Hearing Lin Yun's words, the Bird King was stunned.

"Sure enough, this human is as special as the Storm Eagle said."

It really didn't expect to be able to communicate with a human unimpeded.

Moreover, this human being faced with it, not panicked at all, with an extraordinary temperament.

Not simple.

The bird king pondered for a moment and looked at Xiao Budian in front of him: "Human, you have an ingredient here, and King Ben is very interested." "

Saying that, he looked at the dwelling place of God.

There is no doubt that the thing it refers to is the sacred tree.

It seems that it also knows that the Divine Tree is unusual.

Lin Yun said, "And then?" "

Sure enough, the Bird King also came for the Divine Tree.

However, see what the other person thinks.

The bird king's eyes sank, and he said, "Hand over that ingredient, it will not be difficult for this king to do it for you!" "

"In addition, if you treat the Storm Giant Eagle, King Ben can also not pursue it."

I learned from the Storm Giant Eagle that Lin Yun's strength was very strong, so he saluted first and then soldiered.

If the other party obediently hands over the ingredients, then it is easy to say anything.

If the other party refuses, then I'm sorry!

Hearing the words of the bird king, Lin Yun smiled: "That ingredient is impossible for you!" "

"And... You don't qualify for that ingredient either! "

"I don't have a helper here to stay and play for me."

If you can tame the eight kings, it will be easier to get the ingredients!

In addition, with eight kings as mounts, the pressing level is higher!

The Bird King's eyes flashed coldly: "Want King Ben to serve you?" Then it depends on whether you have that ability!! "

Unexpectedly, this human not only refused to ask, but also wanted to treat it as a slave!

I really dare to think about it!

It seems that it is necessary to let the other party feel the energy of the king.

Yosaku's eyes narrowed: "Atassino, what is Lin Yun doing??" "

Atacino said, "Master is communicating with the Bird King!" "

He Zuo was stunned: "Lin Yun still understands bird language??" "

"...," Atassino shook his head, "Uncle Zuo, my master does not understand bird language, but can communicate with any beast without barriers. "

When I heard it, I was shocked!

Communicate with beasts without barriers?

What kind of perverted ability is this?

Lin Yun's cooking and regeneration skills are awesome, I didn't expect to have such an ability to defy the sky?

Hearing the Bird King's answer, Lin Yun knew that forcing had no effect, and it seemed that he still had to do it.

Also, as the king of the food industry, how could the other party, so easily subdued?

Therefore, no longer verbose, directly launched "god-level stealth".

The bird king watched the human in front of him disappear under his nose, and he didn't even breathe, as if he had never appeared a person, and his heart was slightly startled.

What made it even more frightening was that a dangerous aura permeated from the bottom of his heart.

This feeling has never appeared since he became the Eighth King.

Even when facing the other eight kings, they didn't feel this way.

At this moment, the bird king no longer hesitated and immediately activated the skill.

The mouth opened, and a huge ball of light appeared, very bright, contained in the mouth.

In an instant, the ball of light transmitted the entire huge figure of the Bird King into the shadows that shrouded the surroundings.

This is the Bird King launching the "Shadow of Death".

It is its strongest move.

It is said that creatures shrouded in the "shadow of death" will be deprived of consciousness.

However, Lin Yun's "god-level stealth" ignored the "shadow of death".

The Bird King released a "shadow of death" without dead ends, and if Lin Yun was next to him, he would definitely be hit!

In its view, no creature can resist the "shadow of death".

However, the "shadow of death" shrouded all around, and the dangerous aura still did not disappear.

The bird king was shocked: "It's useless? "

"Didn't the other party get hit?"

"How is this possible?"


At this moment, as soon as his neck hurt, a blood arrow flew out.

The Bird King's neck was cut off!

It was not broken, the wound was deep.

The bird king was shocked again in his heart.

I never expected that a small human being could hurt it.

Lin Yun was also a little surprised in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the "Galaxy Light Slash of Another Dimension" did not kill the Bird King in seconds.

But it's a relief to think about it, after all, it is the eight kings of the food world.

Of course, Lin Yun is not in a hurry, one knife can't die, then two knives, three knives, four knives...

I don't believe that the bird king can carry it.

"Damn, come out to King Ben!"

The Bird King was shocked and furious.

Then the wings shook, and the terrifying black poisonous hurricane roared in all directions with it as the center.

However, this still had no effect on Lin Yun!


Lin Yun slashed it again.

This knife directly cut one of its wings into a serious injury, unable to fly in the air, and directly fell to the ground.



Lin Yun didn't talk nonsense, brandishing a knife and slashing at the bird king.

