Lost Island.

Yosaku has left.

After the bird king recovered from all his injuries, Lin Yun arranged for it to capture ingredients.

The bird king had no opinion, and agreed very happily.

Lin Yun is naturally not afraid of the bird king fleeing, with the divine tree there, the bird king will definitely not escape.

The Bird King all went out to capture ingredients, and the Storm Giant Eagle, the Asura Dragon, and the Booming Demon naturally did not dare to slacken, and quickly went out to capture the ingredients.

The corner of Lin Yun's mouth hooked a satisfied smile.

With the help of the Bird King, then you don't have to worry about the capture of ingredients!

The regenerative energy was channeled to the strange tree, and the strange tree grew taller.

The strange tree is already 2 meters tall, has a strong gravitational pull, and has many branches, but strangely, there are few leaves.

He looked malnourished.

"Don, can you see what kind of plant it is?" Lin Yun asked.

Downslime: "During this time, I have been observing and thinking, but I have no impression. "

"Maybe when it grows for a while, it should be able to see it!"

Lin Yun nodded.

Next, I continued to eat the ingredients of Atassino cuisine.

While eating, check the system interface.

Attention falls on two fronts.

One is delicious points, and the other is capture grade.

There are more than 280,000 delicious points.

The capture level outside the domain has exceeded 90.

I have to say that after having a gourmet cell, the speed of delicious points improvement is much faster.

Although the delicious points have improved a lot, but after eating so many delicious ingredients, not to mention the field, their own strength improvement is limited.

Sure enough, it is better to eat the ingredients of the right gourmet cells and activate the gourmet cells in order to greatly improve the strength.

After thinking about the time, Gikiki and Sani should also be back with a sweet Coke soon!

If you drink sweet cola, your capture level will definitely exceed 100.

Before Jijiki and the others, they saw that the octopus king had returned.

Lin Yun ordered the Octopus King to capture the designated camping monster, but he didn't expect it to be completed so quickly.

I saw the octopus king grabbing two fierce beasts.

One is a castle turtle.

One is a palace snail.

That's right, it's the camping monster that Lin Yun wants.

The castle turtle, 30 meters long and 25 meters tall, carries a small castle on its back, and inside is a huge camping space with a lot of furniture and other things, which is completely a castle.

The palace snail, the shell it holds is a small palace, the space inside is huge, full of 300 square meters, golden and brilliant.

The octopus king said: "Master, the ingredients you asked for 807 have been captured, and they are still alive!" "

Lin Yun nodded: "Hmm." Well done. "

"You go to rest first!"

The octopus king went down satisfied, lying next to the divine tree and absorbing the delicious energy.

It's so cool!!

Lin Yun shouted: "Apprentice~"

Atassino quickly ran over, with a pair of talking eyes with a smile: "Master, do you want to take care of these two fierce beasts??" "

Lin Yun smiled and said, "These two fierce beasts are not for eating!" "

"This is a camping monster, and it will be the house we live in from now on!"

Castle turtles and palace snails can live underwater as well as on land.

Don't worry about dying from lack of oxygen.

Hearing this, Atassino's eyes moved: "Oh, I see, this is the solution you told me a few days ago that can perfectly solve the shortage of rooms." "

Lin Yun nodded: "That's right!" "

"Go. Let's go inside and see what's going on. "

Atacino nodded: "Good!!" "

The two walked into the space inside the palace snail first.

"Wow! So big! "


"And the temperature is adapted, much more comfortable than living in a stone house!"

"Master, look quickly, this bed is too soft, it must be very comfortable to sleep!"


Atassino was like a child who had never seen the world, fussing.

Lin Yun was not surprised at all, because he had already understood.

Come out of the palace snail and enter the space inside the castle turtle.

The situation inside is much the same.

Atassino exclaimed again.

At last~

"Master, where are you going to live?" Atacino asked, his eyes shining.

Lin Yun said, "I live in the palace snail!" "

The palace snail bed was nice and comfortable to sleep on.

Atassino said, "Okay." Then I live with Master, anyway, the space is large enough, and there are many rooms. "

"That's it!"

"I'll help things first!"

With that, he quickly went to move things.

She didn't help herself, but moved Lin Yun's things over first.

However, go and help yourself.

At this time, the second-generation Melk also packed up his things and walked in: "Mr. Lin Yun, do I also want to help live here?" "

Lin Yun was stunned, and then nodded: "Hmm! Don't you want to? "

Second-generation Melk nodded: "Yes." Mr. Lin Yun told me to live, I will live! "

With that, she moved her things into the room.

Atacino grinned and walked over.

