People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 313 Survival Day 313: Bombing to Your Heart's Content

In the end, everything passed smoothly without any danger.

Everyone looked at the dark abyss a few more times, and pushed open the stone door with lingering fear.

Not locked or stuck, opened easily.

There is still a passage ahead.

The specific place it leads to is unknown, so we proceed cautiously after confirming that there is no danger.

Everyone's heart is heavy and terrible.

All were silent.

Xu Zhijian was thinking about what to do next and how many aliens or other monsters there were.

Jiang Youmei and others were thinking about what they had to face and how to really escape from this damn planet!

I really can't bear it anymore.

While they were exploring, others were also exploring elsewhere in the pyramid.

A dark passage.

A Nico held a torch in his left hand and a rifle in his right hand as he advanced carefully.

He was an armed member of a small African country and was at war with other tribes before he was caught.

As I walked, I suddenly felt something was wrong behind me.

I turned my head quickly and saw nothing but darkness.

"Who... FUCK! Get out!"

Nico couldn't help but curse loudly to embolden him.

After waiting for a while, nothing happened, so I turned around shakily and continued walking.


However, after walking a few steps, he suddenly saw a black shadow suddenly falling from above.

"Stop" directly parallel to your head.


He took a few steps back in shock and panic, widening his eyes to see what it was.


But there was no chance.


A flash of fishy wind passed by, and he fell to the ground with a hysterical scream.

I will die without knowing what the shadow is.

And the mysterious thing quickly left and headed to the next target!

Two minutes later, it reached a passage on the lower level.

There is a white man here, holding a gun and looking back and forth while walking, his movements are very professional.

As I was walking, I suddenly felt something was wrong. After a slight hesitation, I immediately shot behind me.

Da da da!

The bullets whizzed away, and the firelight illuminated a small area.

However, more than a dozen rounds of bullets were fired, but nothing was hit.

The man frowned in confusion and uneasiness.

Because just now he felt a slight breeze blowing, and there seemed to be movement similar to footsteps.

How could it be possible that nothing was hit?

Are you being suspicious?

He wanted to hide, but there was nothing around him, so he had no choice but to speed up and escape quickly.

However, when he turned around and ran for a few steps, his whole body suddenly "flyed" out of thin air and was more than one meter above the ground in the blink of an eye.


The weapon fell to the ground with a clatter, and he struggled desperately with his hands on his neck in pain.

There seemed to be an invisible rope tangled there.

A few seconds later, something even more terrifying happened. He was decapitated out of thin air!

The body and head rolled to the ground at the same time, blood spurting out.

The passage returned to silence, with only one body left.

At this time, Xu Zhijian and others had arrived at a wide space.

There are also seven bed-like raised platforms arranged in a fan shape.

There is an ancient skeleton on each one, and there is a hole in the chest.

Jiang Youmei was shocked and frightened when she saw this.

The presence of bones indicates that humans were once there, and the time must have been very ancient.

But why are they lying here?

What happened again that would make you willing to die without moving?

And Xu Zhijian naturally knew the real reason.

This is the sacrificial chamber that provides reproduction for aliens. Those bones are from Mayans thousands of years ago.

He first looked at the skeleton for a few times, then looked around.

Soon, I saw two corpses lying in the corner on the left!


And he had been dead for no more than six hours.

It was obviously a human being who entered here in advance.

They also had a big hole in their chests, the size of a basketball, and the blood that flowed out had dried up and turned black.


"How come they...are injured in the same position as these skeletons?"

When Jiang Youmei and the others saw this, they came over and started talking in astonishment.

Xu Zhijian walked over, squatted down, groped under the body, and immediately took out a rifle!

And it’s the XM7 model, the latest standard automatic rifle from the United States.

I have to say that these two people were very lucky to pick up a powerful weapon.

After some more searching, I found 2 magazines.

40 rounds in total.

Very good, this time the armed ability has been greatly improved.

He stood up with the gun: "Leon will use this for you, give the pistol to Isabella."

Now Isabella only has the use of one arm and cannot use the rifle.

Hamad has never played with a gun and doesn't understand.

So this is the best choice.


