“Hahaha, the cry that the kitten makes when it is angry is really cute.” After Jack the Red Devil let out a burst of wolf laughter, he suddenly shouted viciously: “Selena, I haven’t asked you to settle accounts about cutting my sister Betsy’s hair, and now you dare to send your sister to follow me, do you still want to mess around on Naihe Island?” ”

“Bah, Betsy’s Bichi is purely self-inflicted, the next time I see her, I will not only cut her hair, but also cut off her pig nose and give it to your mother to stew soup.” Selena was completely unwilling to show weakness, and in front of Shen Long, she spat fragrant fragrance in her mouth.

“Hahaha, Selena, I warn you, your sharp teeth can’t stop my determination to use a knife on your girlfriend, you should really see how she looks crying now, it’s much worse than when I saw Betsy.” While talking to Selena, Jack sent her a newly taken photo.

In the photo, Ivy’s originally dense hair has been cut to the limit, her painful expression and tears on her face, like a burning steel needle, stabbed fiercely on Selena’s heart, so angry that she couldn’t even hold her mobile phone, just trembling vigorously.

“Jack! I swear! I’m going to kill you! God can’t keep you! The kitten roared hoarsely, she was so big, she had never suffered such a setback, her best friend, was bullied and ravaged like that, but she could only watch, there was nothing she could do with the other party.

Hearing the kitten’s roar, Red Devil Jack burst into a man-piercing laugh: “Hahahahaha, baby, bark a little harder, I like it!” ”

“Selena, don’t talk nonsense with him, it’s important to save people,” only Shen Long, who was watching coldly, knew that the humiliation that Ivy endured was a necessary step for her to evolve from an ordinary girl to a poison ivy girl, after all, the birth of a supervillain is often accompanied by extreme pain.

In this regard, the Joker deserves to be the most perfect interpreter, as are the penguins and the Riddler, a white eye that has suffered from the world, a man who has not been favored by the girl he loves no matter how hard he tries, and finally splits into a dark personality, committing crimes and spreading terror everywhere.

“If I’m not mistaken, the person talking next to you is the big money you recently poured in, right?” Red Devil Jack heard Shen Long’s voice and said extremely presumptuously: “Recently, rumors have been spreading in Xicheng District that you and Ivy were raised by a young rich man, and you can mix it up Selena, it seems that you were in the reformatory before, and you did not provide services to the dean, but your acting skills are really good, everyone thinks you are a chaste martyr.” ”

“Jack, you beast! Forcing you stuffed with poop. You can humiliate me, but you can’t humiliate my brother! Hearing such filthy words as “package maintenance” and “service”, Selena turned red, but she still defended Shen Long.

Because she grew up in an environment where she was abused and pointed at, she was completely able to withstand such slander, but she was not sure if Shen Long had such a ability to resist pressure.

“Gee, Selena, you’re really a group, but I’m more interested in how much money does this brother of yours plan to pay to help his sister solve the problem?” Red Devil Jack finally told his true intentions, in other words, he would not bother at all, because he knew that Selena and Ivy were two poor ghosts who couldn’t even pay rent, but now it was different, they could move into a big house, and they must have made a lot of money.

“It depends on how much you plan to want, not how much I can give.” Shen Long answered the phone: “But I warn you, I am a businessman, most of the businessman’s money is pressed on the inventory, the liquidity I can use is very limited, if you offer a price that I can’t accept at all, then I can only choose to call the police and let GCPD take over this matter, after all, I have only had a relationship with the girl named Ivy, and I can’t take risks for this.” ”

Shen Long’s words were not revealed, and for Red Devil Jack, who had no experience in kidnapping, it obviously played a big role, and after a brief exchange with his brother Rooney the Bad Tooth, he replied to Shen Long: “1 million US dollars, less than this amount, no need to talk.” ”

“Okay, then you can tear up the ticket now, goodbye, Mr. Jack.” Shen Long did not hesitate in the slightest and repeated the reply he had thought of in advance.

It is impossible for him to create an image of a “big fat sheep” for the other party like a fool.

“NONNOO, DON’T HANG UP, HOW ABOUT EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND?” Hearing that Shen Long asked him to tear up the ticket, Red Devil Jack panicked all of a sudden, he didn’t want to work in vain.

“Five hundred thousand, this is my bottom line.” Shen Long continued his superb acting skills.

“Okay, okay, half a million is half a million, I want cash.” Hearing this price, Red Devil Jack quickly agreed, after all, for a gangster leader like him, collecting a year’s protection fee may not be able to receive half a million.

“No problem.” Shen Long said calmly: “Time, place, and trading method.” ”

“I haven’t thought about this yet…”

Hearing him say this, Shen Long immediately interrupted him: “Mr. Jack, my time is precious, I will fly to New York in the afternoon to negotiate a deal, so can you be an efficient person like me?” I give money, you release people, such a simple business, still use me to teach you? ”

“Okay, okay, then meet in two hours at the Wanda Chemical Plant in East Eighth District.” Jack was completely caught up in Shen Long’s negotiation rhythm, but he eventually added: “I warn you, don’t call the police, otherwise I will tear up the ticket.” ”

“Of course.” Shen Long smiled and said, “As you wish, I am a person with integrity, then see you later.” “_

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