "

Neither Gigi nor Kiki answered, only to see Gigi take out a bottle of water and pour it into the dried corpse.

Strange things happened, I saw the dried corpse absorbing water, and the body began to grow flesh.

It didn't take long for a humanoid monster that looked like a lizard to be born, covered in black hair.

That's right.

This is Nitro!

In the next second, this Nitro opened his eyes, and then bounced up reflexively.

Gigi and Kiki spoke out at the same time: "Hey, Kaka, welcome back!!" "

Na Nitro saw the person in front of him clearly, stunned, and then his eyes were full of surprise: "Gigi, Kiki!!" "

Kaka is the silver immortal among the taste immortals!

The three exchanged pleasantries for a while.

Taking a deep breath, Kaka said, "Why are you here??" "

Once they cultivated their ingredients here, but then something happened and the whole kingdom was flooded with sand.

To protect the ingredients here, he stayed.

Kiki said: "We came here on Master's orders to capture ingredients and wake you up at will!" "

"Master?" Kaka was stunned, "Do you..."

Gigi smiled and said, "Kaka, it's not what you think... We can't be manipulated by those monsters anymore! "

"I'll talk to you when I get out!!"

Kiki said, "That's right. Wait until we get out. "

"Kaka, you'll understand then!"

"And... I bet you'll definitely join in!! "

Jiji said, "Okay. Let's go catch Sweet Coke first, hope that guy is still alive!! "

Four people left.

I went to another room and placed a book on a stone table.

Kiki said, "Gigi, that book? "

Gigi said, "Let it be here!" "

At one time, he was proud to have written that book, which was the cooking book pursued by many chefs.

But now, that book is not worth mentioning!!

In front of Master's cooking method, the cooking method recorded in that book is a joke!

The four went down to another floor.

Find a ferocious beast at the end of the corridor, it is none other than the Saloman Sphinx.

Gigi said: "Little brother Sani, sweet Coke is this guy's tears... I'll guide you to capture. "

"Kiki, cooperate with him!"


Lost Island.

Lin Yunhe and Yozuo were eating food while chatting about the topic of regeneration.

No matter how difficult the questions he asked, Lin Yun could explain them clearly.

Even some of the problems that had plagued him for many years were easily solved by Lin Yun.

At this moment, he was convinced of Lin Yun's regenerative ability.


Yosaku burst out laughing.

"Little brother Lin Yun, well said!"

"Listen to your 923 words, paste the empowerment!"

Lin Yun said with a smile: "With Uncle Zuo, it's a prize!" "

He laughed and said, "Your regenerative ability is the strongest I've ever seen!" "

At this time, he remembered his apprentice Tie Pinglai.

Teppei's talent is very good.

And interested in regenerative surgery.

Definitely the strongest regenerative at the same age.

That's what he always thought.

Only now when I met Lin Yun, this idea changed.

Atacino was right, Lin Yun's regeneration technique was called second, and no one dared to claim first.

Mo Yang Xia Xia Xia is recognized as the most powerful regener, but he is completely not enough in front of Lin Yun.

Tie Ping is very talented, but in front of Lin Yun is nothing.


At this moment, a bird chirp came, and at the same time, an astonishing coercion enveloped him.

The whole sky seemed to be pressed down.

Atassino, the second generation Melk, Reiwa and Yosaku's faces have changed drastically.

Tang Slimee also opened his eyes, his eyes flashing slightly: "Why is this beast here?" "

Lin Yun's face also changed slightly, and when he looked up, he saw two terrifying strange birds appear in the sky.

One of them is the Storm Eagle.

The other end also knows, is the king bird.

That's right.

It's the King Bird.

One of the eight kings of gastronomy.

Imperial Crow!

The body length is more than 3000 meters.

Capture level over 6000.

The strength is very strong!

The most terrifying skill is the "Shadow of Death".

It is said that all creatures shrouded in it are deprived of consciousness and await death.

"Bird King ?!!"

Atassino and Yosaku's face became ugly.

They know what kind of existence the King Bird is.

That's the ruler of the gastronomic world.

The second generation Melk and Ling have never seen the bird king, but they heard that it is the bird king, and their faces have become more ugly.

That's the king of food!!

King Bird did not attack.

The Storm Giant Eagle flew down from the sky, put down some ingredients, and said to Lin Yun: "Master, I have returned from capturing the ingredients!" "

Lin Yun said, "What's going on with the Bird King?" "

The Storm Giant Eagle said: "The master is like this, I told the Bird King about it!" "

"It's coming to see you, so bring it!"

"Master, go talk to the Bird King!"

Lin Yun nodded, launched the "god-level displacement", and the figure moved, instantly appearing in front of the bird king.

Although the Bird King was huge, it also completely entered the realm, so Lin Yun was not afraid at all.

If the Bird King was not honest, Lin Yun could cut it with one sword!

Noticing that the human beings in front of him appeared instantly, the bird king's eyes showed a look of surprise.

This teleportation, even it can't do it.

I'm afraid only the old wolf can do this!!

Lin Yun maintained the "Dream Ear", looked at the Bird King, and said, "I heard that you are looking for me?" "。

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