People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 400: Day 400 of Survival: Voodoo Sensing

At such a close distance, he saw the face again clearly.

It was indeed a human face.

It did not have any facial features!

It was exactly the same as the strange creature he had seen in the sewer before!

At this moment, he forgot the pain and the shock, and there was only one thought in his mind: What on earth is this? !

What on earth is he? !

Unfortunately, this question will never be answered.

The thin ghost shrank again and turned into tentacles of branches, pulling his limbs to the left and right.


The huge pain made Lewis scream hysterically, and his body was quickly torn into a big word.



Then the bones began to make frequent noises and the muscles tore, proving that they could no longer resist.

Lewis screamed in pain and struggled with all his strength.

But there was no effect.

The limbs had been pulled to the limit of what they could bear, and it could be said that they could be torn apart in an instant.

He was angry, unwilling, desperate, and afraid, but he had no way out.

If he was facing a human or even one with superpowers, he would not be afraid.

Because if he couldn't beat him, he could at least run away.

But what he was facing now was something that couldn't even be described. There was nothing he could do about it!

The coming of death filled Lewis with fear.

After so many years of being a tyrant, this was the first time he encountered such an unsolvable situation.


Soon, his left arm was torn off!

Blood spurted wildly.

It was shocking and horrifying.


Lewis let out a hysterical scream that resounded through the world.

Then, his right arm was also torn off.

Under the double blow, he had no ability to resist.

Next, his two legs were torn off one after another.

The idiom "five horses dismembering a body" was fully demonstrated.

The scene was so terrifying.

(To protect the physical and mental health of young people, detailed bloody descriptions have been deleted, please use your imagination)

In the end, Lewis became a corpse on the ground.

The first list leader was done.

The thin ghost was very satisfied with this, admired it for a while and then left quietly.

He changed back to human form and returned to the hotel.

He simply washed up, then turned on his phone to check the current situation.

The live broadcast of the expedition team has already gained a lot of popularity and spread.

It is currently ranked tenth on the most well-known short video APP.

It is just at the end of the hot list.

Netizens still believe it, and some do not believe it, and the latter are beginning to prevail.

After all, it is too coincidental and classic.

It happened to go to the haunted house to explore, and it happened to meet the legendary ghost. No matter how you look at it, it is a script.

It is a fake video made purely for popularity.

However, some professional players did not find any special effects and splicing loopholes after analyzing the video.

How to explain this?

Could it be that this team hides a top special effects artist, whose technology is even better than Hollywood?

The two sides argued endlessly.

For a time, the keyword "thin ghost" was also popular.

Many videos and posts explaining related content were pushed to the top.

Among them was the video shot by the man that night, which skyrocketed from a few thousand hits at the beginning to more than 50,000 hits.

Then a careful person discovered a problem. The two incidents were only one day apart, and it was a coincidence.

Is this really a monster?

Or is it a series of pre-planned hype? ?

Xu Zhijian read the news for an hour or so and then went to sleep. Let's argue, it's better to keep arguing.

This is the effect he wants.

No words all night.

The next afternoon, he deliberately went to a remote viaduct about ten kilometers away from the outskirts of the town.

Before killing Lewis yesterday, he actually got the other party's thoughts.

He didn't kill him without caring about anything.

Through extraction, it was found that the Bull Gang would make a deal here in the middle of the night.

This is quite nice.

So I came to check the place in advance, and try to kill more people at that time, and it would be best if there was also a leader.

After walking around for a while, I determined where there was open space, shelter, etc.

Finally, I left with satisfaction.

Time passed by little by little while waiting, and before they knew it, it was midnight.

At this time, Xu Zhijian had been hiding in the woods and waiting patiently.

According to the intelligence, the transaction will start at 1 a.m.




As time got closer, a group of people finally came from afar!

The first to come were the members of the Bull Gang, who did not drive, a total of six.