Leon didn't refuse at all, he happily took it and studied it carefully for a while.


At this time, a stone slab suddenly lowered from the entrance just now, blocking the way.

The same is true for the exit in front.


They screamed and sprinted quickly, trying to get out at the last moment.

Unfortunately, it was still a second too late.

He was directly trapped in this sacrificial room.

Hamad kicked the stone slab: "Damn it! Why is this happening?!"

Isabella also said with a gloomy face: "We won't be completely trapped here, right?"

Xu Zhijian shook his head: "No, this pyramid is alive, and the layout will change every once in a while."

"Don't be too scared, wait patiently, just take a break."

After hearing what he said, everyone thought about the similar situation they had just encountered, and it was indeed the case.

Only then did they feel a little relieved.

Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, they saw that the seven altars suddenly moved quickly.

Then they quickly descended and sank into the rocks underground.

Then, black egg-shaped objects about the size of car tires rose up one by one.

There were at least thirty or fifty of them, almost filling the entire space.


Xu Zhijian immediately took a breath of cold air when he saw this, because these were all alien eggs!

It's not strange to have these things in the pyramid.

The question is why they are here? !

I remember it was in another secret room in the movie.

Jiang Youmei panicked and said, "Brother Xu, what are these?"

Leon raised his gun and aimed, "It looks like eggs?? But how come they are so big? Could it be a dinosaur?!"

Xu Zhijian immediately ordered, "Use your clothes to cover your mouth and nose immediately, quickly! Now!"

They didn't know the reason, but they knew that it was right to listen to the leader.

So no one dared to neglect it, and they all took off their coats and wrapped their mouths and noses, like masks.

While doing it, the eggs suddenly moved.

A cross-shaped opening similar to a flower immediately appeared on the top.

Xu Zhijian shouted, "Stand against the wall, remember, don't shoot! Don't use a knife!"

"Kill them by twisting them off, and don't let those things get into your mouth and nose anyway!"

As he spoke, creatures with extremely strange shapes crawled out of the cracks one by one!

About the size of two palms combined, flesh-yellow.

It looks like a combination of a crab and a scorpion.

It has two rows of eight claws and a long tail.

This is the face hugger!

It is the second cycle form of the alien.

After the face hugger finds and confirms the host, it will suddenly jump up and pounce on the face.

Its eight legs wrap around the entire face, and its abdomen is close to the mouth, making it difficult to tear it off.

If it is pulled hard, the scalp may be torn.

If it is cut, the blood overflowing from the face hugger's body will completely corrode the host's face.

After being fixed, the host's neck will be strangled by the long bony tail, which will suffocate it.

At this time, the host will instinctively open its mouth to breathe.

At this time, oxygen will be supplied to the host while the alien embryo will be injected into the host.

This is a long process, which may take several hours.

After completing a series of operations, the fate of the face hugger is fulfilled, and it will automatically fall off and die.

At this time, the carapace layer on the surface of the face hugger is silicified, and the strong acid blood in the body is neutralized.

After the passage of time, the mummy-like body will soon be dried and calcified.

Jiang Youmei and the others looked at this strange creature, frowning one by one.

After so many battles and seeing all kinds of monsters, I didn't feel scared.

Instead, I was confused about what the hell this was? !

Xu Zhijian was thinking about countermeasures quickly.

The most difficult problem at the moment was that he couldn't fight back with weapons, otherwise he would be affected by the corrosive blood.

The effect of all firearms was reduced by 90%.

Not to mention the plasma pulse mines carried by the Iron Blood Warriors, which could only be left there if they could kill a lot of people at once.

What should I do? !


The face huggers jumped up like hungry tigers seeing beef.

Leon subconsciously raised his gun and prepared to shoot.

Seeing this, Xu Zhijian immediately slapped the muzzle of the gun: "I said don't shoot! Fight melee!"

The first one rushed straight to his face.


He knocked the face hugger to the ground with a punch, and then stepped on it with his left foot.

Leon turned the rifle around and hit the flying one with the butt.

Jiang Youmei used the compound bow as a baseball bat.

Hamad held his head and shrank back desperately.