Lin Yun said, "You are called the second generation Melk, right?" "

Atacino smiled and said, "Yes. Master, I'm doing a good job! "

Lin Yun reached out and knocked on the door of her head: "It's just that you're a lot of things!" "

Atacino touched his forehead and said with a smile: "Master, I am doing this for your good!" "

"Later... When you take a bath, it is much more convenient for you to peek!! "

Lin Yun's face was not red and his heart did not beat: "Ahem... Master is a decent gentleman and will not do such a thing. "

"Don't frame Master!!"


This apprentice said so surely, did he really know what he did?

Atassino grinned, "Master... Don't be embarrassed, adults! "

"Everyone understands!"

Lin Yun said, "I see you are underdrawn!" "

Atacino smiled and said, "Master, then you smoke!" "

"You're not just talking, are you?"

Lin Yun: "..."


This apprentice... Is it an old driver?!

Isn't this speed company a little fast?

Lin Yun raised his hand and slapped Atassino's butt.

Atacino "ouch", covered his butt, fled with a grin, and did not forget to turn back and stick out his tongue: "Master... You're hitting too hard!! "

"I'm very vindictive!"

Lin Yun didn't have a chance for the "old driver" to go outside and asked Ling to move to live inside the castle turtle.

Ling was happy and packed up her things right away.

At this time, several figures came from a distance, and before the person arrived, the voice came.

"Big brother, we're back!!"

It was Sani's voice.

Lin Yun smiled at the corner of his mouth, it was Jijikiqi and Sani who were back.

Turning his head, he saw three people, and at the same time saw a person who looked similar to Gigi.

At a glance, I recognized that it was the silver immortal Kaka.

In fact, Lin Yun has always known that Kaka is in the food pyramid.

Arranged for Gigi and the others to go to the Food Pyramid to capture sweet Coke, just for sweet Coke, but they didn't expect them to bring Kaka back.



Gigi and Kiki spoke respectfully.

With that, Gigi handed over a bucket of black liquid that he had captured.

Lin Yun knew that it was sweet and delicious.

Already smell its sweet smell.

The gourmet cells in the body are active.

Sure enough, it is an ingredient that gourmet cells like.

Lin Yun nodded: "Hmm." Well done!! "

"Thank you Master for the compliment!" Gigi and Kiki replied.

And Kaka was already shocked to the side, and his jaw was about to fall.

He never expected that the master of Gigi and Kiki was a young human.

Is something wrong with this?

How is a young human qualified to be the master of the immortals?

As far as he knows, Gigi and Kiki's cooking ability can be compared with the same section! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Moreover, this human imp is so young, does he really know how to cook? ?

Didn't Gigi and Kiki Mo be deceived?

Seeing Gigi and Kiki like obedient elementary school students in front of Lin Yun, for a while, Kaka's brain was like a pot of rotten porridge.

On the way here, he still thought about visiting a teacher as well, but now...

At this time, Gigi introduced: "Master, this is my brother Kaka!! "

Lin Yun nodded and greeted Kaka.

Afterwards, he instructed Gigi and Kiki to cook the ingredients.

Lin Yun was no longer verbose, looked at the sweet cola, and immediately started drinking.

Sweet cola mouth, sweet and refreshing, the strong stimulation of carbonic acid instantly knocks the cells of the whole body.

The thick and luscious sugar penetrates every corner of the body bit by bit like a strangling technique.

Very (cddh) delicious.


In an instant, a not weak aura erupted from Lin Yun's body, his muscles exploded, and the clothes on his body were once again exploded.

Full of strength!

There is no doubt that the gourmet cell is revitalized!

How much has the strength improved this time?

One look, outside the field, captures level 120.

Sure enough, it improved a lot.

Lin Yun's body returned to normal, looking at the tattered clothes, he shook his head helplessly.

In the future, if you eat ingredients that gourmet cells like, do you have to take off your clothes first?

Return to the palace snail.

Atacino and the second-generation Melk were tidying up the hall, and when they saw Lin Yun's appearance, they were stunned.

"Master, your gourmet cells are activated again?" Atacino asked.

Lin Yun nodded: "Hmm." Gigiki and Sani are back. I drank sweet cola, and the gourmet cells were activated. "

The second generation Melk said: "Mr. Lin Yun, you wait, I'll go get you clothes!" "

After changing clothes, Lin Yun walked out and saw that Jiji and Kiki had already begun to process the ingredients.

As for Sani and Ling, they don't know what to do in the castle turtle, and they are probably arguing again.

Kaka watched Gigi and Kiki process the ingredients and cook the ingredients, and his eyes showed shock.

"Gigi, sea urchin turtles can still cook like this?"

"Kiki, your method of cooking troll pigs is too godly!"



