People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 401 Survival Day 401: Tonight, the air is filled with ghosts

Leaving the main city and driving onto the interstate is already far away from the town.

There are not many vehicles in the city at this time, let alone in the suburbs.

On the endless interstate highway, there was no darkness at all, and only the light of his car was shining.

After driving like this for about half an hour, Michael suddenly felt his eyes blurred.

I don’t know why, but fortunately it was fleeting.

He felt that it was probably due to nervousness and prolonged use of his eyes, so he wasn't too worried.

So he took out a bottle of energy drink with one hand, opened it, and took two sips to refresh himself.

Feeling a little better.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a dark figure appearing in the back seat from the rearview mirror!

“Thank you for your generous gift!!”

Michael exclaimed and immediately turned around.

But the back seat was empty, and there was no shadow anywhere.

He quickly turned his head back to prevent the car from going sideways, and quickly thought about whether he was also dazzled just now? ?


The sixth sense told me that I was not wrong!

He couldn't help swallowing hard, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

He could hallucinate without even meeting the lanky ghost. Partly because he was too nervous.

On the one hand, it was because of the bad luck brought about by the little brother who was let go, and he was also indirectly infected!

The sense of crisis is indeed correct, and it is absolutely the right choice to run away decisively!

"Stab it... sting it"

At this time, the car radio started automatically and made a sound.

Michael was so frightened by the suddenness that he almost stepped on the brake pedal accidentally.


What's going on? !

He listened nervously to the sound coming from the radio, but he couldn't make out what it was.

Because it's just noise.

After a while, I finally heard some different and rhythmic sounds.

Click... click.

It sounds like a shovel is shoveling the ground? ?

Just as he was listening carefully, something suddenly appeared in front of the road without warning.

Bang! ! !

Michael had no time to react or brake, and crashed into the car.

The huge force caused the front of the car to collapse, and the airbag instantly popped out and hit him in the face.

He fainted without even a chance to react.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Michael woke up in confusion and found that he was in an extremely dark place where he could not see his fingers.

And the air feels very thin.

"What's wrong with me?!"

He was stunned for a while before he remembered what had just happened, and he suddenly woke up with fear.


Subconsciously, I wanted to sit up, but as a result, I only raised my upper body by more than 20 degrees, and my head hit something.

It hurt so much that I couldn't help but gasp.

I quickly touched it with my hand and saw that it seemed to be a large wooden board.

Why is this thing on the top of your head?

He groped around again in confusion, and tried to stand up again, but his body couldn't do it at all.

At this point I finally understood what was going on.


It is surrounded by wooden boards from top to bottom, left and right, and the space is so small that you can only lie down.

Is this it a coffin? ! !

Michael was breaking out in cold sweat, and he had no idea why this was happening.

Why is he lying in the coffin strangely? !




He pounded the wooden board above him in panic, but unfortunately it didn't move.

But soon I felt a gap with my hand and hurriedly opened it.

Then a dim light shone in.

It turned out to be a small window about twenty centimeters long and ten centimeters wide.

At the same time, I saw an invisible man wearing a straw hat, wielding a shovel, shoveling soil, and throwing it downwards.

Is this... burying yourself? !

But who is that? ?

"Let me out! FUCK... let me out!"

Michael didn't have time to think so much, and immediately beat the coffin board desperately and screamed.

However, the other party ignored him and seemed to be unable to hear. He shoveled and threw dirt mechanically.

While he was yelling, he suddenly thought of something quite terrifying.

That was before the car accident, I heard a shoveling-like sound on the radio.

Doesn’t this mean that... what I heard is actually the current situation? !

Foretelling of one's own death? !

Michael was stunned with fear, and then saw something even more weird and terrifying.

I saw a dark figure in the distance hesitated for a moment, and then slowly and carefully walked over.

The other party got closer and closer, reaching a position more than ten meters behind the shovel man.

But the man digging the hole didn't seem to hear the footsteps and didn't look back.