The leader was holding a box in his hand, which was filled with DU products.

They came to the underside of the viaduct and looked around, then gathered together to chat and wait.

It was already 1 a.m., but the buyer had not yet shown up.

Just when they were confused, the leader also received a call.

And all of this was seen clearly by Xu Zhijian hiding in the dark through the Iron Blood Mask.

And, the content of the call was also known through sound wave analysis.

It turned out that the buyer had a temporary change, and the transaction tonight was cancelled, so there was no need to wait any longer.


Then take action!

He put away his helmet, and then his figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

At this time, the Bull Gang also began to retreat.

However, just after turning around and taking a few steps, they suddenly found a vague black shadow in front of them.

It approached slowly.

So they stopped immediately and instinctively took out their guns and aimed.

"Who is that...? Did you see it clearly?"

"Fuck! Is it from the enemy gang?!"

"Is it COP?"

They carefully observed carefully and whispered.

The leader couldn't help but shout: "Who is it?!"

The black shadow didn't say anything, but disappeared in an instant.

Before they could react, they clearly felt a cold and gloomy wind blowing.

Then, the black shadow suddenly appeared again.

And it was close at hand!

Now they finally saw clearly that it was a thing about three meters tall and without a face.

What the hell is this... a ghost? !

Whoosh whoosh whoosh——!

The thin ghost didn't give them a chance to recover at all. Six tentacles rushed over and wrapped around their necks.

"Woo woo woo woo..."

The bodies of the six people were immediately lifted off the ground, whimpering in pain.

His mind was blank, and he had no idea what was going on.

Then, the bodies of five of them shook violently twice, and then their eyes slid open and they died.

The bodies also dried up quickly, visibly, like mummies.

This was because their souls had been sucked away.

The leaders who were still alive instinctively struggled hard, but to no avail.

At the same time, his consciousness became very strange.

It was as if he had drunk a drug, and he was confused and heard someone talking to him.

The interrogator: "Who do you follow? Who is the real boss behind the gang?"

He replied uncontrollably: "I follow Boss Michael. I don't know the biggest boss... I've never seen him."

This is absolutely impossible to lie.

Because although the thin ghost can't speak, it has already controlled his mind, which is equivalent to a conversation with his mind.

Once he is caught, he basically answers whatever he is asked.

He continued to ask: "What is your next plan?"

The other party replied: "I don't know... He hasn't told us yet."

After getting the information he wanted, the thin ghost did not kill him, but disappeared quietly.

The reason is very simple: it's just the right time to play the long game.

This guy will definitely go to find the boss in a while. As long as they meet, they can know where he is hiding through telepathy.

It's easy to kill him.


"Cough cough cough...!!"

The leader fell to the ground and came back to his senses while coughing violently.

He looked around in astonishment and confusion, and had no idea what had just happened.

Who was I talking to just now? !

What did you say?

Wait...I seem to have seen a tall, faceless thing before.

What is that...a ghost? ?

And why are all the companions dead...What the hell is going on? !

The leader looked at the corpse on the ground in astonishment, and couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time.

I just felt creepy and hurriedly ran away.

Half an hour later.

He returned to the city and ran into a three-story apartment.

Came to room 333.

There are five people in here now, all of them are Nigs from the Bull Gang.

The one wearing a black turban, a nose ring, and a scar on the left corner of his eye is Michael.

He is also the second leader on the list.

This person is obsessed with an ancient voodoo religion in Africa, so he usually seems to be weird.

He often laughs in the last second and becomes fierce and beats people in the next second.

And I don’t know if he is really gifted, or if there are supernatural powers in the mysterious voodoo sect.

He can really sense some mysterious things.

A younger brother saw this and said, "Why did you come back just now? Were you followed by the police?"

Another echoed, "Why you? Where are the other five brothers?"

The leader shook his head in panic, "No... Listen to me... I just encountered something very scary!"