Blood is flying.

No matter what kind of counterattack the bird king made, it had no effect.

Seeing this scene, Yosaku, Atassino and the others were shocked, and they couldn't believe what they saw in front of them.

One of the eight kings of the food world, his strength is terrifying, and now he is slashed indiscriminately, blood splattered, and blood and flesh are blurred.

What's even more frightening is that any resistance from the Bird King has no effect.

"Mr. Lin Yun, it's terrible!"

"Brother, it's so fierce!"

"Master is too powerful!"

"This kid..."

And the most shocking is the Storm Eagle!

How strong the Bird King is, it is very clear.

However, now it was slashed by Lin Yun on the ground!!


"The master is so fierce!!"

"The Bird King... How pathetic!! "


The Bird King had an inner breakdown.

Fuck, what the fuck is this monster?

Why is the attack useless?

Why is the other party's damage so high!

Moreover, the other party deliberately did not hack himself to death, he was tortured with a knife!

It's brutal!

If you don't do something, you will be hacked to death like this.

The eight kings were hacked to death by a human sword, and if this is to be passed on, wouldn't it be a shame?

However, it is useless to use all your strength!

What to do??

Is it really going to die here?

It regrets it now!

If you already know, you won't come!

Taking a deep breath, the bird king endured the pain and said: "Don't cut, don't cut!" "

"King Ben... Served! "

Lin Yun stopped slashing: "Obeyed??" "

"Why didn't I see it!!"

In fact, if you can kill the bird king, you can cut off the head of the bird king by launching two or three "different dimensional galactic light slashes" to cut down the neck in the same place.

However, Lin Yun did not kill it, but slashed indiscriminately, just to torture it.

Aren't you Qinggao?

Aren't you proud?

Aren't you the Eight Kings?

Well, Lao Tzu will cut you all off.

If you don't convince, you will cut it to the service!!

Hearing Lin Yun's words, a sense of humiliation welled up in his heart, and the bird king said: "Master, I am willing to accept you as the master!" "

"From now on, everything will be at the command of the master!!"

Saying that, the bird king dragged his bloody body to his knees.

It's better to die than to live!!

To hell with all dignity and arrogance!!

Seeing that the bird king was soft and willing to become a slave, Lin Yun put away the kitchen knife. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Sure enough, all rhetoric is not as good as strength.

Lifting the "god-level stealth", Lin Yun stood in front of the bird king: "It is your honor to become my slave!" "

The bird king said: "Thank you master for not killing!" "

Yosaku, Atassino and the others were already dumbfounded.

This tames the king bird?


Lin Yun didn't think so much and walked back.

With Zuo, Atassino and the others looked at Lin Yun with the same gaze as they looked at monsters.

The Bird King did not dare to slacken, dragging his bloody body behind Lin Yun.

Lin Yun said, "Little bird, you recuperate first!" "

The bird king nodded: "Yes, master!" "

Lying on the ground, the bird king's heart is not a taste.

However, soon, its eyes suddenly brightened: "What is this delicious energy?" "

"Can you actually absorb it?!"

"It's from the Divine Tree!"

"How could it be... The injuries on the body are recovering quickly, and the gourmet cells in the body are strengthening? "

Discovering this, the bird king was pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, there is such a good thing!

Although it can't take away the divine tree, it is also very refreshing to be able to absorb the delicious energy of the divine tree.

At this moment, it felt that becoming Lin Yun's slave was not so shameful!

And I feel like I've found a treasure!



"I already knew this, and I surrendered as soon as I came!"

Thinking of this, the Bird King looked at the Storm Giant Eagle and glared fiercely.

This idiot, long ago said that there are such benefits, obediently surrender, do not need to be cut indiscriminately!

The Storm Giant Eagle was glared at by the Bird King, and his heart was panicked.


"The Bird King won't take his anger out on me, will he?"

"It's a hard time!"

Yosaku, Atassino, Second Generation Mel and Rei walked over and looked at the Bird King up close, and his heart was shocked again.

You know, the Eight Kings are an unreachable existence for them, and they didn't expect to be able to see it up close now.

Tang Slimee didn't have much expression all the time, but he was slightly surprised to see Lin Yun taming the bird king.

And Lin Yun, as the party concerned, looked indifferent, as if he had done a trivial thing.

It didn't take long for the Asura Dragon and the Boom Demon to capture the ingredients one after another.

When they saw the blood-covered bird king lying there obediently, they were also very shocked.


"Isn't this the Bird King?"

"Why is it here??"

