People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 314 Survival Day 314: Perfect Organism

"What’s wrong with you?!"

"Oh my god...his chest...!"

Jiang Youmei, Isabella, and Leon turned their heads to look over in shock.

I saw that Hamad's chest was completely penetrated by a black, sharp object!


Xu Zhijian shot directly without hesitation.


A very strange and sharp cry immediately sounded from behind the darkness blocked by Hamad.


At the same time, his body was suddenly thrown out and fell to the ground.


Upon seeing this, Leon came to his senses and immediately followed suit and shot at that location.

The black shadow roared a few more times, then suddenly fell from the stone wall and stopped moving.

"Kill the Drone Alien and get 50 season points."


Then there was a sound like a frying pan.

Then take a closer look with the flashlight.

The falling shadow was more than two meters long, charcoal black, with an armored exoskeleton like a crustacean.

A tube-like object surrounds the exoskeleton, spine, etc.

A long tail, at least one and a half meters long, with an extremely sharp end.

The weirdest thing is the head.

It's very long, very evil, it can be said to be a giant Dakunkun.

The top of the head is nearly transparent, and the structure and tissue inside can be seen.

Generally speaking, it has a human body shape, an insect exoskeleton, and mechanical lines.

Similar to a combination of silicon-based life + carbon-based life?

And yellow-green blood came out of the wounds on its body, corroding the stone slab at a speed visible to the naked eye.

White smoke is rising!

Leon and others were stunned for a moment, and then hurried to check on Hamad who was left behind.

Unfortunately, he is already dead.

The blow just now hit his heart directly. Hua Tuo looked at it and shook his head.

There was silence for a moment.

Isabella asked: "Xu, what is this black monster? Do you know?"

Xu Zhijian nodded: "That is a kind of monster called an alien, and it is the same alien creature as the Predator."

Xenomorph is also the collective name for all aliens.

Known as the most perfect organism, with perfect structure, it can be fatal to all living creatures.

In the prequel "Prometheus", engineers create a strange black water.

This thing successfully catalyzed the creation of an unknown monster, the first-generation alien.

and kill almost all the engineers.

They possess weaponized physical features such as hard exoskeletons, tusks, and molars.

Its blood is extremely corrosive.

It can be divided into more than ten forms.

Alien eggs.

The most basic and weak form.


The second form lays eggs and reproduces inside the host body.

Broken chest.

The third form can be said to be the baby alien form.

Drone xenomorphs are the most common adult xenomorphs.

He is about 2-2.5 meters tall and weighs 350+ pounds.

By analogy, humans are ordinary soldiers in the army, with average combat effectiveness.

The messenger alien has a dog-like form, is extremely fast, and acts as a scout.

The Praetorian Guards, the personal bodyguards of the Alien Queen, are about 2 times larger than ordinary drones and have more powerful combat capabilities.

The Alien Queen, the leader of the colony, is usually responsible for laying eggs.

Once they encounter danger and have to take action, they will stop giving birth and transform into warriors.

He is usually about 5 meters tall, weighs more than 3 tons, and his combat ability is considered ceiling level.

Etc., etc.

They grow extremely fast, going from parasitism to drone status in just one day.

Now that we have entered the pyramid, we have encountered the first four forms.

Jiang Youmei and others looked so heavy that they didn't know what to say, they just felt tired.

Is it really just all kinds of monsters taking turns to fight?

After hiding Hamad's body in a corner, the four of them moved on depressedly.

Xu Zhijian originally wanted to deal with the alien and try to take away some useful things.

For example, the shell can be used as a shield.

Perfect protection against their acidic blood.

Unfortunately, the tools at hand were limited and it was difficult to dissect, so I had to give up for my own safety.

At the same time, other players are on the battlefield.

Ranked 253, with a current score of 600, the man codenamed 11451 is advancing in the dark in the dark forest.

He is also quite proficient in horror movies and has watched quite a few.

But he is the kind of person who only knows about well-known big IPs but doesn’t understand the niche ones.

So I don’t know if this is the realm of “Dark Forest” right now.

After walking cautiously for a while, he found a headless scarecrow with antlers on his hands in front of him.

