Otherwise she would have to adjust from it.
As for the share ratio, she didn’t care either.
In the end, she will take all the one billion yuan she got away by herself.
So she doesn’t care how much she gets.
Even if her share is less, it’s fine.
It’s just that, as the initiator of the action, he is also the person who spends the most time.
If she didn’t give herself a little more, she was worried that the three of them would doubt her purpose.
“Then, let’s re-plan the action plan!” Hirota Masami said.
Because of Guan Zu’s joining, the previous plan has been slightly adjusted.
First of all, the weapons during the action are still provided by Masami Hirota.
Because she has channels.
Then there’s the mobility vehicle, which requires a van that isn’t underpowered.
The vehicle was prepared by racer Kaizuka.
He and Guan Zu will have to familiarize themselves with the escape route in the next period of time.
As for Yasui, when he is on duty, let everyone know in advance.
Wait for the armored van to arrive at the bank parking lot and start to act immediately.
27. Can you meet Conan here? (2 for collection!)
In the next few days, Guan Zu was familiar with the escape route with the hedgehog named Kai Zhong.
It must be done. After the operation is successful and the one billion coins in the armored vehicle are snatched, escape from the scene as quickly as possible.
Kaizuka is the main driver, and Guan Zu is the backup deputy.
Once something happens to Kaizuka, he needs to be able to take over Kaizuka’s driving job.
At the same time, Guan Zu is also one of the main shooters.
When it’s time to act, Kanzu, Kaizuka, and Hirota Masami will all act as masked gunmen.
they needIn the first time, the two escorts in the cab were controlled.
After that, he quickly removed all the banknotes contained in the dura aluminum alloy box.
Those loose coins do not need to be handled.
A bag of coins is heavy to death, but it doesn’t necessarily have much money.
After the operation is successful, Hirota Masami will leave with Guanzu and the others.
Head to the pre-prepared getaway vehicle hideout for a quick vehicle change.
Hide money in the large rental lockers at the station.
The locker key has been sawed off ahead of time.
After putting the money in, the two keys will be kept by Masami Hirota and Kaizuka respectively.
After Masami Hirota resigns from the bank safely, everyone will withdraw the money together and divide the spoils.
She didn’t run away directly because she didn’t want to be wanted.
In the next few days, Guan Zu and Kai Zhong were familiar with the retreat route.
On the contrary, Mori Kogoro, because he solved several cases in a row, started to gain some fame.
The Valentine’s Day aunt poisoned the nephew incident, the museum director murder incident, and the family members of the patient attempted to kill the doctor’s child in order to avenge the dead son, etc.
These incidents were all in the newspapers.
Let Mori Kogoro gradually become known to the public.
The only thing that makes Guan Zu a little strange is that.
The boss of the Italian robber has been caught for many days, but his accomplices have not been caught yet.
Shouldn’t Conan help find the ‘treasure’ and capture the escaped robbers?
Or, because I took the gold coins in advance, Conan and those little devils will not be able to meet the Italian robbers?
Conan and the others are the sons of the will of this world, right?
But Guan Zu didn’t care too much.
If you didn’t touch it, you didn’t touch it, anyway, it has nothing to do with you.
After a few days of familiarization, the entire escape route is completely familiar.
The replacement vehicle has already been prepared.
Just wait for the day of the action and park the vehicle at the scheduled location.
Soon, the time for action was set.
This Saturday, that is, tomorrow, the action will start at twelve noon.
On that day, the head office of Mitsubishi Bank, the money to be distributed to each branch will be escorted by several escort vehicles and sent to each branch respectively.
Yasui’s escort vehicle will be the first to arrive at Mihua Sub-branch at twelve o’clock that day.
At that time, everyone needs to complete the action within five minutes and evacuate quickly.
Weapons were handed out.
A suppressed pistol, held by Guan Zu.
A shotgun, held by Kaizuka.
Hirota Masami also owns a pistol.
As for Yasui, he was the security officer in the escort vehicle.
After the whereabouts are over, he will continue to stay on the scene, so naturally he doesn’t need a weapon.
If you have a weapon, it will be more suspicious.
The next morning, Yasui and Masami Hirota went to work normally.
Guanzu and Kaizuka, first park the car to be replaced at the planned location.
It was an embankment road that few cars passed by.
Near noon, Guan Zu and Kaizuka drove to Mitsubishi Bank.
And parked the car in the parking lot of Mitsubishi Bank, waiting for the arrival of the armored van.
Mori Kogoro brought Xiaolan and Conan to Mitsubishi Bank to confirm the customer’s remittance.
After confirmation, I thought about taking Xiaolan and Conan to have a big meal outside.
Have a drink or two by yourself.
Because his reputation is getting bigger and bigger recently, more and more people ask him for help.
The passbook was filled with the number of remittances.
You have to replace it with a new passbook.
I happened to see the beautiful Masami Hirota, so I leaned over lewdly, asking her to replace a new blank passbook for me.
Hirota Masami glanced at the time from time to time, because she needed to go to the parking lot to help when it was twelve o’clock.
Naturally, I don’t have time to help Mori Kogoro handle business.
It just so happened that Mori Kogoro did not receive a number, which was a queue jumping behavior.
She then made an excuse to ask Mori Kogoro to get the number first.
Just as Kogoro Mori walked away, Masami Hirota looked at the time again, and it was already eleven fifty-eight.
The cash van is almost here.
She also needs a change of clothes, which will take a little time.
Then he put up a business suspension sign on his desk, got up and left.
And all of this was seen by Conan who was sitting in the rest area, waiting until Mori Kogoro.
Why does she keep checking the time?
However, Conan was just curious, and didn’t immediately think that Masami Hirota was going to rob the armored vehicle.
After all, I just glanced at the time a few more times, and it is impossible to directly associate it with the robbery.
Bank parking lot.
Masami Hirota came to the van.
Quickly put on the black clothes prepared in advance.
Soon, the three of them saw the armored van drive into the parking lot and stop at the back door of the bank.
The three people who had already ambushed in the car immediately put on knitted masks.
Guan Zu and Hirota Masami quickly got out of the car and ran to the blind spot behind the armored van.
Kaizuka started the vehicle, ready to drive over at any time.
When the two heard the door open, they went out immediately, hijacked the two escorts in the driver’s cab, and knocked them unconscious.
Yasui, who was inside the armored vehicle, opened the door of the armored vehicle from the inside.
Guan Zu held a pistol, pointed at the glass of another car door from the outside, and fired a shot at the change bag in the car.
Pretend to be a robber driving from the outside, threatening the illusion of the escort inside to open the door.
The glass shattered.

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