With the blessing of the helicopter, the journey that would have taken three days took only three hours to complete.

When the plane landed on the tarmac on the top floor of the Queens Hotel, an open-air fashion party was being held here, and the eyes of the crowd were drawn to the few distinguished guests who fell from the sky.

Shen Long’s handsome eastern face, coupled with his body transformed by super soldier serum, immediately attracted the attention of many beautiful women in Europe and the United States.

To change to normal, he doesn’t mind slowing down his journey home and having a dewy relationship with some beautiful baby who looks at each other.

But now he is obviously not in this mood, because all he wants to do is to help 2B repair the prosthesis, plus he has just experienced the war and the hard work, even if he is a super soldier, he can’t be like a robot without rest.

After returning to his private room, Shen Long instructed the butler to politely decline whoever came to him.

In this regard, the butler naturally agreed with his mouth, after all, Shen Long’s consumption amount in the Queen Hotel has exceeded 99% of the VIP members, and there are few people in Gotham City who use the presidential suite as his own home.

When Shen Long asked who the remaining 1% were, the butler reported several names, among which he was most familiar with the godfather of the gangster in Gotham City, Lord Falcone, and the young treasurer of the Wayne family business, Bruce Wayne Jr.

The reason why they can surpass Shen Long is that they have permanently chartered two suites, but the occupancy rate throughout the year is less than two weeks.

The willful behavior of these two krypton gold bigwigs refreshed Shen Long’s cognition of rich people.

It turns out that the life of a rich person is so flat (jiao), light (she), and no (yin) qi (yi).

In the consultation with the system, Shen Long learned that the repair of the 2B body cost more than 00,000 points and lasted for 48 hours, and he exhaled a turbid breath, just in these two days, he can also take a good rest and calculate the next plan by the way.

But it backfired, and early the next morning, his doorbell rang non-stop.

After cursing the housekeeper’s dereliction of duty in his heart, Shen Long rubbed the fluffy chicken nest head, wearing only a comfortable silk pajamas, and went to open the mahogany gilded door of the main living room.

Outside the door, Selena’s feet lay two hotel security guards with blue noses and swollen faces, and the housekeeper explained to Shen Long in a panic: “Mr. Long, first of all, please forgive me for my dereliction of duty, but this young lady’s behavior is really ridiculous, after I clearly told her your orders, she still forcibly asked to see you, but don’t worry, I have called GCPD, and the people from the police station will arrive soon.” ”

“Selena, are you trying to me off?” Shen Long’s face was full of black lines: “Didn’t I explain to you, don’t call me in the past two days, don’t come to me, I want to be quiet and quiet alone, accompany 2B to repair her body?” ”

Selena eagerly raised her mobile phone: “, you better look at this first, this matter can’t wait for you to rest well, Ivy is dying.” ”

“What is it? What happened to Ivy? Her words didn’t sound like a joke, which gave Shen Long a bad premonition.

“You’d better see for yourself.” Selena handed him the phone and said to the housekeeper at the same time: “Now you should believe that I am indeed the sister of your master, right?” What else are you, what should you do, don’t annoy people here. ”

“Mr. Long, don’t you really need any help?” In the face of Selena’s extremely impolite expulsion, the butler still maintained his gentlemanly demeanor.

“Of course, let the people of GCPD please come back, and then take your people to heal the injuries, and I will give them the compensation they deserve.”

Confirmed by Shen Long, the housekeeper left with two security guards who were put down by Selena, this girl is simply becoming more and more presumptuous, and there is no matter the occasion, you must know that the share composition of this hotel is very complicated, and almost all the four major families have injected capital, so those who dare to make trouble here are either mentally ill or crazy.

I saw Selena’s mobile phone picture, Ivy’s mouth and eyes were covered with vinyl tape, her body was tied behind her back, and she was hanging upside down on an inclined steel beam, and under her, there was a chemical pool thirty feet square and bubbling green.

As for the surrounding environment, it is like an unknown abandoned chemical plant, which can be seen from the scrapped incinerator and various rusty instruments not far away, such a dilapidated and abandoned factory, the entire Gotham City, only the old industrial area of Naiho Island can be found.

“When was this?” Shen Long asked eagerly, he could probably guess that Ivy must have been discovered by the other party because of her whereabouts.

“Seven o’clock this morning.” Selena glanced at her watch and looked terrified: “It’s been an hour and a half, Ivy won’t tear up the ticket, right?” ”

“What are you talking about, you don’t have any brains.” Shen Long was so angry that he rewarded her with a chestnut: “If you are a kidnapper, will you kill the hostages at will before you get the ransom?” ”

“So what to do?”

“Wait.” Shen Long sank his heart: “I can only wait, wait for the other party to call for ransom.” ”

Shen Long’s reasoning was indeed fulfilled, and half an hour later, Selena’s mobile phone rang, and the caller ID was an unfamiliar number.

After receiving Shen Long’s instruction, Selena answered the phone like a thin ice.

“Hi kitten, long time no see, have you missed me lately?” On the other end of the phone, there was a voice of a yin and yang strange man speaking.

From his first greeting, Selena could already hear that it was Red Devil Jack’s voice.

And this person is the murderer that Shen Long tried his best to catch, and it was he who single-handedly brewed the Park Street Massacre that shocked the United States.

Selena had only a few brief contacts with him, because the two had far different territories and no intersection of interests, and Red Devil Jack and his brother Rooney Bad Tooth had been messing around in the East City District and were the titular boss of the East Eighth District.

Selena mainly hangs out in the West Side, although no one has heard of her Meow Gang.

“Jack, you bastard! What did you do to Ivy? Hearing his provocation, the kitten clattered her teeth in anger, she knew the means of Red Devil Jack, this is a pervert who likes to torture girls, the girl party who once had a dispute with her is covered by this guy, and the two sides have maintained a very evil supply relationship, after all, the main business of the girl party is to kidnap ignorant girls in the name of the same sex, and then profit from it.

It is precisely because Selena can’t see them that she often clashes with them, but it is always the other party who suffers, after all, the skills she learned from the armless master are not jokes. _

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