At first glance, I thought it was a monster, so I immediately fired a test shot.

Check closely after making sure there is no danger.

But I can’t see why, it’s just a weird-looking straw man?

After looking at it for a moment and about to move on, I suddenly felt some rustling movement behind me.

He turned around quickly to check.

After looking for a while and finding nothing unusual, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned to leave.

However, as soon as he took a step forward, a huge black shadow suddenly and silently appeared blocking the way.

Before there was any reaction, the body was grabbed two to three meters high.


Then the head was forcibly screwed off, the body fell to the ground, and began to transform into a scarecrow.

Ranked 85, with 750 points, the player codenamed 6650 is also trying to survive in the black forest.

I also met many teammates along the way.

After the fight, only two other people are left alive.

The three of them had smelled the strange fragrance just now, and they couldn't help smelling it for a while.

At this time, they were sitting in an open space to rest.

"How should we go next?"

"I don't know, why not stay here for the night?"

As he was talking, player 6650's mouth suddenly stopped, and his eyes widened with horror.

Because he saw that the other two people had turned into monsters!

There was no skin and blood all over the body, and the head turned into an unknown and indescribable hideous thing.

Bang bang bang!

He was scared to death, and without saying a word, he raised his gun and shot at the two people.

And the two people who turned into monsters also seemed to have seen something terrible and attacked him.

After a burst of gunfire, the three people fell to the ground with several bullets.


The player ranked 8654, with 50 points and codenamed 6668 was sitting under a tree eating at this time.

He was lucky when he landed, and he picked up a bag of supplies, which contained a bottle of water and some compressed food.

Although it was not delicious, who could complain at this time?

After eating and drinking, he continued to move forward cautiously, trying to get out of the current rain forest.

But after walking for a while, he heard a slight sound coming from the bushes next to him.


Then, an iron-blooded hell ape suddenly jumped out and attacked quickly.


He exclaimed and turned around and ran away quickly.

However, the speed difference between the two sides was too large, and he was caught up immediately, and his life was at stake.

Whoosh-bang! ! !

However, at this time, a black object suddenly fell and hit the hell ape directly.

Instantly, it broke its bones and could not move.

The man turned his head and looked, and it turned out that it was a person who fell, and obviously did not open the parachute.

The body had been broken into pieces.

The hell ape pressed below was also in a twisted posture, with eyeballs popping out and blood spurting out of his mouth.

It was obviously dying.

He couldn't help but smile in surprise, thinking that God had opened his eyes, his luck was really damn good!

He waited for a moment, then carefully approached and pulled out a machete from the body.

Then he chopped the hell ape to death.

"Kill the iron-blooded hell ape, and get 50 season points"

"So this thing is called this name..."

He happily opened the leaderboard and took a look, and his ranking instantly increased by 4000+

Then he took the machete and continued to set off.

While walking, he thought that he was so lucky, and he just got 100 season points.

Who is the 520 who ranks first now? He has already 2300+.

This can't be described as against the sky, it's simply a GM.

I'm so envious.


The masked guy with code name 111 ranked second with 2200 points.

At this time, he was carrying a shotgun and holding a pistol and was slowly groping in the pyramid.

He had naturally read all three series: Predator, Alien, and Alien vs. Predator.

So he successfully killed the three giants of Lion Camel Ridge and came to the last level.

As he walked, he suddenly noticed something seemed to be happening above his head.

So he immediately looked up to check.

After scanning with a flashlight and seeing nothing unexpected, he retracted his gaze and continued to walk carefully.


But after walking for a while, he turned around without warning and raised his pistol to shoot decisively.

A black shadow quickly rushed through the light.

He didn't get nervous even though he missed the shot. He continued to observe the surroundings calmly and was ready to go.


He soon felt that there was danger approaching from behind, so he instinctively dodged quickly.


But he was still a step too late, and was hit hard on the shoulder by a powerful object, and fell directly to the ground.


He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air in pain, and quickly fired back.


With a few strange screams, the thing that attacked him also fell to the ground and was motionless.