"And it seems... Hey, shouldn't it be tamed by the owner too? "

"Groove! Missed the show!! "

Unable to see the owner beat the Bird King with his own eyes, the Asura Dragon felt wrong.

The demon was stunned there, completely unable to believe what was happening in front of him.

Lin Yun instructed Atassino to cook the ingredients, and then continued to eat and chat with Yosaku.


Suddenly, a figure fell from a high altitude.

The movement caught everyone's attention and turned to look.

Yosaku's face changed slightly: "Huh? Gourmet will GT robot! "

That's right.

The visitor is the Gourmet GT robot, and the controller is still Karyu.

At this moment, Karyu's eyes scanned the surroundings.

"Atassino... Sure enough, Lin Yun is here!! "

"Who the hell?"

"Huh? Is that a regenerative home? Why is this guy here too? "

"The young man sitting opposite him is very strange, could it be that he is Lin Yun?"

"It shouldn't be, Lin Yun is so awesome, how can it be a little ghost?"

"No matter! Make a note of everyone here! "


Eyes sweep.

In the next second, Karian's heart was shocked.

"That was... Storm Eagle?! "

However, immediately after that, he trembled, his back was cold, and he almost couldn't stand up.

"That blackbird... Shhh, isn't that the king bird? "

"Groove! Why is the Bird King here too? "

Hasn't King Bird always guarded the Acacia Western-style full-meal drink in the third region of the food world?

At this moment, a flash of sword qi flashed.


GT robot split in two.

This is naturally Lin Yun's move!

Karyu, who was far away in the control room of the food club headquarters, was shocked and wet with cold sweat.

It took a while before he changed his mind and walked out of the control room.

"Lord Karian, how is the situation?" Food Club GT robot designer Qiao Niang asked, "Is the new GT robot easy to use?" "

Recently, a new GT robot has been developed, which is better in all aspects.

Karyu said: "The new GT robot is scrapped!" "

Hearing Qiao Niang's surprise: "What? Scrapped again? "

Karyu, however, did not talk much nonsense, and quickly left to report the situation.

"Karian, is there a situation?" Alfaro said.

Karyu took a deep breath: "Back to Lord Alfaro, I controlled the G-Tai robot to enter the Lost Island again, and found that Atassino was there, and there was a strange little ghost and Yosaku eating and drinking, I think that little ghost should be Lin Yun!" "

Alfaro narrowed his eyes: "Is even Yosaku there?" It seems that you are really regenerating ingredients on the Lost Island! "

"When they successfully fuse the gourmet cells and can step into the gourmet world, just capture the strange imp and ask, as for Atassino, Yosaku and others are members of the IGO, kill it." Anyway, these people will be killed in the future! "

Karyu's face was ugly, and he shook his head and said, "Lord Alfaro... I'm afraid this is a bit difficult!! "

Alfaro said, "Why do you say that?" "

The members of the gourmet cell activation group have fused a gourmet cell to gain good strength, and if they successfully fuse another gourmet cell, then the strength will be even stronger.

Karyu said, "Lord Alfaro... I saw the Bird King on the Lost Island!! "

"Bird King?!" Alfaro was stunned for a moment, "The Bird King is on the Lost Island, are you kidding??" "

Karu said solemnly, "Lord Alfaro... A year ago, I went to Zone 3 of the Food World to capture ingredients, and I saw the King Bird at the Smart Heat Bridge! "

"It's certain that that huge strange bird on Lost Island is the Bird King!!"

He doesn't want to believe it, but he won't admit it.

Because, the experience of that one year ago was shocking.

Moreover, besides the bird king, where is there such a big crow in the food world?

Seeing Karian's serious and serious look, Alfaro's face sank, and he secretly said in his heart: "Looking at Karian like this, it's not like lying!" "

"But why is the Bird King on the Lost Island?"

"It doesn't make sense at all!"

Karyu thought for a moment and said, "Lord Alfaro... Could it be that the bird king was tamed by igo soft? "

At that time, he saw the bird king lying there honestly, and his body seemed to be injured.

"Taming the Bird King?" Alfaro's expression changed, "This can't be!" Who among the IGO members has such ability? Even the president of the IGO can't do it. "

You know, the bird king is the ruler of the food world, who has the ability to tame it?

Suddenly, Karu's eyes flickered, as if he thought of something, and said, "Lord Alfaro... In addition to the Bird King, there are also terrifying beasts such as the Storm Giant Eagle and the Asura Dragon! "

Upon hearing this, Alfaro was silent, and after a moment, said: "It seems that things are not simple!!" "

"I'm going to report to the boss!"

If what Karyu said is true, then there must be something very powerful on Lost Island!.

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