"We were retreating according to the plan, but a very strange black shadow killed our people!"

Michael put down his coffee cup after hearing this, and a trace of doubt and evil flashed in his eyes.

He keenly noticed something was wrong.

He said slowly, "Oh, really? What kind of black shadow is that?"

The leader replied, "I don't know how to describe it, I just know it's very tall and has no facial features!"

Several people frowned when they heard this.

While thinking, they couldn't help but have a lot of questions on their heads. How could there be people without facial features in this world?

Could this kid be high?

Michael was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of something.

He immediately asked: "Is that thing wearing a black suit, tall but very thin, and very pale?!"

The leader thought about it and nodded repeatedly: "YES! That's it... It doesn't look like a human at all!"

Michael's expression became shocked and incredible.

As a voodoo believer, he cares a lot about supernatural events and is willing to delve into them.

So, he naturally knows about the urban legend of the thin and long ghost.

And he also believes that it must exist.

I didn't expect that there is such a monster in the world? !

Just thinking about it, a younger brother suddenly said: "I watched a video yesterday, and it seems to be very similar to what you said."

"A group of high school students went to explore a haunted house, and then they also encountered a monster without facial features."

Including Michael, everyone quickly took out their mobile phones to search for videos to watch.

Then they were completely shocked.

If you just watch other people's videos, you basically won't take it seriously, just for fun.

But now that one of our own people also said that they encountered that monster, this has to be deeply incredible.

Michael stared at the leader silently, his eyes flickering, and I don't know what he was thinking.

Then he closed his eyes and lowered his head, raised his hands and made a strange gesture.

This is a kind of psychic method of voodoo.

Three minutes later, he returned to normal and opened his eyes, revealing a hint of a meaningful smile.

Then he calmly asked: "Why did it kill others but not you?"

The leader shook his head in confusion: "I don't know..."

"Did it ask you anything?"

"It seems so, but I really can't remember."

"Very good, hehehehehe..."


Michael sneered for a moment, suddenly took out a gun and pointed it at his head and shot directly.

The leader had no time to react or dodge, and his head exploded and he died.

The ground was covered with blood and brains.

The other brothers were dumbfounded when they saw this, and they didn't understand what was going on.

WTF? !

Why did they suddenly kill their own people? !

One of the brothers bravely said: "Boss... Boss, why is this?"

Michael sneered: "Hehehe, it's very simple, he is no longer him."

The four people were even more confused after hearing this.

What does it mean?

He is not him, who else can he be?

Michael explained: "This is the spiritual power I sensed, do you understand? No, you won't understand."

"Don't talk nonsense, leave now! It's not safe here anymore."

After that, he immediately opened the door and strode away.

What he did now was not pretending at all.

But he really felt some weird breath.

Especially the sense of crisis.

Instinct told him that he was in deep danger and must quickly escape from this town!

The brothers looked at each other, although they didn't understand what terrible thing had happened.

But now that it has come to this, we can only run away quickly.

However, after chasing him out, we found that the boss had already driven away.


"Damn it, what happened to the boss? Why is he so panicked?"

"Could it be that the FBI came to our door?!"

"I don't know either. Let's not talk about it. Let's go and find the brothers first."

The four of them did not stop, drove another car and left in the opposite direction, disappearing into the darkness.

At this time.

Michael stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and sped towards the town exit.

As he drove, his face was uncertain, and the fear increased instead of decreasing.

He didn't know the truth about the thin ghost, and didn't know what he wanted to do.

But he knew that the sixth sense of crisis was not wrong.

This sense has existed since childhood, like a special talent.

Because of this ability, he escaped several assassinations, car accidents and other disasters.

Later, a member of the voodoo sect learned about this, so he took the initiative to find him and tricked him into joining the sect.

Then the whole person began to become weird.

But no matter what, I believe that the intuition is absolutely correct.


Escape from this place immediately.

Otherwise, you will die without a burial place!

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