Isabella was in a worse situation because of her disability. She couldn't shoot with one hand, nor could she fight back.

One of the face huggers had already crawled onto her face and tried to tear off the clothes covering her.

Face to face with such a terrifying creature, goose bumps appeared all over her body.

She couldn't help but think of the experience of being hit in the face by a cockroach as big as a thumb when she was on a mission in the rainforest.

She hurriedly put the pistol behind her waist and pulled hard with her hands.

The two sides fought for a while, and no face hugger was killed.

Because they had no idea where their weaknesses or vital points were, they couldn't die at all.

But the clothes covering the mouths and noses of Isabella, Jiang Youmei, and Hamad had been torn.

They couldn't hold out for much longer.

Xu Zhijian's strength should be able to crush them to death, but he was afraid of using the right weapon.

He was afraid that the corrosive blood would spray out accidentally and burn himself.


What should I do? !

At this time, he accidentally touched the spear tied behind him.


Got it!

He immediately had an idea and thought of how powerful this weapon was. It could really cut through metal like mud.

Even the strongest metal on earth could be easily cut and destroyed.

Not to mention stone walls.

This power was also shown in the movie.

When the Predator stabbed the human with his spear, it also penetrated the stone more than a foot wide behind him.

Therefore, you only need to use it to destroy the stone slab to escape.

Then just throw a thunder to kill them all!

Thinking about it, he knocked away a few facehuggers around him, took out his spear, turned around and stabbed the stone slab.

Easily penetrated!

He was overjoyed and quickly attacked one after another, stabbing or smashing.


Several holes and cracks were quickly punched into the stone slab.

Not long after, more than half of it fell off, and a hole appeared that allowed people to bend over.

He immediately shouted: "Quick! Get out of here immediately!"

Everyone was extremely surprised when they saw this, and hurriedly climbed out one after another.

The Facehuggers also wanted to follow them out, but were beaten back one by one.

Then dozens of them rushed towards him together, and the darkness was so terrifying.

"Die to me!"

Xu Zhijian took out a black round plasma mine and activated it, then threw it on the ground and fled quickly.

"Run, run, run!"

He reminded Jiang Youmei and others while sprinting.

The five of them ran like crazy with all their strength, not daring to neglect at all.

And those facehuggers also came out of the hole one after another.

However, before they could pursue them, the plasma mine flashed a red light and exploded.

boom--! ! ! ! !

There was an earth-shattering sound.

All the buildings within the sacrificial room were blown up, rubble flew everywhere, and the sky collapsed.

Those facehuggers turned into powder, and even the strong acid blood was instantly melted.

Xu Zhijian, who ran away, clearly felt his feet shaking, like an earthquake.


At this time, Hamad lost his balance and fell down.

When he saw this, he grabbed him and pushed him away.


Just a second after running away, a stone rocked by the explosion crashed down.

If he were one step slower, Hamad would be smashed into mud.

I don't know how long I ran like this, but there was a corner ahead, and the vibration hadn't stopped yet.

This shows the technological power of the Predator.

Just such a small mine can almost shake a temple that is more than 50 meters high and has an unknown area.

After another minute or so, the shaking finally stopped.

Everyone finally stopped and gasped for air, wiping the cold sweat from their heads and feeling fear in their hearts.

Phew...what a thrill!

Fortunately, he managed to escape.

Just when they felt like they were surviving the disaster, no one paid attention to the dark roof above, and there was a black shadow following quietly.

No sound was made.

Even if there was, it was covered up by the shock.

Upon seeing this, the black shadow quietly and quickly climbed down a distance and continued to lurk, as agile as a gecko.

Leon gasped and asked: "Xu, why didn't you just use weapons to fight back?"

Xu Zhijian replied: "Because the blood of those bugs is stronger than sulfuric acid and can corrode everything!"

"Once it splashes on us, even just a little bit, we will quickly corrode into mud and die."

They were stunned when they heard it.

So that's it.

But... it's too outrageous that blood is actually sulfuric acid, isn't it? !


"Ah ah ah ah ah……!"

At this moment, Hamad suddenly let out a hysterical scream of pain.

Then the body was suddenly pulled up by something!

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