"Kill the messenger alien and get 50 season points"

After seeing the message, he breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and walked over to take a closer look.

It was indeed an alien.

But it was much smaller, about the size of an adult medium-sized dog.

Four bullets hit his body, and corrosive blood flowed out of the wound.

He changed the magazine and turned away, thinking that he was less than 100 points away from the first place Zhifan!

As long as he worked harder, he would definitely be able to surpass him.

At this time, Xu Zhijian and others were walking in a passage.

There were many carvings of iron and blood and alien images and some special symbols on the stone walls on both sides.

There were also many egg-sized stones inlaid on them, emitting a faint blue light in the dark environment.

Very magical and beautiful.

Leon curiously took a closer look, and then reached out to touch the glowing stones.

As a result, just a light touch, a round stone fell into his hand.

Then something shocking happened.

The stone suddenly came alive, moving and turning into a blue-green bug that looked like a longhorn beetle!

Its pincer-like front jaws immediately bit through the skin of my hand.


Leon also reacted very quickly, almost at the same time he threw it to the ground and stomped it to pieces.

Xu Zhijian immediately thought of a name: scarab.

It is also known as the dung beetle.

This is a mysterious insect that exists in ancient Egyptian legends, hiding in the pyramids, waiting to devour all invaders.

This scarab is extremely powerful and can directly drill into the human body, which is more terrible than the marching ant.

The first time I saw this thing was in the "Mummy" series.

I didn't expect it to be here?

He reminded: "Don't touch it again! They can drill directly into the human body and eat flesh and blood."

There are at least hundreds of scarab stones in this place. If all of them are touched, you will die even if you have great kung fu.

Leon nodded quickly: "Sorry, I understand."

Everyone continued to move forward vigilantly.

No one noticed that the stones fell down silently and automatically!

After walking for a while, I suddenly heard a strange sound behind me.

Very dense, coming at a fast speed.

Xu Zhijian immediately turned around and took a look, and then couldn't help cursing.

I saw hundreds of beetles attacking at the fastest speed, densely packed in a large area.


How the hell did these things come to life automatically? !

"Thank you for the generous gift...!"

"Brother Xu, what's going on? We didn't touch it!"

Jiang Youmei and the others couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Don't worry about it, run!"

He immediately turned around and ran with the three of them.

Facing the aliens and the Iron Blood Warriors, they can fight back effectively, but these small and numerous insects are difficult to deal with.

Because there is no way to eliminate them all at once.

Relying on bullets to shoot one by one, they would have been gnawed into a pile of bones long ago.

Xu Zhijian took off his coat while running and lit it with a torch, then threw it on the ground to try to block it.

As a result, these scarabs were not afraid of fire at all, and they continued to chase at a high speed.

And misfortunes never come alone.

As he was running, an alien suddenly jumped down from the top of his head and directly overwhelmed Leon.

Xu Zhijian stopped immediately and subconsciously raised his gun to shoot.

But he quickly stopped again, because once the shot wounded and corrosive blood sprayed out, he would definitely die.


So he rushed over immediately and kicked directly with a charged flying kick.

The alien was kicked and flew out and fell to the ground.

Just as he got up, he also fired decisively, hitting the alien and making it roar and sulphuric acid blood.


The blood splashed on the ground, not only corroding the stone, but also turning the scarab that rushed to the side into powder.

The other insects stopped at the same time and anxiously turned back and forth.

"Got it!"

Xu Zhijian immediately had a solution when he saw this, and shot the alien several times in a row until he killed it completely.

"Kill the messenger alien and get 50 season points"

No wonder it was kicked away easily, it turned out to be a small species

He walked over cautiously, grabbed the tail and backed away.

Everywhere he passed was stained with sulfuric acid blood, not only corroded and damaged, but also formed a barrier.

The scarabs did not dare to approach, and could only make anxious noises outside.

This is the one thing conquers another.

I don't know if it was set, or if these insects knew the horror of alien blood after being beaten.

However, just when they breathed a sigh of relief and thought they were safe this time, these things actually started climbing the wall!

Xu Zhijian was speechless when he saw this.


Is it so smart? !

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