"You two old six, during the time I was asleep, you were frantically researching ingredients, right?"

"Why are they all cooking methods that I haven't seen before?"

Kaka was shocked just by looking at it.

The cooking method used by Gigi and Kiki is completely new, and it is simpler and more perfect.

Kiki smiled and said, "Kaka, this is all taught to me by Master!" "

"How about it, you haven't seen such a cooking method, have you??"

"Isn't it scary?"

"Like you, I'm surprised to see such cooking methods for the first time!!"

He was a little smug.

The taste immortal is divided into gold, silver and copper, which is arranged according to strength, he is a copper taste immortal, and his cooking ability is naturally worse than that of the silver taste immortal of Kaka.

But now, after learning cooking with Lin Yun for a period of time, the cooking ability has been greatly improved, and it will be different!

Gigi laughed, "Whoops... Kaka, what you see is only the tip of the iceberg, my master's cooking ability is even more terrifying! "

"If he showed his hand, you would be even more surprised."

Hearing these words, Kaka didn't even know what to say!

I didn't believe it, but I had to believe it when I saw it.

Lin Yun ignored so much and sat down to eat vigorously.


Suddenly, a bird call came down.

A dark shadow shrouded overhead.

Lin Yun knew that it was the Bird King who had returned.

It has to be said that the speed of the bird king to capture ingredients is fast.

Gigiki and Kaka looked up, and their faces suddenly changed.

"King Bird!" Gigi exclaimed, "How did this guy get here?? "

Kiki's heart sank: "Why is the bird king here!!" "

It stands to reason that the eight kings are in a fixed area and generally do not leave.

If the eight kings leave the region and go elsewhere, it will cause disaster.

It is said that when the snake king left the 4th area and passed through the 6th area, he fought with the whale king, resulting in an extreme weather mother hurricane there.

Kaka was also frightened.

Although it has been sleeping for many years, the eight kings of the gastronomic world, it knows.

It's because I know that I'm nervous.

The king bird fell from a height with a pile of ingredients on his back, like a hill.

There are a variety of ingredients.

Lin Yun looked at it and nodded in satisfaction.

Worthy of the king of birds!

The first shot is extraordinary.

"Master, I'm back with ingredients!" The Bird King walked in front of Lin Yun, respectful and well-behaved.

Seeing this scene, Gigiki and Kaka were instantly stunned in place, their expressions messy in the wind.

"I'll go! When did Master tame the Bird King? "

"Master! (Broken sound)"

Gigi and Kiki were shocked and a little regretful.

It is a pity that he did not witness the highlight moment of Master's taming of the bird king.

Although they had seen Lin Yun tame terrifying beasts such as the Storm Giant Eagle, there was still a big gap between the Storm Troll and the Bird King.

Kaka exclaimed, "How is that possible? That's the king bird!! "

A human who uses one of the eight kings as a slave?

Simply incredible!

Kiki smiled and said, "Kaka, nothing is impossible with Master!" "

"Just get used to it later!!"

Kaka didn't even know what to say.

The bird king said: "Master, I also specially brought you back an ingredient, you should like it!" "

Saying that, he got out a cloud of pitch-black liquid.

Exudes an amazing aura.

Gigiki and Kaka looked at each other, and their eyes showed surprise again.

"This is ... Earth Western-style full meal drink atom! "

Lin Yun's gaze also changed slightly, and he also recognized that it was the Earth Western-style full-meal drink Atom, which is the Acacia Western-style full-meal drink Atom

The most delicious ingredients in Atom Gourmet Region 3!

The Cloud Mountain Range in Region 3 of the food world, where molten slurry erupts, the molten slurry sprays into space, absorbs the endless toxic substances there, and then descends back to form a waterfall, in which the drink atom flows

Capture level 7000.

The difficulty of cooking is second only to god and fish treasure.

This ingredient is really powerful.

But only if you can cook perfectly!

You know, this ingredient is a special cooking ingredient, which contains a lot of toxins, and all toxins must be removed before drinking.

Otherwise, you will die if you drink it!

In the original book, the Atom cooking method, only Gigi and Blue Nitro know.

However, Gigi knows the ancient method, which is very complicated and difficult to cook.

Moreover, it still needs to be in the "inner world" to complete it as soon as possible.

Gigi took a deep breath and his mouth was dry: "Master, you can cook the drink atom"

Lin Yun nodded: "What's so difficult about this?" "

Upon hearing this, Gigi and Kiki's blood boiled.

Master, this is another new cooking method to cook the drink atom

Gotta look and study hard!!

Kiki said, "Kaka, my master wants to cook a drink, you can watch it, it will definitely shock you!" "。

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