The man put his hand on his waist and held the pistol: "Hello, sir, excuse me."

When someone suddenly spoke, the man did not shout or turn around in fear, and was still waving the shovel.

It seemed as if he knew someone was coming back.

He chuckled and replied while digging the soil: "You are finally here."

Heiying was shocked when he heard this. What was going on? The other party actually knew that he was coming? ?

He asked doubtfully and warily: "Who are you? Do you know me?"

"Hey, of course, if I don't wait for you, who else can I wait for?"

The shovelman finally stopped the hoe in his hand, turned his back to him and let out a weird laugh.

The black shadow asked sharply: "Who are you?! Turn around!"

The man slowly turned around obediently.

When he finally saw the face clearly, Hei Ye was stunned with wide eyes.

Because... that was Lewis who had died tragically!

And in the dug pit, there was a coffin quietly placed.

There was a small window on the wooden board, and a person was staring at everything with wide eyes in horror.

Buzz! !

Michael watched the black shadow appear in his field of vision, and his shocked brain suddenly went blank.

He was completely dumbfounded and stunned.

Because the person who came... turned out to be him! !

But he was lying in the coffin now!

With the hysterical panic, he also felt dizzy.

After the uncomfortable feeling passed, he opened his eyes and found that everything just now suddenly disappeared.

And he was still sitting in the car, holding the steering wheel.

The neon lights outside shone through the glass, and his face was red and blue.


Michael blinked hard, his brain was a little down for a while, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

This...? ?

Where is the man shoveling the dirt, and where is the weird self?

Wasn't he in the coffin?

How come all the images disappeared in an instant, and he was still sitting in the car? ?

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly came to his senses and realized where he was.

He... was still in the city!

He didn't leave.



Didn't he drive away for a long time? He also saw the horrible scene just now.

How... How could he still be in the city without moving? ? !


Thinking of this, he raised his hand and slapped himself hard.

A burning pain came, but he didn't seem to be dreaming or hallucinating at the moment.

Proved that everything was true.

Michael had goose bumps all over his body, and he felt more scared and horrified than before.

The scenes just now could still be explained by hallucinations, after all, they disappeared now.

But how to explain it now? ?

I actually never left the car or the town.

But why... everything I experienced before was so real?

I crashed the car.

Then I entered the coffin inexplicably, and then...

When he thought of this, he suddenly remembered another question and hurriedly started the car.

However, the car was motionless, as if it had been crashed.

This result completely defeated his will.

Although he didn't understand the truth, he believed that everything he had experienced was true!

No matter how horrible, absurd, or bizarre it was, it was true.

Michael broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly climbed out of the car and fled the place quickly.

He didn't go back to the Bull Gang, nor did he look for help from others.

Instead, he went all the way to a secret base.

Only he knew about this place, where guns, drugs, and cash were stored.

Close the entrances and exits tightly, and then quickly deploy defense equipment.

According to the current inference and the sixth sense, it can be guessed that it was probably the thin ghost who was causing trouble!

No matter whether it is a human or a ghost, since it has already started, it can't just sit there and wait for death!

Michael knew that it was better to face it or even take the initiative to attack it than to be afraid and avoid it.

Maybe he could still survive!

He placed three modified rifles on the table in a row, then took off his clothes and pants and put on a bulletproof vest.

After putting on the clothes, he put a shield-like thing that was two meters long and one meter high in front of him.

After everything was done, he hid behind and loaded the gun, always watching the door.

There was a wall behind him, and no matter who wanted to come in, they could only go through the door in front. Once they came in, they would be aimed at by three guns.

Whether it was a human or a monster, they would be beaten to pieces in front of large-caliber bullets.

Michael continued to guess while staring at the door, wondering why the thin ghost wanted to kill him?

And how did he cast a spell on himself... How should I say, a curse-like magic? ?

After thinking about it, he had no clue at all.

Then he began to mutter some strange language in a low voice. This was a spell learned in the voodoo sect.

You can ask the gods to possess you and help solve the problem at hand.

It is similar to the domestic art of summoning gods and mediums.

After reciting it several times, his mood gradually became stable, and he was not as panicked and scared as before.

At the same time, his phone suddenly vibrated with a message.

He took a look and saw that it was the boss who sent it: "Where have you been, what happened?!"

After hesitating for a moment, he told the truth about what he had encountered.

"Sorry, boss, I encountered a series of terrifying things that cannot be explained by common sense"

"Do you know the Slender Ghost? It has set its sights on me!"

"I don't know why I became its target, and I don't know what its real purpose is"

"But I can really sense that kind of danger, and it is approaching quickly"

"I wanted to escape tonight, but I encountered something extremely terrible halfway..."

He told the whole story.

Maybe he was holding it in his heart and felt uncomfortable, or maybe he subconsciously wanted to leave some last words.

After he finished speaking, the boss replied: "Where are you now? I will help you immediately!"

Michael replied: "I am in a house five kilometers away in the southern suburbs of the city"

"Stay where you are and wait for me, we will get there as quickly as possible"

"Okay, boss, hurry up!"

He did not refuse to help because he really needed help at this time.

If his companions can really arrive in time, maybe he won't have any problems.

While they were talking, the lanky ghost had quietly arrived outside the door.

It stood in a dark corner looking at the house, satisfied with its plan.

After releasing the leader, it immediately started tracking and mind control.

It looked like he didn't show up just now, but in fact he had already successfully found his target.

And secretly "cast spells".

When Michael escaped from the house, got into the car and drove away, he immediately controlled and implemented the hallucination.

Hence the strange situation just now.

Now that the target has been successfully frightened back, it's time to catch the turtle in the jar.

But it doesn't want to break in, that would be too boring.

And as long as he goes in, Nig will definitely fight back crazily, and the sound of gunshots will attract others' attention.

But what else can be done?

After thinking for a while, the lanky ghost had an idea, so he quietly walked to the door and knocked.

Dang Dang.

After Michael heard the knock on the door, he couldn't help but trembled, and his heart was in his throat.

The phone fell to the ground and the screen went black.

He immediately became highly nervous, his fingers always ready to pull the trigger.

Coming...really coming? !

His breathing began to quicken, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He was scared but also a little excited.

However, the knock on the door only rang twice and then there was no sound.

After waiting nervously for five minutes, nothing happened.

Just when Michael was guessing what was going on outside the door, an even weirder thing happened!

He suddenly found that his shadow was moving! ! !

The shadow seemed to have become a living person, approaching the door a little bit, and then unlocked the door...


The door opened slowly, and a cold breeze blew in.

Seeing this scene, Michael was so frightened that he almost suffocated. His eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, and he stood there in a daze, trembling.

The shadow moved... My own shadow actually moved? !

Moreover, he turned around and smiled at himself! !

This scene was very similar to when I was lying in the coffin and saw myself standing on top of the pit.


Michael felt his heart stabbing suddenly, his body went limp and he collapsed to the ground, clutching his chest.

But he did not die suddenly because of this, but looked at the shadow on the ground with panic in his eyes.

As he watched, his eyes began to become dull, and soon became a little dull.

He put his ear to the ground and seemed to be listening to the shadow?

After a moment, he revealed an evil and meaningful smile.

If anyone saw him, they would definitely be frightened by his appearance, because he didn't look like a normal person at all.

Then he stood up, took out a pen and paper and started writing and drawing.

After finishing the painting, Michael walked out of the house with paper and an iron chain, and came to the foot of a big tree numbly.

He first stuck the paper on the tree, then wrapped one end of the chain around his neck and tied it in a tight knot.

Then climb up and wrap the other end around the branch, which is also a dead knot.

Then he loosened his arms and legs.

Under the influence of gravity, the iron chain directly strangled his neck, and a heartbreaking pain and suffocation surged through his body.

Michael instinctively began to struggle, and at the same time, his dim eyes suddenly returned to their normal expression.

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